Kamis, 29 September 2016

Feral Cats need your help


We have a population of stray cats in our area. The cats are being provided for as far as food. The problem is that cats multiply very quickly- there has already been another litter this month. In fact, the population probably started out at 2 or 3 cats and has multiplied to many more. If we continue to let the population grow, Animal Control will get involved- trapping and killing them.

What Can We Do?
Luckily, there is a solution. Trap/neuter/release (TNR) is the only method proven to be humane and effective at controlling feral cat population growth. With TNR, all the feral cats in a colony are trapped, neutered/spayed, given vaccines and health checks and then returned to their territory where caretakers provide them with food and shelter. Young kittens that can still be socialized, as well as friendly adults, are adopted out to good homes.

Why TNR?
The returned colony guards its territory, preventing unneutered cats from moving in and beginning the cycle of overpopulation and problem behavior again.
Another significant advantage to TNR is that, when practiced on a large scale, it lessens the number of kittens and cats flowing into local shelters. This results in lower euthanasia rates and the increased adoption of cats already in the shelters.

We Need You!
In Raleigh, NC we have organizations that are lucky enough to help out populations such as ours. Normally, a spay/neuter costs around $250. That does not include shots or health checks. Operation Catnip has been contacted and we have been accepted for their services! For $25 a cat, we can solve this problem. We are asking for your donations to help our cat population- every dollar helps! As winter approaches, non-monetary donations (food, old dog houses which can be used as shelters, traps, etc) are very helpful as well!
To Donate:
Please provide cash or checks payable to ‘Operation Catnip’. The money must be sent as a group, so they know which colony it is for and that we have been approved. Please bring or send all donations to: 2009 Trexler Ct. Raleigh, NC 27606

Questions? Please e-mail cmherbst@ncsu.edu or hlpainter@hotmail.com

Thank You!
For more information: www.operationcatnip.org
www.alleycat.org www.feralcatfriends.org

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