Sabtu, 24 September 2016

7 27 ME Lower

Reverse band deadlift (reverse average bands)
  145 x 5
  335 x 3
  445 x 1
  495 x 1
  add briefs
  585 x 1
  645 x 1
  705 x 1
  735 x 1 (20 lb PR)
  755 miss (dropped bar)

Front squats
  185 x 8 x 1
  225 x 8 x 1
  275 x 8 x 2
  315 x 8 x 1

Band leg curl
  small band x 25 x 2

Band good morning
  average band x 25 x 2

*Dropped a 100 lb plate on my left middle finger unloading the deadlift bar...not good, split open and bled everywhere. Need to heal this up before meet day, not sure how bad training will be affected.

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