Jumat, 30 September 2016

12 2 ME Upper

Bow bar press

  55 x 10
  145 x 5
  195 x 5
  235 x 3
  285 x 1
  325 x 1
  375 x 1
  405 x 1
  425 miss

Close grip floor press
  255 x 5
  255 + 1 set chains x 5
  255 x 2 sets chains x 5
  255 x 3 sets chains x 5
  255 x 4 sets chains x 5

Tricep pressdown, supra bar attachment
  100 X 12 X 5

Pec deck fly
  160 x 12 x 5

Low pulley row, multi grip handle
  200 X 12 X 6 (2 sets at each grip)

Low Pulley side raise
  20 x 12 x 3

Cable cross-over rear delts
  15 x 12 x 3

Dumbbell preacher curl
  20 X 12 X 3

Dumbbell hammer curl
  35 x 12 x 3
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9 13 DE Upper

2 workouts (including this one) left before bicep surgery...gotta make em count!

Fat bar speed bench + doubled minis
  185 x 3 x 9

Incline skull crusher
  105 x 8 x 5

superset w/ monster-mini band pressdowns x 20 x 5

Lat pull down, medium grip
  140 x 12 x 5     *had to go light on these, they cause pain in my torn bicep

dumbbell shrugs
  95 x 20 x 5
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See more puppies at http://www.19breeders.com area, city, state, tiny, teacup, toy, standard, miniature, Big, Stocky, Large, county, North, West, South, East, metro, near, by, local dog breeders,...

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Dog Training Aids To The Rescue

You can go through your dog training activities in a breeze if you are equipped with all the right stuff. Among the basic items that you will need in training your dog are a 6-foot leather leash, a slip or choke collar, a 15-foot line, cotton rope or webbing, bait pouches, a crate or exercise pen, baby gates, motivational toys and grooming tools.

Leashes or Leads

There is a wide variety of leashes available in the market today. Leashes can be made from a number of different materials and may come in different sizes and widths. Among the most common materials used for leashes are leather, nylon and chain.

For maximum comfort for both you and your dog, it would be advisable to choose a 6-foot leash made from good quality leather and use it during your dog training sessions. Among the many advantages of using leather leashes are the following:

.It can provide more comfort for you and your dog during trainings. Unlike nylon leads, good quality leather does not cut or burn your skin. And unlike chain leashes, leather leads do not produce earsplitting noises.

.It is lightweight and is therefore easier to carry.

.Leather leashes last a lot longer. They can even last for several years!


Using slip or training collars can be a logical choice when you are trying to train your dog. These collars tighten as the dog pulls and loosen as he/she relaxes giving your dog the appropriate signals whenever he/she is making a mistake. However, collars should never be used to punish or choke your dog. When buying a collar, make sure you pick one that fits your dog properly. Collars that are either too small or too large can be dangerous and extremely irritating to your dog.

Dogs who do not respond to slip collars would do better with a halter. A halter fits over the dogs head and muzzle while allowing him/her to pant and to drink. You can easily control the direction of the dogs head and his entire body as well by using a halter.

The 15-Foot Line

A 15-foot line is like a long leash that enables you to control your dog even at a distance. You can easily grab it at different places to show your dog who the boss is and as such, can be a very good dog training device.

Bait Pouches

Having dog treats in your pockets can be one of the worst inconveniences you can encounter during your dog training sessions. When the treats are scattered on your pockets, you might fumble for a while just to find where they are. As a result, there will be a delay between the time your dog performs something worthy of a treat and the actual time when the treat is given. You may not promptly give your dog the reward he or she deserves and hence, defeating the purpose of the activity altogether.

To solve this, consider purchasing or making your own bait pouches. These bait pouches can be made up from any ordinary canvas tool pouches and tied around your waist during your dog training activities. This will make access to the goodies a lot easier and your dog wouldnt have to wait around indefinitely as you fumble for the doggie treats they just earned!

A final word of advice - do not trust every word your friendly salesman has to say. All of these items were designed to make your dog training efforts incredibly easy but with the popularity of these products in the market, a lot of manufacturers are out there to make a buck or two from unsuspecting dog owners! Know what really works and what doesnt. You need to know which of these gears deliver on their promises and which ones were designed specifically to make a profit. It would be best to do your research extensively and seek advice from credible sources to know more about these things.

Michael Russell
Your Independent guide to Dog Training

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Michael_Russell
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7 6 ME Lower

Sumo Deadlift + 200 lbs band
  245 x 3
  add briefs
  335 x 1
  445 x 1
  495 x 1
  add suit
  555 x 1

45 degree back extension
  small + ultra mini band + 35 x 8 x 5

Landmine T-bar row
  100 x 12
  145 x 12
  190 x 12 x 3

Kettlebell romainian deadlift
  60s x 25 x 4

Ab wheel
  20 x 3
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Kamis, 29 September 2016

8 17 ME Lower

Accessories only due to circa max

Sled drags 200 feet
  3 trips forward w/ 180 lbs
  3 trips backward w/ 135 lbs

Reverse Hyper
  360 x 15 x 1
  410 x 15 x 1
  450 x 15 x 3

  25 x 8 x 3

Barbell t-bar row
  180 x 8 x 3

Upright low pulley row
  70 x 12 x 3

Spread eagle sit-ups
  25 x 3
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5 24 DE Upper

Speed bench + doubled minis
  205 x 3 x 9

Bench press
  235 x 20 close grip
  235 x 20 ultra wide grip

EZ Bar Skull Crusher
  115 x 10 x 4

Superset w/ band pushdowns
  small band x 15 x 4

Lat pulldown, close v-grip
  180 x 12 x 3

Dumbbell lateral raise
  25 x 12 x 3

Band pull-apart
  monster mini x 15 x 3

Low pulley reverse-grip curl
  60 x 12 x 3
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Feral Cats need your help


We have a population of stray cats in our area. The cats are being provided for as far as food. The problem is that cats multiply very quickly- there has already been another litter this month. In fact, the population probably started out at 2 or 3 cats and has multiplied to many more. If we continue to let the population grow, Animal Control will get involved- trapping and killing them.

What Can We Do?
Luckily, there is a solution. Trap/neuter/release (TNR) is the only method proven to be humane and effective at controlling feral cat population growth. With TNR, all the feral cats in a colony are trapped, neutered/spayed, given vaccines and health checks and then returned to their territory where caretakers provide them with food and shelter. Young kittens that can still be socialized, as well as friendly adults, are adopted out to good homes.

Why TNR?
The returned colony guards its territory, preventing unneutered cats from moving in and beginning the cycle of overpopulation and problem behavior again.
Another significant advantage to TNR is that, when practiced on a large scale, it lessens the number of kittens and cats flowing into local shelters. This results in lower euthanasia rates and the increased adoption of cats already in the shelters.

We Need You!
In Raleigh, NC we have organizations that are lucky enough to help out populations such as ours. Normally, a spay/neuter costs around $250. That does not include shots or health checks. Operation Catnip has been contacted and we have been accepted for their services! For $25 a cat, we can solve this problem. We are asking for your donations to help our cat population- every dollar helps! As winter approaches, non-monetary donations (food, old dog houses which can be used as shelters, traps, etc) are very helpful as well!
To Donate:
Please provide cash or checks payable to ‘Operation Catnip’. The money must be sent as a group, so they know which colony it is for and that we have been approved. Please bring or send all donations to: 2009 Trexler Ct. Raleigh, NC 27606

Questions? Please e-mail cmherbst@ncsu.edu or hlpainter@hotmail.com

Thank You!
For more information: www.operationcatnip.org
www.alleycat.org www.feralcatfriends.org
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Please read this article, it will help you avoid some of the dangers your dog can get into.

Thanksgiving Day Foods That Can Kill Your Dog | The Dogington Post
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8 10 ME Lower

Deadlift opener
  135 x 5
  245 x 3
  335 x 1
  445 x 1
  add briefs
  535 x 1
  add suit
  605 x 1
  665 x 1

Sled drags, 200 ft
  180 x 5 trips forward

Reverse Hyper
  360 x 15 x 1
  450 x 15 x 1
  540 x 15 x 2

  25 x 10 x 3

Incline sit-up, weight behind head
  25 x 10 x 5

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This morning (Sunday 24th Nov)  2 Men with Irish accents, in a white Transit Van entered the Exercise Field where a Woman and her 4 year old Son were exercising their dogs. They asked her to sell the dogs to them and when she refused one of them grabbed one of the dogs and tried to make off with her. The dog wriggled so much that he dropped her and they made off. 

We ask that all people using this Field please lock yourself in, these men left the gate wide open and thank god none of the other dogs escaped. We have had people stop and ask if we sell dogs but never have they made any attempt to come in.

It is only a few weeks ago that a dog was grabbed from a woman walking him in the Misterton area. This dog thankfully was reunited with its owner.

So please be vigilant the last thing we want is for someone to lose their dog/s.
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The symptoms to look out for in case of suspected Dog Pyometra or uterine/womb infections are the following:

1. Loss of appetite 2. The dog is urinating and drinking more water than usual 3. Diarrhea and vomiting. 4. Only happens in female dogs and usually ones that are older or middle aged. 5. An open cervix, that is when a dog is in heat or season, may result in pus discharge from the vagina. This may be hard to notice as the dog may usually lick this off.

Pyometra will only happen or initiate during the dogs season or heat because when a female dog reaches this time it releases eggs from its ovaries which are used for fertilisation. Then, if the dog gets mated and the egg becomes fertilised by the sperm, the bitch will become pregnant and an embryo will develop. After this, these embryos will travel into the dogs womb where they will stay for up to about seven days for a placenta to develop. Once the placenta is developed it will attach itself to the side of the womb allowing the embryos to have food and oxygen from the mother. During the time the embryo is not attached to the placenta, the wall of the womb produces a fluid to accommodate for the lack of food and oxygen and to help the placenta grow.

When cells that attach themselves with the line of the womb and produce food and oxygen for the embryo become overactive and start producing too much fluid it causes pyometra. Stray bacteria from the body find this as the idea environment to breed. Over time, this worsens and turns into an infection.

When the dogs body realises that it has been infected and discovers this infection it releases thousands of white blood cells in order to fight the infection. As the white blood cells combat this infection those that have done their job will die and form the puss. In large quantities, puss can be very toxic to the dogs body and can make them very sick.

The dog will drink more water in order to flush this unwanted puss out. Drinking more water than usual will cause more urinating, vomiting and diarrhea and if the dog is still in season it may also cause a discharge through the vaginal area. Open cervix pyometra occurs when a dogs vagina is still open and leakage of unwanted puss is possible where as closed cervix pyometra occurs when the dog is out of season and thus the unwanted puss cannot leak out of the vagina in which case the puss builds up inside the dog and worsens the toxic effects.

The symptoms in your dog will start off as being mild and barely noticeable but over time they will start getting worse and reach a point where the toxins in the dogs body will cause it to collapse. Hence, the earlier you visit the vet and get treatment the better and safer the cure will be.

If your dog has been infected by open cervix pyometra the vet may want to know when your dog was last in season. If this was within the last two months or so and the dog had all the symptoms listed above such as diarrhea, drinking more water, vaginal discharge and vomiting it will confirm that the dog has been infected.

The symptoms get harder to prove if the dog has closed cervix pyometra because of no vaginal discharge. The vet will probably look out for a slightly sagging belly and if the other symptoms listed above also occur this will confirm their suspicion. Furthermore, the vet may also use ultrasound or X-ray in order to look for an enlarged womb and confirm whether the dog is infected by this condition or not.

After the vet has confirmed that your dog is infected by pyometra intravenous fluids via a drip line and antibiotics will be used to get the dog as healthy as possible before performing surgery. The surgery will consist of removing the diseased womb and ovaries and will be very similar to routine sterilisation although there will be a higher risk involved because of the illness of the dog and because all the toxins that have been built up inside of the dogs body will need to be removed completely after the surgery in order to avoid any damage or possible infections to the kidneys.

After the surgery the dog will be left on antibiotics and intravenous fluids so that any remaining toxins can be killed off. Once it seems as though the dog is recovering and eating and drinking consistently your vet will discharge the dog so it can go home and recover.

It may be important to note that in high value breeding dogs or in rare breeds the vet may make an effort and try to save the dogs womb and ovaries so it can continue breeding but this procedure is highly risky and can have further side effects that may end up worsening the dogs condition.

For more information on Dog Pyometra and Uterine or Womb Infections or Dog Health take a look at this Dog Training website.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=John_M_Williams
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5 13 ME Upper

Bench Press off Manpon
 worked up to 435 x 2

Floor press
  255 x 5
  255 + 1 set chains x 5
  255 + 2 sets chains x 5
  255 + 3 sets chains x 5
  255 + 4 sets chains x 5

One arm dumbbell overhead
  40 x 10 x 3

Front Strait arm pulldown
  80 x 12 x 3

Front barbell raise overhead
  50 x 12 x 3

hammer curl
  60 x 12 x 3
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Rabu, 28 September 2016

10 28 ME Upper

Strive machine bench
  180 x 12 x 6

Rope pressdown
  60 x 20 x 5

Pullover machine
  160 x 12 x 5

Lateral raise machine
  70 x 25 x 4

Shrugs on standing calf raise
  160 x 25 x 4

Incline Sit-ups
  bw x 25 x 4

*bicep therapy, started today after 2nd post op, performed 3 times daily

  dumbbell curl
   5 x 50 x 1

  dumbbel wrist rotation
  5 x 50 x 1
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By Dechen KsLau

We love our dogs and we want the best for them. We buy them expensive beds, toys, clothes(!?), and other accessories. It seems that there is no end to the lengths we will go to make our little friends lives better. But how do we decide which food to feed him?

To begin, there is not a single dog food that is right for every dog. Many dog foods are well-formulated and will be great for most dogs. However, those same foods may not be so good for some dogs - they may even cause gastrointestinal upset in some.

A good starting point in determining the appropriate food is your dogs stage of life. Puppies need higher amounts of calories, protein, vitamins and minerals for proper growth. If an adult dog eats a food formulated for puppies he is likely to become overweight. Senior dog foods are formulated in a way that makes it more easily digested.

Dry dog food is usually recommended more often but some dogs prefer semi-moist or canned. Moist dog food is often recommended for dogs with missing teeth or other dental problems.

Good nutrition is essential to good health. When making decisions related to the food your dog eats consider comparing nutritional labels. Some cheaper or economy brands of dog food use inexpensive ingredients, many of which are not easily digested, which of course means they do not provide the best nutrition for your dog. These foods may meet the legal specifications but many have lower-grade proteins and lower energy values.

In many cases the healthy nutrients may pass through the dogs digestive system without being absorbed. This leads to another disadvantage of feeding your dog such lower quality food - your dog will need to eat more in order to get the same amount of nutrition that he could get in a smaller amount of premium dog food. In the end you may find the economy brands cost more because you go through the bags more quickly.

Always compare the ingredients between the various brands before making a choice. The ingredients are listed by weight. The first or second ingredient listed in a quality food should be meat, fish, egg, or some type of meat meal or fish meal. These ingredients all have a high biological value. That means they have a high percentage of protein.

The "Guaranteed Analysis" is a chart that lists the percentages of various ingredients contained in that particular dog food. But keep in mind that the analysis does not take into account the amount of moisture in that food. Even dry dog foods have some moisture content.

After careful consideration make a selection. If you decide to switch from one dog food to another you will need to allow time for the transition. A gradual change will assist your dog with the adjustment to the new food choice. Plan the transition over a course of about a week or a little longer depending on your dogs acceptance of the new food.

Start by mixing three parts of the current or old dog food brand to one part of the new. Feed that mixture for 2 - 3 days. If your dog does well with that you can then mix the foods half and half. Feed the 50/50 mixture for two or three days, again depending on your dogs adjustment. You can then switch to the three parts new - one part old mixture and then make the complete switch.

By carefully selecting a quality food for your dog you will enrich and lengthen his life. That means he will be there to be your friend and companion longer - and that makes all of us happier!

Dechen KsLau is an Author, Speaker, and Consultant specializing in Internet Marketing and Puppy Lover



Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Dechen_KsLau
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Training Cancelled

Training at the Field cancelled today Sunday  26th January due to the weather
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11 4 ME Upper

Strive machine bench
  180 x 12 x 6

Rope pressdown
  60 x 20 x 5

Pullover machine
  160 x 12 x 5

Lateral raise machine
  70 x 25 x 4

Shrugs on standing calf raise
  160 x 25 x 4

Incline Sit-ups
  bw x 25 x 4

*bicep therapy, started today after 2nd post op, performed 3 times daily

  dumbbell curl
   5 x 50 x 1

  dumbbel wrist rotation
  5 x 50 x 1
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Cesar Milan manages changes in behavior and in mentality of Greek owner and his dogs.(?)

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Selasa, 27 September 2016

See more puppies at http://www.19breeders.com area, city, state, tiny, teacup, toy, standard, miniature, Big, Stocky, Large, county, North, West, South, East, metro, near, by, local dog breeders,...

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8 2 DE Upper

Decided to switch to chains for the next few weeks to rest my shoulders.

Speed bench + 2 sets of chain
  205 + chains x 3 x 9

Decline dumbbell press
  85 x 20 x 2

Dumbbell tricep overhead
  95 x 15 x 3
superset w/ Preacher curl
  75 x 15 x 3

Rope pressdown
  60 x 15 x 3
superset w/ Incline dumbbell curl
  35 x 15 x 3

Dumbbell shrugs
  120 x 15 x 3
superset w/ front plate raise
  45 x 15 x 3

Underhand grip lat pulldown
  150 x 15 x 3
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Happy New Year to all

I would like to wish everyone a Happy New Year. Just a reminder to start the New Year off with a click a day to help feed animals. This cost you nothing, just a minute of your time each day to go to this link http://www.theanimalrescuesite.com/clickToGive/home.faces;jsessionid=C4A533A0071E5FBCC01F53AF2EC4D70B.ctgProd02
and click on he purple box. Please try to commit to this every day it really helps out the shelters.
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french bulldog bulldog english bulldog bulldog puppies american bulldog english bulldog puppies hey bulldog french bulldog puppies hey bulldog beatles bulldog puppy bulldog skateboarding bulldog...

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Senin, 26 September 2016

The Effects Of Dog Training Collars

Training Dog Collars are have long been known to be one of the most effective ways to train your dog; which makes it the top contender for anyone wanting to have their pet trained. Training collars offer anyone a humane pet friendly method of training their dogs. They come in a variety of and sizes and types and are relatively inexpensive.

Dog Collar Training?

Pet Training is an ongoing process like building a fire. It has to be done the right way and with a little bit of care and patience. Training collars can be uses as an aid to add reinforcement to training commands, signals and obedience. They also help dogs to change their undesirable natural behavior and to learn to perform to what their owners expect.

If you are looking to self-train your dog the proper way, then training collars are the perfect tools for coaching a variety of training methods. The can be used for basic obedience training, advanced training, and even sport dog training.

Side-Bar => Training should be both motivational and balanced in order for your dog to learn the optimal.

Buying Training Collars

A proper collar fit is one of the many insider secrets professional dog trainers keep behind their closed doors. When considering buying a training collar, try finding one which fits your dogs neck snuggly. The more expensive and branded training collars are usually covered by a one to two-year manufacturers warranty.

Dog training collars are a great investment to have if you plan to save money by self-training your dog. Collars make sure that your unruly and unpredictable dog is kept under control for the future.

Training dog collars are simple, easy to use and aids maximum productivity from minimum effort. Training your dog will ultimately make both your "best friend" and you more contented. A little elbow greases and patience often results with vivid rewards as time goes by. So give it a try and Start your Dog Collar Training Today!

Jeremy C.W write information articles for websites such as DogCrateTraining.net and DogNpuppies.com. For more Training Dog Collars Articles, please visit TrainingDogCollars.com for your dose of Dog Collar Secrets Today!

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Jeremy_Wong
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cat to jump in tray

A dog trainer works to teach a dog commands used by its owner Training Tips Most dog training jobs require a training hopeful to have a high school diploma, or a general educational development...

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11 30 ME Lower

SS Bar Squat, Raw w/ sleeves
  65 x 5
  155 x 5
  245 x 3
  335 x 2
  425 x 1
  475 x 1
  525 miss

Bad squat night, everything felt off. Raw squats will all be with sleeves only for awhile, no knee wraps, potentially doing a raw meet in March.

Plate loaded hack squat
  360 x 8 x 5

T-bar row
  160 x 12 x 5

Circuit, 3 times thru:
   1. Leg extension 135 x 20
   2. Lying leg curl 135 x 20
   3. Abductor 110 x 20
   4. Adductor 110 x 30

Reverse Hyper
  360 x 20 x 4

Spread-eagle sit-ups
  bw x 20 x 4
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Minggu, 25 September 2016

All About The Mastiff Dog Breed

By Michael Burows

Mastiffs are a powerful, muscular type of dog, generally classified as a working breed. While they make great pets, theyre also classically used for guarding homes and other areas. Theyre reliable, watchful, and intelligent, and known for their loyalty and devotion. They can be very good with children, and are possessive and protective of the home and family that theyre associated with. Despite their enormous size (a hundred and seventy to over two hundred pounds on average, with individuals over three hundred pounds), mastiffs are gentle and very sweet. They do not respond well to harsh methods, and require early socialization. A firm, fair, and patient trainer will get the most out of the mastiff dog breed. Dont be tempted to allow your mastiff to do whatever he or she wants, however. Whats cute when your dog is a puppy can be a real problem when it gets to weigh as much as a large person.

Mastiffs come in a few color variations. All members of the mastiff dog breed have a short, coarse outer coat with a dense under coat and a dark nose, ears, and muzzle. However, the coat itself can be apricot, fawn, or brindle. White marks are considered bad in show dogs, but make no difference in pet animals. The breed doesnt shed a great deal, but you should expect to do occasional grooming. Use a firm bristle brush to remove loose hair. When necessary, you can give your mastiff a wet or dry bath.

Like most purebred dogs, the mastiff dog breed has several health problems that are common. Dysplasia of the hips and elbows, bloating, and heart problems are common. This doesnt mean that your dog will develop these problems, but that there is a risk. Mastiffs are also prone to obesity and laziness in old age, and will have to be encouraged to exercise. Some larger mastiffs will be prone to snoring and drooling.

The mastiff was developed primarily as a guard animal, though they were also favored by nobles for use in hunting. Bear, bull, and lion baiting were common until these practices were outlawed, as was the use of mastiffs in dogfight pits. The outlawing of these cruel practices actually caused a sudden drop in their numbers, since fewer dogs were being bred, and the breed was nearly extinct by the end of the 1940s. Imports into England from North America revived it, and mastiffs are now fairly common.

If youre thinking about getting a mastiff, be sure that you can offer it the socialization, time, and space it needs. The mastiff dog breed is known for its attachment to families, and that means that individual dogs are often needy. Its important to be able to give your dog lots of attention, as animals who are often left alone may feel neglected. Mastiffs are also not good at dealing with other animals, unless they have been raised around them, so households with one of these dogs will be unable to introduce new pets once their dog is out of puppyhood.

Michael Burrows is a caring and loving Mastiff owner with more than 20 years experience in Mastiff care and training. To find out more about The Mastiff Dog Breed. Check Out:


Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Michael_Burows
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"The Dog Whisperer" Cesar Millan stopped by The Couch to talk about his new show, "Cesar 911."

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Dog Training Personal VS Professional

By Emma Everson

It is always better to opt to train your dog personally, though there is nothing wrong with hiring a professional dog trainer to handle the task. Here are some strategies to get you started on the right path. Body and Hand control can be of great value to use body and hand movements as signals, but you must be conscious of their useful application.

You can later minimise these signals or cut them out when no longer needed. A lot of repetitions and praising your dog each time he does it right will reap results. Use of Food as Reward should never be used in place of other forms of reward or encouragement, but rather to back up or reinforce encouragement and praise.

A dog is used to being allowed outside when he whines at the door, but is suddenly no longer allowed out when he whines. Dog training can be quite a challenge, but if you follow the tips here, the task will be much easier. If he does something you like and you know he loves a belly rub, then fuss over him while you rub his belly, telling him that good dogs get their bellies rubbed.

“positive”, “negative”, “reinforcement” and “punishment” are technical terms that scientists use when discussing Operant Conditioning.

“Positive” means to add something. We add the reward, or add the punishment. By contrast, “Negative” means to take something away. We take away the reward, or take away the unpleasant stimulus.

“Reinforcement” is when we increase or maintain behavior. The behavior happens more often, more intensely, for longer periods, or it continues to happen without reducing in frequency, intensity or duration. By contrast, “Punishment” is when we decrease or eliminate behavior using consequence. We reduce the frequency, intensity or duration of the behavior.

For a greater insight into training your dog why not take a look at "How To Train Your Dog In One Evening".

My name is Emma Everson and I specialize in providing dog training solutions. I have been training dogs for 20 years and have researched extensively in all areas of dog behavior. How To Train Your Dog In One Evening is an outstanding collection of dog training secrets for training your dog quickly, it has entries from experts who collectively have 80 years experience, from Police dog handlers and show dog trainers to veterinary technicians.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Emma_Everson
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10 22 DE Lower

Speed squat, cambered bar + 120 lbs chain, parallel box
  245 x 2 x 12

  bw x 12 x 5

Backward sled drag 200 ft
  135 x 4 trips

Pullover machine
  120 x 20 x 5

Band Good morning
  strong band x 20 x 5

Spread-eagle sit-up
  bw x 20 x 5
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6 25 DE Lower

Today didnt go well. Back/rib pain came back warming up for squats. Did 2 sets then shut it down & did accessories only.

Safety bar speed squat + 120 lb chain
  405 x 2 x 2, quit after 2nd set due to severe rib pain

Strict reverse hyper (no momentum)
  90 x 12 x 3

GHR holding plate
  25 x 8 x 5

  140/115 x 15 x 3

Seated Calf Raise
  140 x 15 x 3

Incline sit-up
  15 x 4
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Sabtu, 24 September 2016

How To Leash Train A Dog

Teaching your dog to walk on a loose leash stops him from pulling during walks. It is not a perfect "heel" which keeps your dog strictly by your side. It allows your dog room to sniff and explore the neighborhood, as long as he leaves some slack in his leash. In other words, your dog wont be pulling your arm out of its socket as he lunges forward to get to where he wants to go. Instead, he will have to follow your lead in order to be allowed the freedom to see the sights.

Getting Started
You will need a 6-foot leash and a collar. If your dog is in the habit of pulling, he may be able to easily slip out of a regular flat buckle collar. Martingale collarsare another option. These collars are ideal for training a dog to walk on a loose leash. They look like regular flat collars, but have an extra loop that pulls tight when your dog pulls to keep him from slipping out. You should also have some treats handy.

Give the Command
Choose a word or phrase that lets your dog know what is expected of him. Since this is not a formal "heel," something like "with me" or "lets go" works well. Start out on your walk with your dog at your side, give the command, and begin walking.
Stop and Go
When your dog pulls at the end of the leash, stop immediately and do not budge. Never allow your dog to move forward when he is pulling or lunging. This way, you are teaching him that the only way for him to get to where he wants to go is by leaving some slack in the leash.

As soon as there is some slack in the leash, you can begin again. Give your dog the command "with me" and start moving forward.
Make It Rewarding
Once you step out of your house, you have a lot of competition for your dogs attention. You have to make staying close to you more rewarding and fun then running off to explore all the sights and smells of your neighborhood. For this, you can use treats, praise, and a happy tone of voice.

To start, any time your dog turns and looks at you, tell him "good boy" and give him a treat. This is also a good time to use a clicker, if you have decided to try clicker training. When your dogs attention turns to you, click and treat. In this way, you are teaching your dog that it is rewarding to pay attention to you. You can also speak to your dog in a high, happy tone to keep his attention on you.

You may need to use a lot of treats in the beginning to get your dogs attention. Keep your hand at your side and give him treats continuously, as long as he is walking near you with slack in the leash. As he gets the idea of what you expect from him, you can slowly phase out the treats by waiting longer intervals in between giving them out.

There may be times when you just cannot get your dogs attention. He might find whats going on around him more interesting than your treats or happy talk, and stopping and starting may not be enough to distract him from whatever is holding his attention. In this case, you can wait until he lets up a little on the leash, give him the command again, and turn and walk in the opposite direction. Your dog will have no choice but to follow. If he tries to step out in front of you, cut him off and keep walking. Your dog will soon learn to pay attention to you to figure out which way to go.
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7 27 ME Lower

Reverse band deadlift (reverse average bands)
  145 x 5
  335 x 3
  445 x 1
  495 x 1
  add briefs
  585 x 1
  645 x 1
  705 x 1
  735 x 1 (20 lb PR)
  755 miss (dropped bar)

Front squats
  185 x 8 x 1
  225 x 8 x 1
  275 x 8 x 2
  315 x 8 x 1

Band leg curl
  small band x 25 x 2

Band good morning
  average band x 25 x 2

*Dropped a 100 lb plate on my left middle finger unloading the deadlift bar...not good, split open and bled everywhere. Need to heal this up before meet day, not sure how bad training will be affected.
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By Suzanne Harris

The way you train "Off" is a perfect example of the positive reinforcement mantra: Any behavior will increase with reinforcement, and any behavior will decrease without reinforcement. "Off" is a lot of fun to teach your pup, and its very helpful in many situations.

Some people use the phrase "Leave it" instead of "Off", but it means the same thing. Use "Leave it" if you prefer. Either way, "Off" will get your dog to

* stop jumping on people
* get off the couch
* stay away from that chicken wing on the sidewalk
* wait to grab something until you give the OK

If youre training a young pup, youll be amazed at how quickly he learns "Off". As a matter of fact, most pups under 5 months pick it up in less than 10 minutes. Thats not to say they will respond to it in all of the various situations listed above in that short time. But if you practice the following exercise in a wide variety of situations, locations, and distraction levels, your pup will master even these in a matter of 3-4 days.

Dogs older than 6-7 months often take a little longer to get it, but dont give up particularly in your first few trials. If you, the human, are patient and follow these instructions exactly, youll see the same wonderful results even with your older dog.

"Off" means "Dont touch that thing youre thinking about touching." We will also simultaneously be teaching him "Take it", which means "OK, now you can touch it".

Step 1: The "Off" and "Take It" Exercise

Put about 10 pea-sized soft pieces of food in your hand. Any meat will do, or soft cat or dog treats cut into pea-sized pieces. Crunchy kibble pieces take too long to chew for this exercise.

Sit on the floor or crouch down to your dogs nose level. Hold your pup back from you with your non-food hand, and hold your food hand out 1-2 feet in front of his face at his nose level or below his nose level.

Now once and only once, command "Off" as you open your food hand and let go of your pup.

When your puppy lunges for your food hand (very likely), simply close your hand. Do not repeat the word "Off" or say anything else, and do not move your hand around. Your pup will likely chew on your food hand for a few minutes, trying to get at the food.

Simply wait silently until he gets distracted or bored or for any other reason stops touching your hand for an instant.

The instant he stops touching your food hand, quickly say "Take it" and deliver one piece of food to his mouth with your non-food hand.

Repeat this exercise 10 times until your hand is empty. You are allowed to command "Off" only once during each trial, so for 10 exercises, youll say "Off" a total of 10 times. Just remember not to speak at all after you have commanded "Off" the first time until he moves away and you say "Take it."

Your pup will chew and paw at your hand for shorter periods each time before he chooses to move his face away from your hand, allowing you to say "Take it" and give him a treat. This shows that he is learning that moving away from your hand is the fastest way to get a treat.

Over the 2-3 days, practice a set of about 10 trials (as described above) several times daily, each time in a different room in the house or better yet outside in a low distraction area. Each trial, add tiny (1/2 second to 1 second) increments of time to the time between his moving away response and your "Take it" food delivery. By the second day you should also be withholding your "Take it" delivery until he has moved at least 5 inches from your hand.

Note: Some pups will sit when you say "Off". This is OK for the first day or two, but we dont want him to think that "Off" is just another word for "Sit". After the first day or two, try to train him out of his sit response by delivering the Take It treat just before he sits.

He may also be sitting because youre holding the food too high. Your food hand must be at his nose level or below nose level.

Never give your pup a piece of the food while he is touching your hand, nor before you have said "Take it". You may deliver the food to his mouth only while he is not touching your hand.

Step 2: Adding Distance and Time to "Off"

When he can hold his "Off" for at least 5 full seconds in several different locations inside and outside, alter the exercise in the following way: Command "Off" as usual and wait for him to move away. Now wordlessly open your food hand without saying anything.

If he holds his "Off" while your hand is open for 2 seconds, say "Take it" and deliver several treats one at a time, praising throughout because he just accomplished something big: Learning that no matter whats in front of his nose, "Off" means "Off" until you say "Take it." Gradually add more time and hand distance to each trial.

If he does not hold his "Off" for 2 seconds while your hand is open, its because most pups think that when you open your hand, thats the same as you saying "Take it". It is not. So if you open your food hand and he lunges for the food before 2 seconds have passed, quickly and wordlessly close your hand before he gets to your hand and wait again for him to back off. Once again, open your hand and wait without saying anything. If he lunges again, quickly close your hand again. Do not let him reach the food! This may go on for a while - you open your hand, he lunges, you close your hand and wait, he backs off, you open, he lunges, you wait, etc.

After a while, a light bulb will go off in his head and hell figure out that he must hold his "Off" until you say "Take it" even though there is an open hand of food in front of him. When this happens, hell hold his "Off" for the 2 seconds, and you may say "Take it" and deliver several treats one at a time to reward this wonderful accomplishment!

"Off" Generalization

The goal with "Off" is to get him to back off no matter what the item is and no matter where he is. Once he can hold a solid "Off" for 10+ seconds with your hand 10+ inches away at or below nose level in a wide variety of locations inside and out, youll start to lower your food hand toward the floor, 1 inch per trial, until he can hold a solid 10 second "Off" with your open food hand on the floor.

When hes mastered that, its time to try "Off" with food on the floor that you are not holding. This starts out the same way as before but now you simply put the treat on the floor instead of holding your hand open. The first few times you try this, dont stand up. Remember to practice this in a wide variety of locations inside and out before you move to the level of standing up which food on the floor. Its also a good idea to vary the distance between your dog and the food each time.

If he lunges for the food while its on the floor, hurl your entire body on top of the food to prevent him from getting it. Yes, Im joking here but dont let him get to that food before you can clamp your hand or foot down on top of it! We cant have him learning that hes faster than you are, can we?

Add distance from the food and add time from the food. Whenever you feel your pup has accomplished a very difficult feat, dont hesitate to reward him amply with several treats delivered one at a time with great praise and fanfare - he deserves it!

When Can I Use "Off" for Jumping, Couches, and Chicken Wings?

Once youve accomplished a 5 foot "Off" for 20 seconds, his response should be reflexive and you have earned the right to use the "Off" command for jumping, couches and chicken wings on the sidewalk. Congratulations!

"Off" is also excellent preparation for "Stay", which is also trained by showing your dog that the profit arrives when he displays self-control. As a matter of fact, Ive trained many dogs the "Stay" by simply combining a strong "Off" response with the command "Off-Stay" and gradually fading out the word "Off", but thats the subject of another article, here or at http://www.dogdaysUSA.com.

For more great dog and puppy obedience articles, go to http://www.dogdaysUSA.com

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Suzanne_Harris
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How Well Is Your Bergamasco Groomed

How Well Is Your Bergamasco Groomed?

The reason one should groom his/her Bergamasco is simple - your dogs physical state influences the way he feels and the way you look at your dog. Extreme cases, where lack of proper care, cleaning and grooming can directly affect the behavior of your Bergamasco, are not rare.

Proper grooming not only infuses a healthy glow to your dogs appearance, but also helps develop his self-esteem; while it makes you a very proud parent, when you show off your Bergamasco to others.
The first step involved in dog grooming is: Brushing!

Brushing has been universally acknowledged by expert dog groomers as the single most important step in grooming.

The benefits of brushing are many. To name a few:
  • Better blood circulation
  • Shinier and healthier coat
  • Better bonding
Subscribe to this FREE dog grooming mini course and learn more about brushing and combing and other grooming tools and their applications.

Even if you know how crucial brushing is for your Dogs health and well-being, we all know that there is a right way and a wrong way of doing anything. And without doubt, you would like to do everything the RIGHT way when it comes to your Bergamasco.

Yes, theres a method to follow while brushing your Bergamasco.

Here are FIVE steps to successfully brushing your Bergamasco that will prove to be extremely useful:
  • Brush against the growth of the hair first with a slicker brush and then with a medium or wide-toothed comb.

  • The slicker brush removes all the loose hair and the comb takes care of the tangles.

  • Brush your Bergamasco along the hair growth and make sure you reach the skin as you brush his way.

  • Then use a flea comb over the coat to get the fleas and remove any remaining tangles. Part the coat and start from the root and then comb through.

  • If your Dogs paw pads are hairy, then clip them using electric clippers. Do not clip the hair in between the pads. Clip only the excess hair.
Brush your Dogs hairs to prevent it from matting. Matting can be a very painful experience.

Regular brushing untangles the matted hairs on your Dogs coat. Since this is a risky job to do, the best way out is to prevent them from forming in the first place. And doing this is simple: just brush and comb your Bergamasco regularly. If and when you see any mats or tangles, use a detangle solution and a medium-toothed comb.

Dont wait until your Bergamasco is dirty or matted to introduce him to grooming. That would make him associate the experience with unpleasantness. Moreover, many dogs learn to see their routine brushing as an alternate form of petting, i.e. another source of affection and attention.

Subscribe to this FREE dog grooming mini course and start Grooming your Dog all by yourself right from the comfort of your home Today.

Copyright (c) 2009 TrainPetDog.com
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By Bob Crane

We have a six-year old boxer mix that has had a sensitive stomach since she was a puppy. Now that she is an adult the vomiting she had experienced as a puppy is rare but she still gets indigestion a lot. We have had to keep her on a dry food diet to keep her from getting sick which has worked well now for several years.

One morning when I was preparing to feed her I noticed a loud grumbling coming from her stomach. It was so loud that I heard it across the room. That was on a Saturday morning so I took her to the Vet right away. I was afraid that she may have bloat, a problem that can occur in a dog with a deep chest. What happens when a dog gets bloat is the stomach actually rotates within the chest. The Vet told us that if bloat is not dealt with quickly the animal would die. He took x-rays and found that her stomach was in the correct position ruling out bloat.

The vet at that time figured that she must have a virus because one was going around and he had had several complaints similar to ours that same morning. He prescribed some medication for the dog and we thought that was the end of it.

Around two weeks went by and the dogs symptoms had disappeared so we thought she was ok, that it was only the virus. Then one morning we were having hard boiled eggs and the dog was crazy about eggs so we gave her some. Later that afternoon she threw up everything that she had eaten all day undigested. The food had been in her stomach for at least eight hours and no signs of digestion at all. So we went back to the Vet to try to find out what was wrong with her this time. She had never thrown up undigested food before so this was possibly a new problem. Well, after another x-ray and exam the Vet saw what was wrong right away this time. It turned out that the piece of egg that we had given her earlier in the day had plugged the outlet from her stomach preventing digestion from taking place.

It was one of the tips of the egg that acted like a plug and it fit perfectly. Our mistake was thinking that she would chew the egg but she didnt. The vet also determined that the food that we feed her is too big. The kibbles for that type of dog should be no larger than a pea so if she swallows some of them whole they will be able to pass through her digestion system. My mistake was in giving her larger kibbles thinking that they would help keep her teeth clean and that probably would have been the case if she chewed all of her food. So if you have a dog that is having some stomach problems that you really cant pinpoint the cause of make sure the food is not too large for the type of breed dog that you have. Your Vet should have a chart to show you the size kibble your dog should have.

Bob Crane is the author of http://www.fordfseriestrucks.com a website that helps you find what you need for your Ford Truck. He also runs a blog at: http://www.fixnkeep.com The blog discusses preventative maintenance and corrective fixes on cars and things around the house. "Why buy new if you can fix what you already have."

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Bob_Crane
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By Andrew A Preston

Now that you have finally given in to the urge to bring a new puppy into your home, you need to find that perfect dog. With all of the different types of dogs on the market and the many places that they can be found, it is no wonder that someone can easily get confused. But as with any type of dog, when looking for Siberian Husky puppies for sale you must be cautious of where you purchase one.

It is important to weigh out the pros and cons about where there are puppies for sale. By educating yourself first on the subject matter, you are less likely to end up with a bad dog or being taken advantage of, like getting a dog that is ill. By doing a little research first, you will be saving yourself a lot of wasted time and money and even maybe a little heartache.
With a lot of people getting used to purchasing their every day items off of the Internet, it is no wonder that a lot of people are turning that direction when deciding to look for Siberian Husky Puppies for sale. By using the Internet for your search, you will have a bigger variety to pick from and you can compare prices in order to get a better deal or so you may think, but you may want to beware.

But by purchasing your puppy from the Internet you may end up actually costing yourself more money as you are not being given the chance to see the puppy in person and may end up with a pup that has medical conditions you couldnt notice on a picture. And with the Internet, it is not possible to clearly see what type of living arrangements the puppies have been living in up to that point.

When you finally decide that you want to actually see your potential puppy in person, it is important to understand that even pet stores who have Siberian Husky puppies for sale are a risky venture as you still do not know about their history or where they came from. Pet stores do not release breeder information and when they purchase them to bring into their stores, they often times do not check the conditions of the breeders location.

This can cause an angry dog or a dog with emotional and behavioral problems that can end up costing you a lot of money, time, energy, and love. It is best to try and know everything you can about a puppys past before bringing him or her into your home because when you adopt a dog, it should be with the thought that it will be for the rest of that dogs natural life.

With the love and concern that Andrew Preston has towards Siberian Husky puppies, potential owners should really know what they are getting into. When looking at Siberian Husky puppies for sale, it is important to take your time and look the puppies over really well. When glancing at the many puppies for sale, it is vital to keep in mind that their prior Siberian Husky puppy care should be considered.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Andrew_A_Preston
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Jumat, 23 September 2016

Dogs are highly intelligent animals and they often detect abnormalities in their feeds and liquids offered to them by their owners. Hence, this often becomes a challenge for many dog owners to administer medication in the proper fashion. Here are a few tips for those difficult moments.

Do not force a stubborn dog to take its medicine; doing so may eventually lead to a more difficult administering in the future. Depending on the type of medicine and texture, mix them properly with either food or liquid and delay their feeding or drinking time by an hour or two.

Your dog should be hungrier or thirstier by this time. Start off by feeding them with a small portion of medicated feed. If this technique doesnt work, start off with a small portion of normal unmixed feed and progressively introduce and increase the portions of medicated feeding.

Administer Medicine by Mouth

First, restraint the dog well and open its mouth. Next, place the tablet behind the back teeth (behind the bulb of the tongue) and close its mouth. Rub at the dogs throat side to stimulate swallowing. The dog should sallow it naturally.

Administering Liquid Medicine

Administer the medicine by using a syringe or dropper and try not to raise the dogs head too much. Open the dogs mouth and spray/drop gently on its tongue. Close the dogs mouth and rub continuously at the dogs throat side to stimulate swallowing. You can also administer liquid medicine slowly by rubbing a small quantity on the dogs upper lip and having them automatically lick it up. This method works especially well with puppies and younger dogs.

I hoped youve enjoyed this article. For more insightful information about dog health and dog care, please visit => http://www.dognpuppies.com

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Jeremy_C.W
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2x2 s in my living room

Yes there are 2x2s in my tiny living room. 2 2x2s to be exact. I promised an update..

Kat and Sport are learning them correctly and its been going well. I have done more work with Kat than Darien has with Sport, but Sport is so smart its like he studies it in between sessions. Kat is now finding the entrance on both sets rotated slightly greater than 45 degrees. I was throwing a ball to get her to drive away. Note: The speckly one has a natural retrieve! She brought it back to me every time.

I had started shaping Bounce so she is learning them in a modified way. She is happily going through the same set up as Kat but with more dependence on my body language.

I have been tweaking Kaiden and Dekkas weave pole work. Kaiden seem to have learnt back when that you enter the weaves between the handler and the pole. So if I try to off side weave he enters wrong. So I have just been sending him too a single 2x2 and rewarding for finding the right entrance. With Dekka I have been working on her finding the entrance when sent at crazy angles.

Cant wait for the snow to go.. Only how many more months yet?
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6 12 DE Lower

Speed Squat, Bow Bar + Strong Bands (180 lbs) week 2
  435 x 2 x 10

Sumo speed pulls off floor + 200 lbs band
  365 x 1 x 10

Reverse Hypers
  450 x 20 x 3

  25 x 8 x 5

Upright Row
  145 x 8 x 4

Ab wheel x 15 x 3
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Sur le site : http://tgrandin.canalblog.com/ les vidéos complètes de César Millan et son livre. Découvrez aussi,-Temple Grandin, née autiste elle comprend le...

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Kamis, 22 September 2016

Cesar rehabilitating Holly after the incident: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yXE-fwI0SWU.

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05 Cesar Millan Buddy Teddy

Sur le site : http://tgrandin.canalblog.com/ les vidéos complètes de César Millan et son livre. Découvrez aussi,-Temple Grandin, née autiste elle comprend le...

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Dog Training With A Clicker

A dog training method called clicker training has become popular over the last several years. Clicker training differs in several ways from standard dog training. Dogs are not deprived of food. Food is only used for primary reinforcement. Punishment and negative reinforcement are avoided as much as possible in clicker training. Also, the training sessions are brief. The practice sessions should last less than five minutes each. Clicker trainers feel that dogs will learn more over several short sessions than over one long session that might get tedious and cause the dog to lose interest. Studies have also shown that establishing reliable behaviors with clicker training requires significantly less time than with standard dog training. Another difference is the use of a clicker as a behavior marker.

The click trainer clicks when the dog performs a certain action such as sitting. After the click, the trainer gives the dog a reward. Eventually, the dog will associate the click with the reward. The reward can be food such as hot dogs or roast beef, petting, playing with a tennis ball, or anything else your dog may enjoy. If you want to use a food reward, you must make sure that you use small pieces of food because you do not want your dog to be preoccupied with eating and forget about the clicker dog training. Also make sure that your dogs meals do not precede a clicker training session otherwise the food rewards will not work. It is important to remember that you must click during and not after the desired action. When the reward is given is not crucial.

A click is more powerful for training than a spoken word because it is a unique sound that signifies that a reward is coming. It can provide a precisely timed signal to mark good behavior at the exact moment that it occurs. This will allow the dog to know exactly what it was doing. Words can be spoken in different ways and express different emotions each time but the sound of a click never varies. Dogs and other pets have problems telling the differences among the many words that they hear everyday but they do not have problems determining the meaning of a click.

If you want to train your dog to come running to you when called, do not wait until the dog is actually running to you before you click and reward the dog. You should click and reward the dog even if it only takes a few steps in your direction. After the dog has demonstrated that it can repeatedly perform this action, you can try to coax your dog into walking a little closer to you before you click and reward it. You should allow your dog to do everything on its own without pushing or pulling it. You can also use click dog training to cure your dog of inappropriate behavior. Instead of berating your dog when it does something inappropriate such as relieving itself on your carpet, you can click and reward the dog when it acts appropriately.

When your dog reaches a point where it will spontaneously show you the behavior that earns it a click and a reward, the clicker trainer should teach the dog a cue. The cue can be a hand signal or a word. To teach the dog the cue, the trainer will say or signal the cue before the dog repeats the behavior. If the behavior occurs during or after the cue, then a click and reward is given. If the dog does the behavior without the cue, no click is given. If the dog does not perform the behavior after the cue is given, then maybe the reward needs to be changed or the cue needs to be relearned in an environment with less distractions. Also, while clicker dog training, do not verbally or physically abuse the dog even if it is not performing as it should. This may cause the dog to lose confidence in you and the clicker training.

The clicker and rewards can be put away once the behavior follows the cue on a consistent basis. The behavior can be maintained by replacing the expensive rewards with a less costly reward such as a pat on the head. Only bring out the clicker and rewards to train your dog to learn a new behavior or relearn an old behavior.

Since clicker training does not rely on punishment or negative reinforcement to get results, it is the only method of dog training that can be safely and effectively used with puppies that are weeks old. At this point, clicker training is not a universally practiced dog training method but more trainers are using clicker training to teach basic obedience and other classes.

Michael Russell Your Independent guide to Dog Training

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Michael_Russell
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8 21 Circa Max week 3

  65 x 5
  155 x 5
  245 x 3
  335 x 1
  add briefs
  405 x 1
  445 x 1

Dimmel deadlift
  185 x 20 x 2

Sled drags 200 ft
  3 trips forward
  3 trips backward

Reverse Hyper
  410 x 20 x 3

bw x 12 x 3

Incline sit-up
  12 lb med ball x 20 x 3

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7 14 GPP

1 mile run

Kettlebell swing
  70 x 15 x 3

Mid-back extension on GHD
  15 x 3
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Dog training hand signals are a great way to get to know your dog and form a permanent bond with him. This kind of methods are enjoyable to teach and simply to understand for most dogs.
Dog training hand signal if the animal insists on getting on furniture anyway, it should be grasped by the scruff of the neck, told briskly, No, No, No, and put down. This works for other situations too, like biting other dogs or something else. Do not hurt the dog or something in that way but he has to understand that he has done something wrong. Do not hit the dog with your hand or feet, just grap his neck and speak loud.
Training your pet using dog training hand signals can be very beneficial. In most cases the dog will understand very quickly what you want when using signals. It is clear that a dog can better understand signals than words. With repetition your dog will begin to respond to the dog training hand signal. Use the dog training hand signal you have chosen for the command. He has to know what you want before using a typical signal. The basic commands to begin with in your dog training hand signal teachings are "sit" and "down". Start by giving the chosen dog training hand signal. It will only be effective if your dog has learned to associate a hand signal with the appropriate command words. It is a great way to begin to really understand your dog. You will see it is very funny. Taking the time to properly train your dog using dog training hand signals will bring years of pleasure to both of you. A well behaved dog is very important. There are many benefits and variations to using dog training hand signals. You have to begin the dog training hand signal by having your hands at your sides, bringing it up deliberately and folding it as if you were going to throw something over. While he is being trained to follow a verbal command you can teach him to follow hand signals as well.
Training the behavior sit first. It is one of the basics the dog need to know. Do not worry about adding the command until the dog understands what he has to do to get the treat. The signal should be that you just show the dog your open hand over his head. After a few times of practice he will understand and you have nothing to say if you want him to sit down.Training sessions do not have to be long. A good trainer will know if his dog needs more time for training in the particular thing he has to learn. When you have used the method enough to know it well, you can add your own personal touch as needed. You know the best what your dog needs to have in training. Training your dog is not an easy job to do. So you have to learn it first and then train him well. Even if you know a lot about dog training hand signal it is better to have a look if there are any new techniques or other stuff as well. Dog training hand signal is a important thing to do. Especially for hunting dogs it is very effective because you have to be quiet but the dog has to understand what you want from him. But, of course not only for hunters. You have to see the benefits of it and then you will have fun to teach your dog in training hand signals. Think about the sit training it is very, very good to learn for you and your dog.
If you want to know more about dog training hand signal then you have to visit this site.There you can get all the stuff you need to handle your dog.Behaviour training, dog food and so on, just go here http://www.trainingdog.de It is full of techniques and tips.
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Murphy 8 weeks puppy training

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Mini Schnauzer up for adoption

Heidi, a 6-year old Miniature Schnauzer, was rescued from a North Carolina puppy mill 3 months ago. She has been living with her foster mom, 3 foster canine brothers, and 1 foster feline brother and gets along with everyone. Heidi is a love sponge. She is doing extremely well with her housetraining (no accidents in over a month) and is learning to walk on a leash. She loves her toys and loves to run in the backyard with her foster brothers. Heidi will do best in a home without young children (though she likes visits from them) and will make a wonderful companion.

Medical: Heidi was spayed soon after her rescue from the mill. At that time, she tested positive for heartworms. Heidi has completed heartworm treatments and was given a clean bill of health from the vet. If you are interested in adopting Heidi, go to http://www.schnauzerrescuecarolinas.com/ to submit an application.

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12 9 ME Upper

Bench press + doubled monster minis + 80 lbs chain

add bands
45 x 10
135 x 5
 add chains
135 x 5
185 x 3
225 x 1
255 x 1
275 x 1
300 x 1
315 miss

Standing power press
 230 x 6/6/6 x 4 (6 reps each at 3 handles)

Single arm lying tricep extension
  40 X 12 X 5

Pec deck fly
  160 x 12 x 4

Chest supported T-bar row
  135 x 12 x 5

Low Pulley side raise
  20 x 12 x 3

Cable cross-over rear delts
  15 x 15 x 3

Dumbbell curls
  30 x 12 x 3
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Rabu, 21 September 2016

Dog Training Tips Come When Called!

A simple exercise to teach our dogs that environmental distractions are not a cue that its time to disconnect from us. The emphasis is on non-verbal communi...

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What you do not know about probiotics can deprive you, your dog and other pets of a huge health advantage. Probiotics benefit dogs, cats and people by helping prevent chronic health problems. They benefit your dog by reducing toxins, strengthening organs, removing bound, decaying matter, and fortifying your dogs system with important nutrients lost with processed foods, antibiotics, illness or stress. Probiotics should be selected based on the health and stress level of the animal, and compliment any veterinary therapy.

Nutrition is a bridge between cells of the body and the microorganisms that inhabit the healthy gastrointestinal tract (GIT), which extends from the mouth to the anus, hosting approximately 400 different species of microorganisms, called endogenous flora or microflora.

All mammals require these beneficial organisms and biologically produce substances to create a hospitable environment for them to take up residency, for necessary health and proper functioning of the GIT.

You may ask why cancer is the number one killer of all pets?

Processed foods and stressful environments deprive dogs and the rest of us of these valuable organisms and nutrients we need to metabolize.

Endogenous microflora play an intrinsic role in your dogs digestive issues: gas, bloat, bad breath, inflammatory bowel syndrome, inflammatory bowel disease, constipation, diarrhea, vomiting, stool eating, chronic skin problems and allergies. Included in the list are life-threatening vaccine reactions, parasites, worms, endurance fatigue, hypertension and joint problems, especially for elderly dogs, and immunology. The microflora and the immune system are intrinsically connected. What hurts one negatively affects the other. Few diseases are isolated in nature, and repercussions throughout the body are probable.

Stress, pH changes due to antibiotics, or cessation of nutrient flow in your dog or any mammal can kill off endogenous microflora attached to the walls of the GIT. As a result, areas within the GIT are stripped of the naturally protective microorganisms, creating an open invitation to opportunistic pathogens that can make animals sick by competing for available nutrients and starving the beneficial microorganisms or, more seriously, through the production of toxins. Food poisoning often involves bacterial toxins. The smallest amount of toxin can make an animal sick to deathly ill, and it can happen quickly.

Probiotics may assist in the dogs faster recovery.

Probiotics for our dogs and other mammals act as replacements until the endogenous microflora, decimated by antibiotics or stress, can recover.

Antibiotics may or may not kill the initial invading microorganisms, but they indiscriminately kill beneficial probiotics in dogs. Probiotics for dogs on antibiotics regimen should be given at twice the usual rate with doses staggered to maximize benefits. Antibiotics can kill probiotic microorganisms. Probiotics help control infections and prevent secondary infections, not in the GIT but by stimulating the immune system. They benefit our dogs by improving their microbial balance which includes bacteria, yeasts, and fungi that protect against pathogens and allow the endogenous microorganisms to recover.

To help your dog get the best protective coverage, rather than opportunistic pathogens, use a wide-spectrum probiotic, containing required amounts of the widest selection possible of different species. No one species is the best for every requirement or need and it can take 10 to 14 days for probiotics to fully activate in your dogs system. More concentrated forms begin working within a few hours.

An effective probiotic is Lactobacillus acidophilus, meaning "acid lover". Its a lactic acid-producing bacteria that lives in the stomach. It prefers acid and will secrete enough of its own acid to maintain a pH that is uncomfortable for many opportunistic pathogens. Other probiotics prefer the less acidic environs of the large intestine, and will successfully pass through the stomach and continue to the colon. There are always some probiotic microorganisms that succumb to the extreme conditions in the stomach, and that is why initial doses should be higher. The mechanisms are not completely understood, but probiotics act as regulators of the intestinal microflora, as a source of digestive enzymes, and as a positive stimulant to the immune system.

Giving probiotics to your pet helps produce natural antibiotics, which fight harmful bacteria. Probiotics benefit the dogs digestion of food, and aid in absorption of nutrients, antioxidants, and iron from food digested. They can help your dog with food intolerance while aiding in absorption of B vitamins, biotin and folic acid. Probiotics for dogs assist in controlling the growth of yeast, regulating hormone levels, stimulating the immune system, reducing inflammation and increasing energy levels.

Buying from a distributor or retailer, do you really know what you are getting?

Storage and handling of probiotics for your canine influences the actual quantity of viable microorganisms consumed. The package you buy may have had the CFU (colony forming units) of the various organisms listed on the label when it left the manufacturer, but are they there in the same amounts when your pet gets the product? The most effective probiotics are the freshest ones that spend the least time away from the manufacturer.

We have existed as a company since 1985, but it was a love of dogs, the dogs that have been a part of our life, and the passing of one dog in particular, Rusty, that inspired the creation of http://www.CalloftheDog.com and http://www.CalloftheDogShop.com -- created to provide the things your dogs and pets need. Visit us for great information and quality dog supplies! Be sure to see our About Us page as well.

The two sites are dedicated to the dogs we have loved so deeply, and who have given us so much love in return. Purebreds and mixed breeds, but mostly rescues in need of a home. We educated them, but each one has had something to teach us in exchange.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Jay_Jacovitz
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Selasa, 20 September 2016

http://bit.ly/1mRNcHN - More awesome tips and tools for raising a happy and healthy puppy! Dog Training Tips: How To Train A Puppy To Sit - Teach Your Dog to...

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Dogs are man’s best friends. When you ultimately made that big decision to own a dog, you expected it to provide you companionship, be a pleasure to show off to your friends and just plainly be a joy to own. So off you go to the pet shop, choose a dog that catches your attention and bring him (or her) home.

But then, the horror begins. The dog you brought home seems to be anything but the adorable creature you expected it to be. His (or her) behavior is terribly unpredictable and can even be downright embarrassing at times. The dog you brought home to provide you companionship just sits around at the corner of your home, seemingly bored at the things happening around him (or her).

So you read all the books and even went to a dog training class to teach your dog a thing or two about obedience, but you still get no good results. This may lead you to think there is something inherently wrong with your dog. Is he (or she) just plain lazy, hardheaded or a little bit slow in the head?

Have you considered its lineage? Some breeds of dogs are simply not born to be followers; making them naturally hard to train.

Have you taken an honest look at your self and your training style? Are you observing the proper dog training techniques? It would be a good idea to make sure that you do, to make both of your lives easier and to make your dog training sessions an enjoyable and fruitful experience for both of you. To help you make your training sessions easier, here is a list of the most commonly committed dog training mistakes. Please avoid them at all costs.

•Not giving enough rewards during the training - Providing treats is one indispensable part of dog training. It gives your dog enough motivation to continue following your commands satisfactorily. However, some dog owners shun this idea. They simply do not want to provide treats during their dog training sessions because they feel that they would not retain authority if ever they do so. They believe that it is the dog’s role to follow their commands and giving them treats would be like bribing them.

•Being too controlling - Some owners simply have a “control” problem and can be quite overbearing, nagging and perfectionist during their dog training sessions. If you happen to be one of these control freaks and you own a hard-to-train dog, you can expect to be in for a very hard time!

•Being a training fanatic - Training your dogs too often, or repeating the same exercises over and over again, may bore him (or her). This is especially true when you own an independent dog, one that was simply not bred to obey his master’s commands. Among these are dogs that belong to the non-sporting, terrier and hound breeds.

•Not giving attention to the dog’s emotions - Some owners neglect to give enough attention to their dog’s feelings during their training sessions. This can be a major problem indeed! Especially during training, it is important to consider how your dog is feeling to get the most out of your efforts. So whenever you observe his (or her) reluctance in doing the exercises, if you notice excessive yawning or that your dog simply refuses to look at you, it may be best to stop and let it loose for a while. Your dog might already be tired or bored from all that physical exertion!

Michael Russell
Your Independent guide to Dog Training

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Michael_Russell
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Peanut Butter recalls

The list just keeps getting longer and longer In the Peanut Butter Corporation Recalls. I have included a link below. This link will take you to the FDA Web site that lists all the products. This includes human and pet products.

Stay Safe

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7 9 GPP

1 mile run

Wrist roller
  20 x 2 sets forward & backward

Band shoulder retraction 3 x 15
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With all the Olympic brouhaha going on it got me thinking of a topic some agility enthusiasts like to talk about. They usually talk about will it get in, should it get in etc. I got to thinking what it would mean for agility, how it could change agility.

I think it would be a very good thing. Right now there are two main "worlds" competitions. One is the FCI which is Kennel Club based and IFCS which is not. In many places in the US and in other countries the only place to play agility is the KC versions. I am lucky to live in Ontario where AAC is the predominant venue, which welcomes all types of dogs.

If agility ever makes it into the olympics I am pretty positive they wont discriminate on breed. (the countries picking their teams might though, but right now in FCI if your country doesnt reg your breed you cant play.. even if the FCI reg your breed.) I think this will be a very healthy thing, it will promote inclusive venues over exclusive ones. It will open up more opportunities for rescued dogs and for people running non KC breeds (like JRTs).

The KC folk will likely rebutt with well then you will get people mixing breeds to try to breed the ultimate agility dog. To that I say so what? People do that now. And who laid down the rule that says that all breeds we have now are the only ones we shall ever have? Take horses for example, most competing at the olympic level are registered, but not all. Some registries except other breeds as long as the offspring meet the breed requirements. All is not kaos. And with dogs these sport bred puppies will likley be in demand so not really a risk at adding to the over population problem.

So as I watch some olympic coverage from my puter, I will wish for the day when I could cheer for team Canada and their dogs to get a medal.
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Volunteers pilot dogs to new homes :: WRAL.com
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Gracie Me

Author of "Marley and Me," John Grogan has a new Lab, Gracie, and she is just like Marley. Can Cesar help?

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7 15 ME Upper

4" Rack Lockout 
  135 x 5
  225 x 5
  315 x 1
  365 x 1
  405 x 1
  455 x 1
  495 x 1
  525 x 1 (25 lb PR)

Tate Press
 70s x 8 x 3

Hammer Iso Row
  235 x 8 x 3 each side

Dumbbell shoulder press
   90s x 12 x 3

Rear delt on pec deck
  100 x 12 x 3

Hammer Curls
  60s x 12 x 3
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4 29 15 ME Upper

Deload Week 1

Dumbbell press
  80 x 25 x 2

Pec Deck
  90 x 25 x 2

One arm seated dumbbell tricep extension
  35 x 25 x 2

Close-grip lat pulldown
  130 x 25 x 2

Dumbbell lateral raise
  20 x 25 x 2

Blast strap face pull
  25 x 2

Hammer curl
  35 x 25 x 2
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Dog training can be very intimidating to someone that has never done it before. There is a lot of information out there and sorting through it all can seem difficult. These are just some tips to help you start out with dog training the right way.

If your dog possesses specific triggers associated to bad behavior, try to keep him busy while the temptation passes. For instance, if your dog reacts negatively to other dogs, you need to keep his focus on you as you come into contact with them. This will help him correlate the relationship between that stimuli and the positive things that come from it.

 When you are working on crate training with your dog or puppy small steps is what works best for them to get used to it. When they seem comfortable in it with the door open, try shutting the gate and feed them treats through the wires. At first, leave the dog enclosed in the crate for only short periods of time, such as 10 seconds, and then gradually increase the duration. If the puppy gets too upset then you increased the time too much, too fast.

 As with most things, and this goes with dog training as well, dont ever give up. Your dog will not remember his training if you are not there to constantly remind him of what you expect. In the same way that nourishing your dog with food and a safe place to live is a daily commitment, so is teaching and encouraging good behavior.

 Make sure the whole family is familiar with your dogs routine and rules. Dogs like routine and consistency. If one person trains a dog differently, then the dog will be confused about how it should properly behave.

 If you catch your puppy chewing on things, stop him. By doing this, you are teaching him what is okay to chew on.

 You do not want to use wee-wee pads when potty training your dog. The pads eventually leak; leaked waste marks certain areas in the house as "potty areas". Wee-wee pads can also train your dog to think that other items that are the same shape are a potty area as well. The best way to housebreak a dog is not to allow them to use the bathroom in the house; there is really no alternative.

 Depending on the personalities of your dogs, it may not be possible to train them at the same time. Dogs have the tendency to distract each other. If you find this happening it is likely best to separate them.

 Dont be ashamed to ask for help if your training program doesnt change your dogs behavior. Particularly if you are struggling to achieve the results you desire, professional help may be just what you need. Professional dog trainers know the ins and outs of this better than you. This may be what to takes to get your dog started on the right foot.

 A trick you could teach your dog is to hold something in his mouth, such as a toy. Get your dogs attention with a clicker and reward him with a snack when he tastes or mouths the toy. When this has happened several times, hold off until the dog grabs the toy with his or her mouth. As this happens, press the clicker and then offer the reward. Also, rewards should only be given if the toy remains in the dogs mouth.

 Pick a phrase you will say to your new puppy the whole time you are working on house training him. Every single time you take your pup to do his business, say something like "need to go out?". It does not matter the phrase you choose, as long as you keep it consistent. This will keep him focused, and will teach him to associate those words with the action of relieving himself.

 Consistency is very important when training your dog. Have a set list of commands that everyone in the household knows. Also, make sure to be on the same page regarding rewarding good behavior and never rewarding bad behavior. Different training methods will only confuse your dog and delay training.

 Although a harness is more comfortable for dogs, it does not offer as much control as a cinch-type collar. Using a collar and harness combo and only tugging on his collar when needed can teach your canine that he has to listen while harnessed, too.

 Remember how many treats you reward your dog with during the course of the day to avoid fattening him up. A lot of people forget to account for treats given during training when considering a dogs diet plan.

 Your dog needs to get plenty of exercise. Dogs can get bored very easily. Dogs that lose interest are hard to train. Dogs are more inclined to obey when they are regularly taken out for exercise and happily accepted as a member of your family. It is a great idea to take your dog out on runs or walks through the neighborhood.

 There are many different approaches that can be used to crate train a new puppy. Many dogs are intimidated by the crate. To cure this, place something they enjoy in it and shut the door. If a dog sees something in the crate that they want, they will desire to enter it. Praise your dog once he gets into the crate.

 As with any professional, research their reputation to verify that you are getting the best animal behavior specialist out there. There are a lot of different approaches taken by dog trainers concerning how to correctly train a dog. Understand the trainers philosophy so that you can be sure the trainers approach is similar with your own views of dog training.

 To help you train your dog you should know what kinds of foods your dog likes to eat. Since these will be the rewards for good behavior when you are training the dog, it should be something that really motivates him. Make note of your dogs reaction when the reward is offered.

 Behavior problems that suddenly occur with no reason may indicate a medical problem that needs to be evaluated by a veterinarian. Your dog might be acting out because he is suffering. This behavior may be his way of telling you that there is something wrong with him.

 You can prevent your dog from destroying your home by keeping it outdoors when you are away from the house. When this isnt possible, you want to provide things that both appeal to your dog and that are okay for the dog to chew on. Establishing acceptable chews toys is also about keeping those things you do not want your dog to chew up behind closed doors or well out out of reach.

 As this article has demonstrated, dog training is a very wise use of your time and energy. A badly behaved dog can destroy your house and stress everyone in the family; soon no one will want him around. By applying the information found in this article, youll be making a wise choice and helping your dog to be an enjoyable member of your family..
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Senin, 19 September 2016

Dog training tips

How to train you dog to attack enemy Please subscribe and like lets rich 500 likes.

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Hi. My name is Kerri and I have an addiction. I am addicted to figuring out how animals work, how they think and how to modify their behaviour.

I have many dogs and a few horses at the time of this post. about 16 animals all told (not counting my son) I am a full time student doing a joint major in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology. More figuring out how animals work.. just at the itty bitty scale.

I compete with my dogs in most dog sports available, and work occasionally as an animal wrangler doing movie/tv/commerical work when it comes up. The horses, which were once my passion, are now a sideline. Though they are still available for tv and movie work if someone wants them.

Anyone who knows me will know I am indordinately fond of a small JRT named Dekka (see pic) This blog will feature her quite heavily I am sure.

Actually this blog will discuss everything from training methods, my experiences, movie work, agility trials, puppy raising and anything that loosely fits within this frame work. I hope you, whoever you may be, enjoy it.
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Behavior Dog Training: http://tinyurl.com/n2ulhhk Dog Training Online And thats the beauty of it. Each lesson builds on the other lessons. You will learn a ...

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Free Dog House Plans

By Finley Zhang

If you have a dog that spends a lot of time outside, you need a dog house. If you have a little do-it-yourself skill, you may be able to make your own with the help of some free dog house plans.

Making the plans for a dog house is easy. Decide how large you want the dog house to be. This is going to depend on the size of your dog. You want the dog to be able to move around inside and not be uncomfortable.

We will use a medium dog as our example for creating free dog house plans.

First you will need to make a template for the base of the house. This will be the entire floor space, minus walls, that the house will have. We are going to create a house that is 21 inches wide and 24 inches deep, a good amount of space for a small to medium dog.

Next you need walls and a front. The side walls are going to be 24 inches long (since that is the size floor you cut out, and 24-27 inches high, depending on if you have a tall or short dog. The front and back walls will be 21 inches wide and as high as you have decided the side walls should be. Remember, one of these pieces needs to have a door drawn in it that is large enough for your pet to climb through.

The pieces of the roof need to be created in a width and length to cover while allowing sloping to the roof. In this case we are going to use one piece that is 21 inches x 32 inches and a second piece that is 21 ½ inches by 32 inches. That extra half-inch is not a typo, it is going to be the space you need to attach the two pieces together.

Now you can decide how much wood you need to use for your free dog house plans. Add up the measurements from the free dog house plans you just made and decide how much wood you need to make it work.

If you want an extra strong house you may want to use 2x4s to make a frame that fits the shape and attach the pieces of plywood to it.

Put the pieces of the dog house together with decking screws. Make sure to do this carefully. While 5/8 inch wood is a good amount of space to work with, if you tilt a little too much one way or the other you could send a screw end sticking into the dog house, and injuring your pet.

Next put the two roof pieces together. You will attach the pieces at a right angle with the longer piece facing you, as the piece you will put the screws through the top of.

If you want to add a little more strength, you can cut some of the extra plywood into right angle triangles to offer extra support at the angle of the top. You should glue them in first then screw them in place.

You have two ways to put the top on the house. The first is to make it removable, by putting two strips of wood, spaced evenly on both sides, underneath the long sides of the roof. When it is set on the top of the house, those strips of wood will balance the roof on top of the house frame. If you would prefer to have your roof permanent, nail down from the outside of the roof and into the walls of the house to hold it in place.


It is important to select exterior woods, as the dog house will have to put up with the weather.

You may want to put shingles on the roof to offer an extra layer of protection

Dont use pressure treated woods if your dog is prone to chewing on things. The chemicals used in the wood can be toxic.

Use exterior paint on the outside of the house to offer an extra layer of protection against the elements.

Keep the doghouse off the ground. Either build it on cement blocks or use pressure treated 2x4s to create a rectangular base to hold it off the ground and away from any standing water. Just add this wood to your list of supplies from on your free dog house plans.

Finley Zhang is a dog lover, and he enjoy sharing information and knowledge to improve dogs health. He is owner of YummyHealthyDogFood. YummyHealthyDogFood has helped dog owners improve their dogs life by sharing dog food recipes and dog tips. You can instantly access the recipes and tips by visiting http://www.YummyHealthyDogFood.com/blog

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Finley_Zhang
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