Selasa, 09 Agustus 2016

5 25 ME Lower

Stability work (got this from a squat article by Matt Wenning, decided it would help me since stability has been an issue for me on meet day)

Warm up:
  sled drags - 3 trips with 2 plates on sled
  terminal knee extensions with band
  good morning with band around neck

Squat, 40% + 20% hanging chain (not touching floor) - briefs only
  warm-up then
  335 + 160 lbs chain x 2 x 8

Barbell good morning
  135 x 12
  225 x 10 x 2
  275 x 8

Barbell t-bar row, v-handle
  135 x 12 x 1
  180 x 10 x 1
  205 x 8 x 3

Piston leg press
  270 x 20 x 4

Cable crunch
  100 x 15 x 1*

*had to quit, got cramp in lower abs

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