Jumat, 19 Agustus 2016

6 10 ME Upper

Got a late start tonight, didnt expect much but turned out to be a great night!

Swiss-bar bench
  155 x 5
  245 x 3
  295 x 1
  335 x 1 (previous PR)
  355 x 1 (20 lb PR)
  365 x 1 (30 lb PR)
  385 x 1 (50 lb PR)

Reverse grip bench
  245 x 8 x 4 (did 12 last set)

One-arm cable push down
  30 x 12 x 5 each arm

Chest supported row
  180 x 8 x 4

Dumbbell shrug
  120s x 15 x 4

Rear delt on pec deck
  90 x 12 x 4

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