Kamis, 06 Oktober 2016

By Jay Jacovitz

If we want to avoid a dog or cat health problem and quickly get our pet health questions answered, be prepared to take an active role in avoiding dog or cat health problems with more informed communication with your veterinarian when needed. Avoiding dog and cat health problems and extending their life is not an accident. This can be accomplished by simply knowing how to examine, diagnose and often treat your pet at home.

Today there is such a manual available to effectively deal with pet health problems that can save you a tremendous amount of money while drastically improving the overall health of your pets.

In some cases, this could be a matter of life or death for your pet.

Unlike anything ever seen or available before now, veterinary doctor Andrew Jones writes without medical jargon, without complicated procedures, and without an eye on the pharmaceutical companies bottom line. With the help and guidance of this manual, all that is required is the willingness to comfort and care for your sick or injured pet so you can alleviate pain or begin treatment before you even reach your vet.

The truth is that veterinarians have STRONGLY discouraged pet owners from treating their dog and cat health problems at home. The entire pet health industry has a vested interest in discrediting alternative medicines which can safely, naturally and effectively allow pet owners to care for their pets at home.

Dr. Jones, owner of the Nelson Animal Hospital in Nelson, BC, Canada, unequivocally states: "If youre not ready to make some simple changes to the way you provide veterinary care to your pet, beginning today, your dog or cat could be seriously ill and live a shortened life. I came to realize that I and most other veterinarians are not getting it - that in the process of trying to heal pets through technological advances, we are actually making them sicker!" Dr. Jones further states: "Regular veterinary care has lost its effectiveness over the years, and in some cases is causing illness in our pets".

Veterinarians for the most part are wonderful people who want only the best for their clients and your pets that are their patients. Like in any profession, there are terrific, good, passable and poor practitioners and this has nothing to do with their personalities.

Too many pets, both dogs and cats, and their owners suffer with a health problem because they relied exclusively on their vets to receive medical care.

When a vet is the only care option for a dog or cat health problem, guardians sometimes delay bringing their pet in for treatment because the pet becomes ill "after hours".

A dog or cat may have a health problem exasperated due to exclusive reliance on harsh drug treatments because guardians (and their vets) are unaware of effective, gentle, and natural treatments; or, treatment for chronic illnesses was discontinued by the owner because it was complicated or expensive, or the guardian was unable to afford the follow-up office visits and treatment.

There are some very real and common dangers your veterinarian will not tell you about for various reasons that result in dog health problems including the fact that he or she may not even know about them. However, given the opportunity, most pet guardians would want to know all the information that affects or could affect their companions.

Would you as a pet guardian give your dog something that might cause a "side effect" health problem such as: cancerous sarcomas, autoimmune diseases of the thyroid, joints, blood, eyes, skin, kidney, liver, bowel and central nervous system, including anaphylactic shock, aggression, seizures, and epilepsy? Believe it or not, shockingly these are adverse reactions to the RABIES VACCINE, especially from unnecessary over-vaccination.

Many pet owners have no idea that numerous dog health problems are a result of rabies over-vaccination.

Vets will often give a 3-YEAR dose of the rabies vaccine once a year, although the AAHA (American Animal Hospital Association) instructs them of the toxic dangers of this type of over-vaccination. Even more alarming, dogs may not need the vaccination for 5 years, and older dogs dont need it at all. You can avoid the dangers and associated health problems for your dog by asking if the rabies vaccine is a 3-year dose, which it should be. If "yes", and the vet insists on giving it annually, direct them to the AAHA website which is clear on the danger and states the extra vaccination is proven to not improve the dogs resistance to the rabies and can pose a health problem to your dog.

Certain dog health problems are caused by vets themselves, such as vaccinosis which requires hospitalization with IV fluids. The onset of vaccinosis is typically two weeks to a month following vaccinations. Symptoms that can appear in the dog include autoimmune diseases, such as irritable bowel disorders, lupus, pemphigus, hypothyroidism, chronic skin disease or allergic dermatitis.

Avoid over-immunization and you can avoid a health problem for your canine.

Have vaccine titers tested measuring the number of antibodies in your dogs bloodstream, for a particular viral disease. If the titers are adequate, no vaccine is needed. Both the AVMA (American Veterinary Medical Association) and the AAHA now say vaccinations should be assessed yearly and tailored to an animals age, health and lifestyle.

Often misdiagnosed as a sign of older age, Cushings syndrome is another example of a dog health problem often caused by a vets medication or over-medication of cortico-steroids.

Dr. Jean Dodds, one of the worlds foremost experts in canine vaccine reactions, says: "Recent vaccinations with single or combination modified live virus (MLV) vaccines are increasingly recognized contributors to immune-mediated blood diseases, bone marrow failure, organ dysfunction and cancer". Dr. Wendell O. Belfield, author of "How to Have a Healthier Dog", further contributes that: "BHA and BHT [preservatives] are known to cause liver and kidney dysfunction and are banned in some European countries. Ethoxyquin is suspected of causing cancer, and that propylene glycol, another common pet food ingredient, causes the destruction of red blood cells."

It doesnt matter what category your pets health problem falls under.

Dr. Andrew Jones, in his manual, discusses these dog and cat health problem issues, and reveals simple secrets to safeguard your pets health. His purpose was to make available an informative manual that instructs dog and cat owners to care for and treat their pets on their own, and to help slash vet bills and even save your dog or cats life, with over 1,000 safe, natural and effective solutions and information for healing your pet. The manual may well be one of the best investments you ever make for your pets health.

To those who are truly devoted to their dogs or cats and want to give the best possible care in dealing with or avoiding health problems, the manual offers every available treatment option if your pet becomes sick. It will also help you prevent diseases so your pet is less likely to become ill and require veterinary care in the first place.

We have existed as a company since 1985, but it was a love of dogs, the dogs that have been a part of our life, and the passing of one dog in particular, Rusty, that inspired the creation of http://www.CalloftheDog.com and http://www.CalloftheDogShop.com - created to provide the things your dogs and pets need. Visit us for great information and quality dog supplies! Be sure to see our About Us page as well.

The two sites are dedicated to the dogs we have loved so deeply, and who have given us so much love in return. Purebreds and mixed breeds, but mostly rescues in need of a home. We educated them, but each one has had something to teach us in exchange.

Interested pet owners can find out more Here.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Jay_Jacovitz

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