Sabtu, 07 Mei 2016

Polite Dog Human Greeting Part 1

"Can I pet your dog?" This may be a question you hear & start to worry about how your dog will greet a stranger. Will your dog jump on your guest? Will your dog knock your guest over when saying hello?

Why do dogs even jump up on people? In most cases it is just because we are taller than them & they are trying to get to our faces for a social greeting. This is a pretty normal dog behavior, but something most humans do not appreciate. This article is the first in a series that will start you & your dog on a better path to polite dog and human greeting behaviors.

Your Family: First lets address how you & your family greet your dog. After a long day at work you are probably eager to see your dog & start baby talking your dog, "Dexter Ive missed you so much! Oh, you are such a handsome boy!" If you are speaking to your dog in a high pitched, excited tone you are likely going to increase his excitement & your dog will start to get bouncy & jumpy. So, lets tone it down a bit.

Walk in your house calmly & smile softly at your dog. "Hiiii. Deexxter." Quickly squat down to your dogs level and gently rub his chest & talk very softly to him. If he jumps up, stand up & ignore him until he gets all 4 on the floor again. Repeat. It will be a bit of a Yo-Yo exercise for you. Dont yell at him, dont tell him "off," just stand up and ignore him. My rule is I have an "Invisible Dog" when my dog is jumping up on me (or barking for attention). As soon as those feet go back down, he reappears.

Fast Tip: You can jump start your dogs polite greeting behavior by the use of food or toys. When greeting your dog, or coming home from work, or letting your dog out of his crate, have some dog treats or dog food on you or in your pocket. As soon as you see your dog, drop a dog treat or dog food kibble at his feet. Repeat as soon as he finishes eating the treat. Do this as you walk around with your dog or take your dog outside to potty. As your dog gets better at this routine, your kibble drops will be spaced out more. Instead of a kibble drop every second, its every 3 seconds, 5 seconds, etc until they are no longer needed.

To use a toy in polite dog greeting behavior, you must first find a toy your dog thinks is very exciting and he wants to eagerly fetch or hold. Sometimes this means having a cupboard full of new dog toys to keep them interesting & engaging. As soon as you see your dog wiggle the toy & toss. You may need to have a few toys in your hand so you can keep tossing as you walk around with your dog. Again, this is a behavior you can fade over time.

Exercise and Attention: Please remember that your dog needs to be adequately exercised every day both physically and mentally. If your dog does not get physical & mental and quality bonding time with you, he is unlikely to be successful. If you are unsure if you provide your dog with enough exercise & attention, keep a log book for a week. Write down your daily activities with your dog. And when I say "with your dog" I mean that you are actually paying attention to & bonding with. Not that your dog is laying on the floor in the same room. Dogs are Mans/Womans Best Friends for a reason. They need you & your attention.

Read the second installment of polite greeting!

Need some extra help?  I offer both in person & online, web, video instruction!
Please feel free to contact me for details.

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