Senin, 15 Agustus 2016

7 20 ME Lower

Last full-gear squat before the meet, dialing in form. Worked up to planned 2nd attemp
65 x 5
155 x 5
265 x 2
355 x 1
add briefs
465 x 1
555 x 1
add suit, straps down
665 x 1
straps up + light knee wraps
715 x 1
755 x 1
810 x 1

reverse hyper
  410 x 15 x 3

Seated cable row, wide handle
  180 x 12 x 3

Lying leg curl
  180 x 12 x 3

Called it was hot as hell and took most of 2 hours just to get thru the squats.

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