Sabtu, 21 Mei 2016

9 16 ME Upper

Last heavy training session before bicep surgery tomorrow. Will be at least 4 weeks until I can bench at all and probably closer to 8 weeks until I can move any sort of decent weight.

Bench press vs doubled mini bands (+ 80 lbs)
  135 x 5
  225 x 2
  275 x 1
  315 x 1
  365 x 1 (50 lbs PR)
  405 x 1 (90 lbs PR)

Floor press
  275 x 5
  275 + 1 set chain x 5
  275 + 2 set chain x 5
  275 + 3 set chain x 5
  275 + 4 set chain x 5

Cable cross-over tricep extension (crossed-cables)
  20 x 20 x 5

Band lat pulldown
  monster mini x 20 x 5

Band face Pull
  mini x 20 x 5

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