Rabu, 07 September 2016

Food Quality for Your Dog

By Kelly Marshall

Three and a half million unwanted dogs are put to death in this country every year, with millions more dying through starvation, disease, accidents, and abuse. Nearly a quarter of these victims are purebred dogs. It is important to learn the facts and possible consequences if you are considering breeding your dog. In todays overcrowded world, we must make responsible decisions for our pets and for ourselves. Consider the following points carefully.

Just like humans, dogs are different depending on age, breed, overall health, severity of infestation and activity level. If you are not sure what is the best recipe for your dog, please email me and include: age, weight and breed of your dog, when diagnosed and how severe of a case your dog has, list all symptoms, tell me about your pets health in general and list all vitamins/medications/herbs your dog is taking and what brand of food you are feeding. This site is not meant to diagnose or prescribe, information provided is a general guideline - for a dog with a mild to moderate case, which is in good health.

Know the typical genetic diseases for your breed. Test for them, and do not breed a dog that may pass on serious genetic disease. Do not let your love for your dog make you blind to your obligation to others. Your dog may be healthy, but may still pass on serious genetic disease. Do what you can to avoid causing heartache. Do not breed your dog if you have no information on the health and fitness of both the parents of your dog, and its prospective mate. You need more than a single generation to make a good decision.

When a dog refuses to eat or eats only a portion of the dog food he needs or what he usually eats every day will produce an imbalance in his dog nutrition. The term Anorexia is used to describe the condition when a dog refuses to eat. A dogs eating habits are normally controlled by hunger. Another thing that causes a disturbance of the dogs natural eating behavior is mechanical interruption.

It is becoming increasingly difficult for the average consumer to tell which one is the best for their pet; In particular any allergies that your dog may have. While others have a sensitivity to lamb. Through a process of trial and error you can usually find a dog food that your pet will eat. Dog owners are faced with a difficult choice when comes to the right food for their dog. Others will take the opposite view and see no reason to spend extra on a premium brand dog food. Of course we are not just talking about canned dog food. Juicy food contained in a can but it is important for them to also to chew on hard crunchy dog food such as dry kibble and dog biscuits.

Article written by Kelly Marshall from Oh My Dog Supplies - visit for dog food storage containers in every size

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Kelly_Marshall

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