Senin, 26 September 2016

11 30 ME Lower

SS Bar Squat, Raw w/ sleeves
  65 x 5
  155 x 5
  245 x 3
  335 x 2
  425 x 1
  475 x 1
  525 miss

Bad squat night, everything felt off. Raw squats will all be with sleeves only for awhile, no knee wraps, potentially doing a raw meet in March.

Plate loaded hack squat
  360 x 8 x 5

T-bar row
  160 x 12 x 5

Circuit, 3 times thru:
   1. Leg extension 135 x 20
   2. Lying leg curl 135 x 20
   3. Abductor 110 x 20
   4. Adductor 110 x 30

Reverse Hyper
  360 x 20 x 4

Spread-eagle sit-ups
  bw x 20 x 4

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