Jumat, 19 Agustus 2016

Using A Bark Collar To Train Your Dog

By Craig Thornburrow

Sometimes it becomes necessary to implement a bark collar into your dogs training. "Mans best friend" can become the biggest sore spot in your life if you cannot get your dog to realize that it is not necessary to bark constantly. The reasons that dogs continually bark can vary, for example some dogs are just nervous ticks so they bark at anything and everything. Other dogs maybe a "Type A" dominant dog and attempting to set its boundaries. No matter what the reason for your dogs barking you know that you just want it to cease, now.

Implementing a bark collar for your dogs training maybe just the solution you need. This is especially true if you have tried other training methods to no avail. It is unfortunate but collars used to control barking have over the years gotten a bad rap. There is a misconception that these collars actually harm the dog physically or psychologically. When you use these collars properly nothing can be further from the truth. There will be no adverse impact on your dog. In fact the opposite is true.

When a dogs barking becomes a nuisance everyone around the dog begins to yell at the dog. Yelling and screaming at the dog wont actually solve the problem but you will feel a little better for a few minutes. The dog however will be impacted by the constant barrage of yelling. You will begin to see your dog cower each time you raise your voice. Some dogs will just lower their heads and walk away none of which is good for your dogs mental well being.

With a collar you can teach your dog when it is not appropriate to bark. For example when you are out taking the dog for a walk you can put the collar on. This way your dog will quit barking at every car that passes by. The collar works this way. When your dog begins to bark the vibrations from his vocal cords will trigger the mechanism in the collar and it will correct the dog with either an electric stimulus or a spray. So you have two types of bark collars to choice from.

Some owners prefer the spray type of collar to the electric stimulus. With the spray type of collar the dog will receive a corrective burst of bad smelling spray to their snout when they bark. The spray is harmless to both humans and dogs however to dogs it is a very unpleasant smell. The dog will eventually connect the idea that when they bark they get the spray and will begin to bark less.

No matter which one you decide to use make sure you read and understand the instructions for the collar before you being your training sessions. Following the directions will insure that your dog will learn when it is appropriate to bark and when it is not. Implementing a bark collar can help you break the bad habits your dog has formed in regards to its barking.

Craig Thornburrow is an acknowledged expert in his field. You can get more free advice on bark collars and bark control collars at http://www.barkcollarsfordogs.com

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Craig_Thornburrow

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