Sabtu, 17 September 2016

Training Labrador Puppy

By Karel Micek

Start training labrador puppy. Behavioral problems left unattended are very bad for yours dogs mental development, confidence and relationship with you and other people.

Is your labrador puppy ignoring your commands?

Are you calling to your labrador to come, and he/she ignores you?

What to avoid when training labrador puppy:

1. Never chase after a dog that wont come

2. Never call your labrador to you to reprimand them.

3. Never call your dog over for something they clearly do not enjoy (getting their nails clipped, taking a bath)

* In the short term it stresses out the canine.

* In the long term this technique establishes a relationship based on fear and threats rather than a healthy serving of respect.

Your little labrador disobeys commands because:

1. He does not understand you

If your tone contradicts your command you may not be giving your dog a clear idea of what you want him to do.

You are asking a lab puppy to do something rather then telling.

Make sure your commands are simple enough.

It is always better to pair hand signals with your verbal commands.

2. Your lab is ignoring you

If your dog is posturing confidently and does not appear stressed then it is more likely that he has opted not to listen. This suggest dominance issue.

What you can do when training labrador puppy:

1. Use a positive, happy, even excited tone of voice.

2. Try squatting down when calling. Open your arms as if to suggest an embrace or praise when they arrive.

3. If you can try walking the opposite way. This forces your dog to make a decision: Stay and get left or go home with you and get dinner.

4. Praise your puppy whenever they come, no matter how long it takes.


* The real benefit of not having to deal with obedience issues is the fact that you can put all of your energy into making your relationship a fulfilling one.

* Dog training is very important for your labrador puppy and for your stress levels.

Be patient.

Start training labrador puppy as soon as possible. It will help to create relationship with your lab.

Article Source:

Karel Micek - EzineArticles Expert Author

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