Rabu, 31 Agustus 2016

10 31 GPP

30 minutes cardio, 5 min walk/5 min jog
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11 1 DE Upper

Plate loaded machine bench
  180 x 12 x 6

Rope pressdown (limited ROM due to elbow brace on left arm)
  60 x 20 x 5

Pullover machine
  120 x 20 x 5

Machine lateral raise
  70 x 25 x 4

Shrugs on standing calf machine
  160 x 25 x 4

Incline sit-ups
  bw x 25 x 4
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dork play in black cat in house

A dog trainer works to teach a dog commands used by its owner Training Tips Most dog training jobs require a training hopeful to have a high school diploma, ...

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french bulldog bulldog english bulldog bulldog puppies american bulldog english bulldog puppies hey bulldog french bulldog puppies hey bulldog beatles bulldog puppy bulldog skateboarding bulldog...

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March 1st Class

Please join me in welcoming Riley and her Mommy Sosha to our wonderful group. Sosha started with me before she even had a dog. We searched for just the right dog and viola! she is the proud owner of Riley. Riley is doing great with her training, but needs more distractions, so here they are. Welcome!!

Training went great and we sure had a great day for it. The park is getting more crowded with the beautiful weather. Lots more distractions for our wonderful dogs. We did a lot of practice with stays and attention, as well as heeling. Check out the attention Heuy is giving Drew! Sadie has an excellent stay! Emmas third class and she is doing great. she is walking on a loose leash and paying attention great!
What a lot of fun Miles had he loves to have his nose to the ground. Maybe by the time he is 1 year old we will get that nose up for more that a few steps. Miles is the youngest of the group, but he sure is hanging in there and working with the big dogs. He is learning very quickly and Mary is to be congratulated for putting in the time. His attention is amazing when his nose is not glued to the ground! Keep up the good work!

A little note sent out to Toni. I hope you are feeling better. Your immune system goes down and everything coming down the road is going to get you. We miss you so take it easy and feel better.

Keep practicing and I will see you Sat!

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By Charley Hwang

Are vitamin and mineral supplements that necessary for your pregnant dog? Yes. Besides a balanced and healthy diet, pregnant dogs that are into their fourth week of pregnancy need more vitamins and minerals in their system. Also, a balanced di-calcium phosphate may be needed to be added into their diet as well.

“Where should I purchase these dog supplements?”

Di-calcium phosphate tablets and vitamin/mineral supplements can be obtained from most veterinarians or animal hospitals, and even some grocery stores. Health food stores are common to carry these types of animal supplements as well, so you should not have too many problems trying to locate some for your dog.

“What forms do these prenatal supplements come in?”

Just like what is supplied for humans, vitamins and minerals for prenatal dogs are sold in both powder and tablet forms. A lot of dog owners get bothered over choosing the right kind of supplements for their dogs, but it is an individual choice for you and your dog. Regardless if its form, the quality of both types of supplements is the same.

“How do I know what dosage of supplement to administer to my pregnant dog?”

You will find the correct supplement for your dog by looking at the labels of the supplements. The correct supplement for your pregnant dog will be stated clearly, and there are supplements for matrons as well as puppies. It is very important that you realize that prenatal dog supplements have gone through lab testing before they are approved to be marketed and sold in stores. There will also be specific instructions on the labels on how to give the supplements to your dog regarding the dosages or stages of pregnancy.

Your dog may not be used to swallowing tablets, or the tablet may be too big for a dog its size. What you can do is crush the tablet up into powder form and then putting it into your dog’s food for it to consume. If your dog has no problems with swallowing tablets, like my Chihuahua for instance, who swallows tablets easily when I place it at the back of his throat, you may want to choose that. But powder form supplements is also a good choice if that is what your dog is better at ingesting. See below for more information on Vitamins for Dogs.

For more information on Supplements For Pregnant Dogs or visit http://www.puppydogobedience.com/dog-pregnancy-3-common-questions-regarding-vitamin-mineral-supplementation/, a popular website that offers information on Dogs, Dog Training, and Dog Breeds. Please leave the links intact if you wish to reprint this article. Thanks

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Charley_Hwang
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Selasa, 30 Agustus 2016

Obedience Training for Your Dog

Weve all encountered them at some point. Ill-mannered dogs. Weve even seen their owners yelling at them, tugging at their leashes trying to make them behave. What is sad is that you cant blame the dog for the owners irresponsibility.

This type of behavior could have been avoided with obedience training. Obedience trainng is a platform for the dog and the owner to learn how to effectively communicate with one another.

Can you conduct obedience training on your own? This is a question that has long been debated by the experts. One school of thought is that it would be better if a professional does the training, while others feel the owner can do it if they feel competent. The truth is that a combination of trainer and owner is probably the most effective.

Find an obedience school in your area. You will probably be told that they recommend a series of lessons that include both the dog AND the owner. Sometimes the classes can be arranged where trainer comes to your home. Some trainers feel that training where the surroundings are familiar is helpful where some prefer their own location.

However, whether the obedience training is done at home, by a professional trainer, or in an obedience school, there are things that must be considered when incorporating this kind of training. Here is a list of the things that should be taken into account.

1. Fun

Obedience training does not necessarily mean that strict rules should be imposed. This is because the dog is not aware of the reasons why he should be trained. Therefore, for him to respond to the commands, the training must be done in such a way that the dog sees the activity as something that is fun.

The dog should be praised when he exhibits proper behavior. Some trainers also recommend treats and some do not. That should be discussed with your trainer.

2. Consistency

During the course of obedience training, it is very important to have consistency in the training. For example, if a dog was allowed to sit on the rug the other day and when the dog tried to sit on the rug today, he was scolded. Things like this should not be taken for granted. It is extremely important to teach the dog what he should and should not do and stick to it. Confusion will only make the matters worst.

3. Obedience training instructor/trainer

When people choose to enroll their dogs in an obedience class, it is important to analyze the trainer before the owner leaves his dog. The character and personality of the trainer is extremely important. They should be professional enough to know how to handle the dog’s behavior and how to train them properly. Again, you might want to find a trainer that works with both you AND your dog.

4. Referrals

It is best not to try new and unfamiliar obedience training schools. This could be really risky both for you and for your dog. It would be better if dog owners will ask for some referrals from their veterinarians, dog breeders, or other people who can give their honest opinions.

5. Charges

Not all obedience training schools are created equal. They vary depending on the kind of services they offer. It is best to consider their fees and what services they offer at that rate. This is one area where you dont want to scrimp so cheapest isnt always the best. Also, make certain you are dealing with a trainer that will work with both you AND your dog.

6. Methods used in the training

It is highly recommended that dog owners ask about the methods being used in the training. Make sure the terms are spelled out clearly. Shop for the best training you can find for the money. Dont make a decision quickly. If you dont feel comfortable with one individual, by all means keep looking.

There are some dogs that just seem to follow directions with little or no effort with never a session of profession training. Unfortunately, these examples are few and far between.

Invest in obedience training and you can look at a long and healthy relationship with a loving companion. With obedience training, dogs will surely be on their way to happier and more enjoyable stay with their masters and the people around them.

For more information on dog training, visit http://dogtrainingvideos.com

Dan Law is a dog enthusiast and trainer committed to writing articles and providing free information to dog owners and dog lovers.

Source: High Quality Article Database - 365articles.com
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Most Disciplined Dogs Ever

Best Of Entertainment Funny And Awesome Videos On My Channel. Please Rate And subscribe. Thanks.They think theyre people.Follow eHow Pets for regular tips from Victoria Stilwell and more: Victoria...

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Optimal dog training results

You might have thought you had a good dog, but you could have ended up with a bad one. However, theres still hope! A bit of training goes a long way in reducing bad dog behavior.

There are a lot of tricks you can teach your dog to do; a common one is training him to hold a toy in his mouth without chewing it. Use a clicker to give the dog a treat whenever the dogs uses his mouth to hold a toy. After a few tries you should allow the dog to pick up the toy on his own. As soon as the dog does this, use the clicker and give a reward. If he holds it in his mouth, you can give him a reward.

 For optimal dog training results, you must make sure that your dog is active at all times. Dogs are not meant to just lay around. To have an enjoyable life, they need to be able to get out and run and work. Train your dog for agility, jog with it or take it to the park. If you stay active with him, he is not likely to get bored.

 You should not take your problems out on your pet. If your dog has not misbehaved, you should treat him warmly.

 Do not neglect to make a visit to the vet for a spay or neuter around the six month mark. This should be done at the same time you start obedience training. A spayed or neutered dog is a better pet and a more attentive obedience student. You and your pet will enjoy a longer and happier life together.

 Communication is one essential thing to consider when training your dog. You must give consistent and clear signals when you training your dog. This includes not only using the same commands, but also maintaining consistent body language and keeping rewards and corrections the same. Pay attention to your dogs communication towards you, too. Pay attention to these signals because hes trying to tell you that everything is either going well or not so well.

 If you have to go to work, or something else that will keep you out of the house for more than a few hours, take your dog for a long walk before you leave. Wearing them out helps them deal with the anxiety they feel when youre gone.

 Training your dog can help if your dog has a hard time being left alone. It is quite possible that if your dog frequently barks unceasingly or damages your belongings when you leave, he or she is actually suffering from separation anxiety. If you train your dog to stay busy when you are gone, it can help. While youre training your dog, its important to also show a great amount of love so your dog knows that everything is alright.

 Destructive chewing is often a result of anxiety. Putting your dog in his crate with a chew toy will reduce the chance of destructive events and give him something to do while he waits for you.

 Although there are many benefits to using a harness, you will have less control over your dog than if he is wearing a cinch collar. If you plan on using a harness outside of training, put both that and a collar on your dog during the training process. This will teach him to respond to commands even after the cinching collar is removed.

 You wont get anywhere in your dog training routine if your dog feels unsafe. If they do not feel safe, they may show bad behavior. Make your dogs surroundings comfortable and safe in order for this not to happen.

 Dogs have natural destructive behavior, so provide outlets for them to exercise their natural behaviors. Feed your dog a balanced diet, give them space to run, and provide them with activities that will burn energy.

 To have success in dog training, you need to be able to control it with commands. You have to show your dog that you are in control or he will not obey or respect you. When walking with your dog, always walk first, never let your dog lead, as this is the leadership position.

 When your dog reaches six months, make sure that your dog is spayed or neutered. This should coincide with the beginning of obedience classes. A dog that has been spayed or neutered will be a more obedient dog. You and your pet will enjoy a longer and happier life together.

 It is vitally important that your dog is treated in the same manner, given the same commands and rewarded similarly by every member of your family. This is the only way to ensure the training sticks. Consistency is the best method for training a dog. If you train your dog in a certain way while another family member encourages a different behavior, your dog will not know what to do.

 Stop your puppy from chewing on something inappropriate immediately if you catch him in the act. This will help your puppy understand what is acceptable and what is off limits.

 If you will be away from home for any length of time, such as going to work, then you need to make certain you take your dog on a long walk before you leave. Not only do you want your dog to relieve himself, but you also want to make him tired so he relaxes and doesnt suffer from anxiety while youre gone.

 You should not initiate a training session unless you are in a calm and patient mood. Be patient when training your puppy, so you can both stay focused.

 Dogs that have trouble with separation anxiety need to develop stronger relationships with others in your household. Allowing the dog to establish relationships with new people will lessen its dependence on the owner.

 A clicker works well when training most dogs. Using a clicker is as simple as showing your dog that good things happen when the clicking noise is heard. Try using this technique right away, doing it frequently over a span of a few days. Your dog will soon know that the clicking noise means that they are doing a good job.

 Dogs that have received no training are likely to destroy your possessions and try your patience. If you use the advice in this article, you will be ready to teach your dog that skills will help the owner-pet relationship..
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Senin, 29 Agustus 2016

A dog trainer works to teach a dog commands used by its owner Training Tips Most dog training jobs require a training hopeful to have a high school diploma, or a general educational development...

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See more puppies at http://www.19breeders.com area, city, state, tiny, teacup, toy, standard, miniature, Big, Stocky, Large, county, North, West, South, East, metro, near, by, local dog breeders,...

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12 30 ME Upper

Incline Press, 3 RM
  45 x 10
  135 x 5
  185 x 3
  225 x 3
  275 x 3
  305 x 3
  315 x 2, fail

Floor press
  245 x 6
  245 + 1 set chains x 6
  245 + 2 sets chains x 6
  245 x 3 sets chains x 6
  245 x 4 sets chains x 6

Tate Press
  45 x 12
  55 x 10
  65 x 8 x 3

Dumbbell military press
  60 x 12 x 5

Rear delts on pec deck
  60 x 25 x 3

Strait arm pull down
  80 x 12 x 5

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The Animal Rescue Site $100,000 Shelter+ Challenge - brought to you by Petfinder
The Animal Rescue Site is awarding $100,000 in grants to eligible Petfinder member rescue organizations. The grand prize is a $25,000 grant. Just imagine how many animals we could help for $25,000!
The rescue organizations with the most votes will win. You can click to help animals at www.theanimalrescuesite.com, and then vote for your favorite participating shelter. Clicking and voting are free, with no registration required. You can vote once every day during the Challenge, which starts on September 29th.
Visit www.theanimalrescuesite.com to learn more. Its free, and only takes a moment of your time. Thank you!
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Minggu, 28 Agustus 2016

Having a Labrador Retriever is fun. Apart from being friendly, this breed is capable of performing a lot of work. They are popular assistance dogs and is widely used by police and other official bodies because of their detection and working abilities. With all those services and help they provide, they deserve to be treated really well.

The moment you decided to take home a new Labrador Retriever, it is expected that you Understand and wholeheartedly accept the responsibilities attached to being a good dog owner. It is your responsibility to provide things like leashes, collars, food bowls and water bowls in addition to nutritionally-balanced food. You also have to make sure that your pet is well taken cared of, is regularly groomed, has plenty of exercise and is free from diseases and other health problems.

But being a good dog owner doesnt end there. You can do more than just providing all those stuff. Have you ever thought of getting a pet insurance for your ever loyal dog? No kidding! Many dogs owners are now getting pet insurance for their dogs.

Inevitable medical emergencies can occur unexpectedly. Lucky if it is just a minor laceration or a mild vomiting. However, some could be so severe that extensive and prolong or even lifetime medication is necessary. Thanks to the advancement of medical science, treating some rare and complicated diseases is now possible. But then the problem is, your pet may not be given proper treatment because of financial constraints. By having pet insurance, you will never have to worry financial issues anymore in addition to having your pet treated even with the most advance and powerful wonders of science.

There are various companies with different plans to suit the needs of your pet. Choose a reputable and reliable company offering excellent policies at low prices. Read and understand the terms and conditions and various coverage schemes. Some plans cover not just regular health care and check ups but also treatment for illnesses and accidents. There are some that covers accidents or both accidents and illnesses. There are also some that covers even x-rays, ultrasounds, operations, physiotherapy, chemotherapy and others. Assess what your dog needs depending on your pets breed, gender, health, age and general health condition and decide what plan to choose.

Talk to your vet first before closing a deal with the insurance company. Make sure that your vet accepts your insurer and check if there are other vets in your area which will accept the same insurance company in case your vet is not available in an emergency.

Richard Cussons writes articles about Labrador Retriever and other dog breeds. Discover Labrador training tips at labradorsavvy.com

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Richard_Cussons
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See more puppies at http://www.19breeders.com area, city, state, tiny, teacup, toy, standard, miniature, Big, Stocky, Large, county, North, West, South, East, metro, near, by, local dog breeders,...

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So I had successful distal bicep reattachment procedure on my left bicep Thursday, Sept. 17. The surgery was performed by Dr. Steven Dailey w/ OIP, a specialist in upper extremity orthopedic procedures...the procedure was a single-incision endobutton repair.

My arm is currently in a hinged brace, locked at 90 degrees at least until my first post-op in a week. However, the extension setting is at 70 degrees, and I was told I can unlock the brace and work on extending my arm. Since ive been going to 70 degrees extension for 2 days pain free, and since I can extend it farther pain-free when the brace is off for showering, Ive taken the liberty of increasing the extension stop from 70 to 50.

Starting Sunday, Ive instituted the following rehab protocol to attempt to avoid upper body muscle atrophy. My goal is to maintain as much tricep and shoulder size & strength as possible...I know full well that I am going to lose bicep size & strength since I wont be able to do any direct bicep strength training for at least 6 weeks.

I will be performing the following 3X a day until my first pre-op, as well as doing some upper body machine strength work every day Im in the gym. I hope to be back to handling heavy weight on machine pressing & shoulder movements within 2-3 weeks to avoid atrophy.

Banded tricep extension x 100 reps (started w/ light theraband, will progress gradually)
Side delt raises x 50 reps (no weight)
Rear delt raises x 50 reps (no weight)
Front delt raises x 50 reps (no weight)

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German Shepherd Training

What is known is that the German Shepherd is a hard working dog and the higher the drive, the more experience required of the owner and of the trainer in charge. So an appropriate
German Shepherd Training program is extremely important.

Additionally, the German Shepherd is:
  • Believed to be one of the top three most intelligent breeds 
  • Eager to have a purpose
  • Able to interpret and learn a variety of tasks
The German Shepherd is also a self-assured breed, meaning that they usually require an equally competent and confident owner. When a German Shepherd trusts their handler explicitly, it is like witnessing two parts of the same whole. It is of little surprise that other dog owners who see such a relationship want the same for themselves. Royvon dog training cultivates this rapport between man and dog.

German Sheperd Training is not an overnight act, there is always a price for perfection and the price is putting into the dog exactly what you desire to receive and a German Shepherd that does not have their top traits nurtured may take charge of their own purpose. These are German Shepherds that become over-protective, over-territorial and quite possibly aggressive. They are also are easily bored and agitated without anything to do, which often results in displacement behaviour. This is where our dog and puppy training can help ensure your dog stays nurtured and purposeful.

As a highly trainable, immensely loyal and responsive breed, it is unfortunate too for them to be owned by those not willing to help them reach their full potential, and Royvon has more experience training German Shepherds than any other breed of dog

Breed Characteristics 
Breed Awareness/Management
The German Shepherd is an intelligent, discriminating, confident, responsive breed that is willing to learn, and will learn - and do anything. Firm, but calm and consistent obedience training is essential to maintain control of the GSD. They must be owned and handled by someone equally as smart and capable, as anything less is a waste of this outstanding breeds potential!
The German Shepherd is a powerful breed and enjoys boisterous play. Aggressive games should be controlled from an early age as a puppy to discourage unsafe and undesirable behaviour. Dominant GSDs may refuse commands from family members who do not establish leadership over them.
Due to natural guarding instincts, the German Shepherd can be potentially aggressive with strange dogs or people.
From an early age as a puppy, socialisation of this dog is crucial. Be sure to have complete control before exposing them to social situations full of distractions.
Most German Shepherds are sociable, but can be aloof with strangers. They are intelligent and adapt well to positive training. Although some may seem nervous in kennels, they generally cope well.
This breed has a double-density coat and copes well in all weathers. Care should be taken when exercising in hot weather as they can overheat.
A happy, healthy confident German Shepherd is good-natured, lively, and makes an ideal family pet and guardian. Respect and love your German Shepherd and they will return your loyalty and companionship without question.

German shepherd Training has always been a controversial discussion since they are also pretty aggressive, i would highly reccommend you to speak to professionals before implementing.
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Training Methods Used

At Lifestyle Dog Training we employ science based, force free, positive reinforcement training methods.   Training methodology is not a matter of opinion ... its a matter of science.

We do not advocate confrontational punitive training methods which promote out dated dominance based "pack leader" training modalities.    Dog training has come a long way in the past 30 years!!  We now understand canine behaviour much better & modern trainers are well versed in learning theory.

Our goal is to forge a bond of trust and understanding between you and your dog.   We utilize a reward based system which includes food, toys, praise, and life rewards. 

Our basic rule = if you wouldnt do it to a small child, dont do it to your dog!

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Coming Events Seminars Workshops

Coming Soon!   Check back for dates/details

  • An Introduction to Canine Musical Freestyle
  • Come Fido Come! How to build a reliable recall
  • Polite Leash Walking Workshops
  • Polite Greetings Workshop
  • Canine Massage
  • Pavlovs Dogs (understanding classical conditioning and its application to everyday life)
  • Shelter/Rescue Dogs; Understanding & Reintegrating Shelter/Rescue Dogs to Normal Life
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Sabtu, 27 Agustus 2016

11 25 ME Bench

Floor press, 2 RM

  135 X 10
   225 X 5
  275 X 2
  315 X 2
  365 X 2
  405 X 2

Close grip bench, feet on bench, + doubled super mini bands
  185 X 6 X 3
  205 X 6
  225 X 6

Rope tricep overhead
  50 X 25 X 4

Low pulley row, multi grip handle
  160 X 20 X 6 (2 sets at each grip)

Seated dumbbell cleans
  25 X 15 X 3

Dumbbell preacher curl
  15 X 12 X 5
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By M. Bruno

The dog food industry announced in a recent statement that labeling on pet and dog food is actually better than labeling requirements on food for human consumption.

This would be the best news that we have heard since the beginning of the dog food recall that has claimed the lives of thousands of dogs, while an ever growing number of dogs continue to suffer from kidney failure after eating contaminated dog food.

Let’s take a look at how the pet dog food industry supports this claim.

The dog food industry has the option of including ingredients that they deem safe and nutritious in the dog food that they produce and sell.

Some of those ingredients are:

Dead, dying, diseased and downed animals. Well, this confuses me a bit. I don’t know of any regulation permitting the inclusion of these unsuitable proteins on any human food label. The fact is that these 4Ds, can not be used in human food but are used by dog food manufacturers. Ever see those listed on a dog food label?

Rendered animal tissue, such as acquired from the remains of euthanized dogs and pets from animal shelters are used in some dog food products. Hmmm, I never saw any of that on an approved for human consumption food label.

Dog food labels often have statements that claim the dog food is complete, balanced and safe. This would be almost an impossible claim to have approved by the FDA for food destined for human consumption. But dog food manufacturers make this claim as almost as a matter of course. Just check their label.

The dog food industry is fond of pointing to the oversight of the industry by AAFCO the, Association Of American Feed Control Officials. AAFCO has no real regulatory authority and the testing of dog food is little more than a joke.

Here’s a synopsis of AAFCO testing requirements

• Eight dogs more than a year old must participate

• The dogs must be of normal health and weight

• Blood tests are taken at the inception and conclusion of the test

• No dog (of the eight participants) die or are taken off the dog food because of nutritional problems.

Results of a Successful Dog Food Tests

• At least six of the original eight dogs that began the test must complete it.

• During the test, none of the dogs used are to die or be removed because of nutritional causes.

• Six of the eight dogs starting must finish the test.

AAFCO, with no real authority conducts a test on all of eight dogs. If none die or are excluded and a very basic blood test is passed, that dog food gets the green light.

Are you willing to risk your dog’s life on the claims made by the dog food industry? Do you think that a test which will determine the safety and nutrient values of your dog food is adequate when the test involves only eight dogs?

Do you believe that the FDA should be more directly involved or is the oversight of a group such as AAFCO sufficient to assure the health and safety of your dog?

What is happening in the dog food recall is the product of the claims and performance of the dog food industry, AAFCO, and their marketing and business efforts.

Before chancing our dog’s life to the claims of dog food manufacturers that their labeling requirements are safe, that their dog food is safe, and that their industry is regulated, become an informed consumer. Spend some time and learn what your dog food label really says at http://www.fda.gov/cvm/petlabel.htm

Dog food companies claim that the products they manufacturer are safe.

Sadly, the recent dog food recall and recalls prior to this one suggest otherwise. The dog food industry has in many cases been untruthful in their sales pitch, unsavory in their ethics and have produced a product that in many instances belong in a landfill, not eaten by your dog. A few good apples exist in the commercial dog food world. Make absolutely sure that your dog food comes from one of the good guys or consider making your own dog food at home

By doing so you can make sure that the food you give your dog is truly healthy and not a potential death sentence.

Do you buy your dog food at a supermarket? Pet superstore? Online? Is it healthy and safe? Find out what’s the dog food you feed your pooch at http://www.dogs-4life.com/dog-food-that-kills.html This article may be reproduced with the authors link

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=M._Bruno
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Easy Dog Training Tips and Tricks

http://buy4pets.blogspot.com Get more Pet Tricks and Pet supplies reviews here. Thank you for watching. Please subscribe..

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What is your dog saying to you? Cesar Millan reveals what Fidos trying to tell you through vocal cues, body language and even his fur!

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Jumat, 26 Agustus 2016

This is a great slideshow on WebMD. Please watch!

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5 22 DE Lower

SS Bar speed squat (week 2)
  385 + average bands x 2 x 10

Speed pulls off 2" deficit
   365 + 200 lbs band x 1 x 8

Mikesell pull-thrus w/ average band x 20 x 4

Seated leg curl
  120 x 12
  140 x 12
  160 x 12

  ISO leg extension 70 x 15 x 3
  Abductor 110 x 15 x 3
  Adductor 110 x 15 x 3

Reverse Hyper
  320 x 20 x 2

Spread eagle sit-ups x 20 x 2
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By Lee Dobbins

Dog clothing is growing in popularity and is great for keeping your furry friend warm and safe. Pomeranian clothes can help you Pom look cool while protecting him from bad weather. Dressing your Pomeranian in practical but stylish attire can be fun as well as practical.

Protecting your dog from the bitter cold is one practical reason for dog clothing. Although your Pomeranian does have a thick coat to protect him, he is sure to appreciate an additional layer against the cold. Your pet is sure to appreciate the extra warmth a dog coat or sweater can provide. If you are taking your Pom for a long walk, you might consider a thick coat, but a quick trip out to do his business may only require a sweater.

You can buy all different kinds of clothes for your Pomeranian. Everything from party clothes, to tuxedos, to raincoats to boots can be found. For girl Poms, you might try a pink sweater with fur on the edges or maybe a Harley Davidson jacket for a boy. Many dogs dont mind being dressed up and appreciate the extra protection. You want to go slowly the first time you put a piece of clothing on our Pomeranian as they will not be used to it, but after a fashion it wont bother them at all. For safety sake, make sure to pick clothes that dont have loose strings that could get wrapped around his neck or legs and no embillishements he could chew off. Its better to spend more on quality clothes that are safe for your dog.

Most Pomeranian clothes manufacturers keep safety in mind when designing outfits. Many coats have a reflective piece for safety when walking. To keep your Pomeranians paws clean, you can buy boots for dogs that will also give him comfort on cold and rainy days You can get rain slickers for dogs too, and hats to protect them from the fierce rays of the sun. If your Pomeranian like to romp in the woods, a coat will also help keep burrs off his fur and save you the trouble of having to try to get them out.. When choosing a coat, one that has a nylon shell as well as a fleece lining will help keep your pet snug and dry.

If you are dressing your Pomeranian, you need to make sure the clothing is a good fit, not too loose or tight, and also that he has enough room underneath to do his business if necessary. Its great if you an actually try the clothing on your dog before you buy it, that way you can be sure it fits him well and has no loose parts that may catch on trees and furniture.

Finding Pomeranian clothes that suit your dogs needs should be easy as there is a large variety available both on and offline..

Lee Dobbins writes for The Pomeranian Pages where you can learn more about caring for your pom and how to pick Pomeranian clothes.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Lee_Dobbins
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Dog Psychology Inside Your Dogs Mind

By Andrew Strachan

If you are the owner of a dog, it is more than likely at some point that you will want to train a bad habit or annoying behavioral trait out of your dog. Nobody likes having their shoes chewed to bits, or the dog urinating over the floor when it feels so inclined.

Before you can start to train your dog, it is imperative that you have some insight into dog psychology and how a dog thinks. Without some insight into dog psychology, your training efforts will be wasted.

Dog psychology is mainly centered on one main area - The Pack. By this we mean that as wild animals, dogs will live together in groups known as Packs. Within this pack there will be young pups, teenaged dogs and adults. Sometimes you may even find quite old dogs in a pack where the hunting is easy.

Now this is the key point. Within every dog pack, there will be a top dog known as the alpha male. There will also be an alpha female who will be the top female dog in the pack. This is where you can take advantage of the psychology of dogs when related to training your dog. If you can position yourself as the alpha male, your training and teachings will sink in far quicker than if your dog had little to no respect for you.

The trick is to ensure that within your family unit, all members of your family are classed as higher members in the pack with you as the Alpha Male (even if you are not male of course). This ensures that if you have children, the dog will listen to them as well. The dog will see them as a higher authority. Sometimes if the dog is older and the children quite young, they will form more of an Equal relationship than Pack leader relationship. This is O.K. as long as the dog respects them. This will prevent the dog from biting at the children or behaving in a threatening manner.

Dog psychologists differ in opinion about how to maintain the Alpha role but there are a few proven methods.

Never feed your dog at or near your dining area. Your dog should always eat in its own separate area. Also do not allow your dog onto the bed as this elevates the dog to your height and in some dogs can give the impression that you are behaving submissively.

Also if your dog is misbehaving, a strong firm vocal NO! will show the dog who is boss. If the behavior persists, a physical (but not over forceful) chastisement may be required. This is what happens in the wild. The alpha male will snarl or growl at subordinates. If this fails to work, the alpha male will often bite or rough up the subordinate dog, reminding it who is boss.

It is important to realize that dogs can very easily fall into bad habits. The reason for this is that they react far more readily to a stimulus - response situation and will retain that association for a long time, whereas humans can overcome these associations by rationalizing them.

For example, if you shout Walkies every time you take your dog out for a walk it, will not be very long before your dog has associated the term Walkies with the treat of going for a walk. Now, if you shout Walkies and then DO NOT take your dog for a walk, this wont prevent the dog getting just as excited the next time you shout it.

Another important aspect of dog psychology is the inability of a dog to associate two events separated by a long time interval. You need to know this when you are training your dog. If your dog urinates on the floor and you dont reprimand your dog until two hours later, your dog is not going to know what it is being reprimanded for! Your dog will NEVER associate the urinating earlier in the day with the punishment later on.

It is vital that you understand HOW your dog thinks before you can begin training. If your dog is taught incorrectly, it will take a long time to undo those mistakes.

Article by Andrew Strachan. Find out more about dog behavior training and types of dogs at http://www.types-of-dogs.com

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Andrew_Strachan
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By Jim Olio

For a complete manual on training your dog as well as free dog training tips, the Sit Stay Fetch product is outstanding. As a dog owner, I have always wanted to learn more about the different methods and approaches used by professional dog trainers.. This is a complete guide which covers the basic and more advanced techniques.

This manual is just full of excellent information. How to choose the right dog for your family, where to find him or her, how to get your home ready for this new family member, how to deal with behavior problems, how to house train your new friend, what are the health issues that you need to be concerned about, and what are some advanced tricks that we can work on ? All of the above are covered in good detail, to help you make the right choices and decisions.

In addition to the contents listed above, there is also a pretty impressive section on dog whispering, which " in case you have not heard of it already " is a method of dog training based on a philosophy of clear communication and mutual respect. Its been popularized in recent years by Cesar Millan (The Dog Whisperer), and is becoming increasingly well-known as an alternative and humane method for disciplining and training your dog. SitStayFetch has dedicated an entire section to dog whispering: Daniel Stevens explains the background of the technique, how to utilize voice and body language to your best advantage, and how to use the technique to calmly, assertively, and effectively correct and train your dog. Step-by-set instructions are included for the common commands (sit, down, come, stay, quiet, etc).

Four bonus books are included in the package. Some of the information provided covers topics such as how to resolve aggressive behavior, how to groom your dog, what about dental care, help with house training, and using your dog for security.

There is such a wealth of knowledge provided with this package, that even an experienced dog handler will be impressed. You are even provided with an email address to receive free additional instruction or guidance and tips, if needed.

Many the methods provide a basic conventional approach to dog training while others will require more effort from both you and your dog in order to achieve some rather dramatic changes, as is the case with dog whispering. Because there is so much to choose from, you are free to select the best solution or approach for both you and your favorite pet.

If you thinking about getting a new dog, or if you just want to have more fun and enjoyment for both you and your best friend, look no further. This book with all its info and step by step guides will provide an interesting development exercise. I have been able to learn things that a lifetime around dogs could never teach me. Highly Recommended.

Sit Stay Fetch is available at our blog http://www.WhizDogs.com/blog and take advantage of the lowest prices at our Dog Training Store at WhizDogs.com/store

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Jim_Olio
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Click Here - http://dld.bz/potty-training-tips Potty Training Tips - Potty training boys or potty training girls Start Potty Training Now - How To Potty Trai...

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Rabu, 24 Agustus 2016

House Training Your Dog: http://tinyurl.com/mm5o65e In As Little As 7 Days from Now You Will Be Able to: Leave your dog home alone without worrying Let your ...

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A dog trainer works to teach a dog commands used by its owner Training Tips Most dog training jobs require a training hopeful to have a high school diploma, ...

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Selasa, 23 Agustus 2016

8 4 GPP

Row, 500M (2 min)/1min rest - 5 rounds

Hanging leg raise 20 x 4

45 degree back extension 20 x 4

Med ball twists 8 x 20 x 4
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Is your dog barking too much? It could be that youre inadvertently training him to bark by giving him attention whenever he barks. Yelling at him counts as giving attention, as does looking at him or kicking him. You know who you are! Dont do it.

Even if youve got a pup from the Hound group (who is hereditarily hardwired to bark while hunting, such as a Beagle, you can still win this battle -- peacefully) practice both the long-term and short-term solutions here, stay consistent and practice daily, and you can solve this barking problem.

First and foremost, the thing to remember with a barker is the same thing with any other behavior issue:

When a behavior is reinforced, it will increase in frequency.

When a behavior is not reinforced, it will decrease in frequency.

Long-Term Bark Stoppers

These are to be practiced continually whenever you are not doing the short-term exercises.

§ Keep all departures and arrivals very low-key. This is very important. When you or family members come home from school or work, quietly let the dog outside and dont greet him in any way whatsoever until at least 5 minutes later. This is hard for kids or anyone owning a puppy, but its crucial to avoid emotional displays which announce your comings and goings. Making a big deal when you leave or come home will increase the likelihood not only of owner-absent barking, but bona fide separation anxiety

§ Ignore all barking unless you are certain that the barking is signaling something extremely important. Ignoring does NOT mean saying "Quiet Rover" when he barks - it means remaining quiet yourself when he barks!

§ Do not even look at your dog or turn your head toward your dog when he barks. Doing so reinforces the behavior! Hes just looking for some way to get your attention and believe me, hell notice your eyes moving because hes watching you.

§ Praise "Good quiet, Rover" and walk over to him to give him a little treat several times during the day when he is just sitting around not barking. He can be doing just about anything else, but if he is quiet, praise him and call it what it is. Believe it or not, hell figure out what hes doing right sooner than you think, and his "quiet" behavior will increase.

§ If you got a breed known for barking (Hounds such as beagles) accept it and modify your expectations. Be realistic about leaving him alone inside or outside when you cant hear him; if hes bothering the neighbors, you may have to get him into a daycare.

§ Exercise, exercise, exercise: 2 hours of brisk walking (or running) daily is a minimum for barkers, who need an outlet for their energy. He should be walked on a leash away from your home and/or run in a safe area away from your home. Not only does this tire him out, but it desensitizes him to the sights, sounds and smells of your neighborhood - rendering them less "barkworthy" than when they were unknown.

§ Playtime and obedience in your yard. If youre not playing with him for at least 30 minutes daily, start. Fetch, chase, tug, and hide & seek are all great games to play with your pooch and will tire him out and enhance your relationship.

§ If you have to leave your dog outside while youre gone, give him a digging pit, a wading pool, lots of toys and agility-type obstacles that will keep him busy and happy. Installing a stockade fence through which he cannot see will also reduce the barking.

§ Never leave your dog tied up outside. Youre just asking for noise (and possibly aggression) anytime anything happens in the vicinity.

§ When you can communicate with your dog and learn to give him attention for the good things he does, hell be less frustrated, more responsive to you, and much less likely to bark. Enroll in an obedience class at a positive reinforcement facility (see the Trainer Search at http://www.apdt.com for ones in your area).

If youve already taken obedience, try agility, flyball, tracking, or Canine Good Citizen to stimulate his mind and body.

§ Dont bother yelling at your dog for barking. Some dogs interpret this as your attempt to join in the barking chorus! And all dogs know that getting yelled at is getting more attention than they were getting before they barked!

§ Bring him to a cage-free dog daycare once or twice a week. The staff there are very likely to practice barking control, but more important hell learn quickly that proximity to other dogs is not necessarily reason to vocalize.

Short Term Bark Stopper: Put the bark on command

If you train your dog to bark on cue, youre in control of most of his barking. And if you can concurrently train him to Quiet on cue, youre happy! Youll need a helper for this exercise, and youll need to practice it several different times on different days , maybe 20 minutes each time. Your helper may be different or the same each time as long as they can follow your directions.

First, tell your helper to go outside your front door. Instruct him that in 5 seconds he should ring the doorbell. Close the door with you and the dog inside. Count to 4 seconds and command your dog to "Speak!". If your timings right, your doorbell will now ring, setting your dog up for his predictably barking frenzy. You have now started to associate the command "Speak" with your dogs barking.

After a few seconds of barking, command "Quiet" while holding a treat right in front of your dogs nose. He will stop barking in order to eat the treat. You may praise him "Good quiet" while he chomps on his treat.

Now youve not only associated the command "Quiet" with him ceasing to bark, but youve also associated being quiet with something yummy, along with your verbal praise which he also loves. This starts your dog on his long and happy relationship with being quiet when told to do so.

Repeat this exercise 5-10 times in each daily session. You should be in control of your dogs barking within only a few short days!

If you cant get him into a group class, order a good positive reinforcement training video such as Positive Puppy Training at http://www.dogdaysusa.com/positivepuppy.cfm and practice as much as you can.

For more great puppy and dog training and behavior articles, including jumping, chewing, separation anxiety and housetraining, go to http://www.dogdaysUSA.com

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Suzanne_Harris
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1 13 ME Upper

Bench Press w/ Slingshot
  135 x 10
  225 x 5
  275 x 3
  315 x 1
  365 x 1
  add slingshot
  405 x 1
  455 x 1
  485 x 1
  505 miss (previous PR 500)

Ultra wide grip cambered bar bench
  225 x 10
  245 x 10
  265 x 10
  275 x 10

Tate press
  70 x 8 x 8

Hammer iso chest supported row
  160 x 8 x 6 each arm

Front Plate Raise
  45 x 15 x 3

Rear delts on pec deck
  90 x 25 x 3

Hammer curls
  30 x 20 x 3

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Training Your Dog To Come On Command

For the next couple days start randomly saying the word “COME” in an upbeat happy voice anytime your dog looks at you and quickly give him a treat. Then go about your business again and ignore him. The idea is to teach the dog to associate the word “come” with something good, hence the treats.

Once your dog is eagerly anticipating his cookie after you command “COME” then start doing this when he’s not looking at you, maybe even a few steps away. With any luck he’ll whip around and start looking for that treat he’s expecting. Good! He’s got the idea. Take a few steps back which will encourage him to come toward you then reward him with the treat and go about your business again.

It’s a good idea to always touch the collar first before giving the treat. If your dog gets loose outside you’ll want him to easily accept you taking hold of his collar when he comes to you.

Now we can start adding a little more distance and distractions to the mix. Call your dog when he’s across the room, then in another room, then move on to calling him when he’s slightly distracted. Always be sure to reward him when he gets to you, and mix up the treats every once in a while to keep him on his toes. Varying the amount of treats he gets upon his arrival to you is also a good idea . If he’s not sure if he’ll get one treat or three then he’s more likely to rush over to you quickly each time you call.

Start with low expectations and then raise them as your dog progresses. It’s unfair to expect a dog who’s only being in training for a week to come when called off leash when outside and distracted. If he hasn’t been trained in such conditions, then he won’t respond. Start in low distraction environments like the living room and then work up to more distractions as your dog becomes more and more successful.

But shouldn’t he be coming to me just because I call, not because he wants food?

In the beginning it’s up to us to teach the dog what the word COME means. Using food treats for this make the process go much faster and helps the dog to learn easier because he’s more motivated to focus. After your dog is reliably coming when called every time, even around distractions, then you can start to wean him off the treats and only offer them for extra quick responses or when he’s highly distracted.

Important Points

Use a leash! This will give you greater control over the situation. It’s a good idea to let the dog drag around a six foot lead so if he decides to ignore your call you can simply pick up the lead, give it a gentle tug and encourage him to come to you.

Never give a command you won’t enforce. If you command him to come, then you better make it happen should be choose to ignore you. Allowing him to do so is only teaching him that he doesn’t have to obey your commands every time. Either help your dog to make the right choice if he is still learning by backing up a few steps to encourage him, or pick up the lead and give a gentle tug to let him know that come means come NOW.

Practice make perfect. Plan on doing at least fifty repetitions at each stage before moving on to add more distance or more distractions. Don’t rush it, make sure your dog is consistently responding before moving forward and expecting more of him. Asking too much to soon will only cause frustration for both you and your dog.

Use small treats. No need to break out the big milk bones for this exercise. Small, smelly treats should do just fine. The smellier, the better. Tiny pieces of beef jerky work very well and are easy to keep in your pocket.

Ann Griffin runs a pet resource website at CentralPetz.com, a place for pet owners to find dog training articles, contests, dog forums and more.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Ann_Griffin
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Breeding Part TWO

Ok so from those crosses you can tell that chest shape isnt an either or deal but is pretty close. And keel shaped is somewhat dominant. (boo) Coat quality is relatively easy to fix. Angulation seems to be recessive to straightness.

A few notes. I am not one that says dogs HAVE to be conformation champions to be bred.. as long as the reasons arent basic structural. Over angulation seems to have more of a soundness issue than under angulation in small dogs. (observation in agility points to less angulation in the rear is better for performance and long term health) A keel shaped chest is bad in JRTs, but has no actual detriment to the dog health wise. It just makes it harder for them to fit down a groundhog hole. However both Snip and Dekka have proven that they, and their non round chests, can and will fit down ground hog holes. A soft coat will put you out of the ribbons but isnt a detriment to the dog.

Things that are bad. Crooked legs, malformed spines (though you can win in conf with that it seems in many breeds) Extreme angulation or underangulation (Twist is borderline under.. if it wasnt for the fact that she was sound as could be at 7 as were all her children I might have passed on her) Temperament issues are VERY bad. No matter how sound a dog is physically it needs to be sound temperamentally!! Lack of bone. I am not a fan of spindly dogs that arent supposed to be spindly. Its too much weight on their articular surfaces.

Basically anythign that will cause the dog to be unsound and/or unsuitable for the work it was bred to do is bad.

On the flip side breeding for a style in the ring that is winning, but precludes the dog doing what it was bred to do is also very bad IMO.. but that is another post.
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House Training Your Puppy Or Dog

By Abbie Frank

One of the best things about having a pet is the companionship they offer. Many of the idealized dreams of pet owners have been destroyed by the inability to properly house train a new puppy or dog. This is unfortunate because with very few exceptions, teaching a dog to relieve themselves outside is one of the easier things to do.

Understand that dogs are pack animals and in the wild, they choose to be very social and interact with a group. When you take on dog ownership, you are seen as part of the pack. Canines also prefer to sleep in a very clean, dry and warm place. This means that a dog or puppy will not purposely soil what they see as their home and sleeping area.

The key then is to take this natural preference and use it to develop a positive behavior of asking to go outside to relieve themselves. The absolute best way of getting the behavior you want is to use lots of praise and positive reinforcement.

Yelling, raising your voice, threatening and getting aggravated or physical with your puppy or dog will not nearly be as effective as positive reinforcement and consistency on your part. A dog simply has a difficult time associating an action with a consequence. Its their desire however to make you happy so anything like going outside to the bathroom should be seen as something that makes you happy. This means lots of praise will get your puppy housebroken a lot faster than getting upset.

It also means that if your dog has an accident inside your home and you do not see it while its happening, you should not scold or say anything negative to your pup. And even better approach when you have to clean up a pile of poo is to ignore the dog completely. You dont want to show your displeasure because your puppy will not have the ability to associate your unhappiness with the bathroom accident. The reason for this is that you dont want to interact with the animal after finding something that you dont like.

You should also face the fact that your puppy or dog will have an occasional accident during the training. Its just a fact that there will be times when your puppy will not be able to control their bowels or bladder. If you catch them in the act of relieving themselves in your home however, simply pick them up and say firmly "NO" and take them directly outside to let them finish going to the bathroom.

Stay there with them and pay careful attention to make certain that they go. While outside, if they do indeed go potty, its very important that you focus on that positive and offer them lots of praise and physical contact heading for doing a good job. This helps connect bathroom business with outside and pleasing you.

Its only through patience and understanding that you can successfully potty train your dog. Although it doesnt take a lot of time, its important that you stay consistent with your training and realize that accidents will unfortunately happen.

Abigail Franks and her family love dogs of all sizes. Find out how to be successful with puppy potty training and crate training for your dog.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Abbie_Frank
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12 21 ME Lower

Cambered bar squat + 120 lbs chain ( belt and knee sleeves only)
  155 X 5
  245 X 3
  335 X 2
  425 X 1
  475 X 1
  495 X 1

Front squat
  135 X 12
  185 X 10
  225 X 8 X 3

Dumbbell row
  80 X 12
  90 X 10
  100 X 8 X 3

Dumbbell Romanian deadlift
  75s X 20 X 5

Reverse hyper
  450 X 12 X 4

Kneeling rope crunch
  80 X 12 X 4
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There has been a time change for the class held at Lake Crabtree on Sats.

The new time is 2:30. If this causes a conflict for anyone please let me know.
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See more puppies at http://www.19breeders.com area, city, state, tiny, teacup, toy, standard, miniature, Big, Stocky, Large, county, North, West, South, East, metro, near, by, local dog breeders,...

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Senin, 22 Agustus 2016

By Cindy McKie

Do you like eating foods laced with preservatives, fillers and potentially dangerous chemicals? I’m going to take a safe guess and say no—but most dog owners serve this to their beloved pets every day.

Death Due to Dog Food

Commercial dog food health concerns are being raised as more and more people are exposing the potentially harmful practices of commercial dog food manufacturing. On Friday March 16th a major dog and cat food recall was announced by Menu Foods, the company that makes 48 brands of pet foods including Iams, Nutro and Eukanuba pet food. The Menu Foods recall was announced after it was discovered that 10 dogs and cats died and an unknown number affected from kidney failure as a result of eating these pet foods.

Do you know what’s in Your Dog’s Food?

The truth is many commercial dog foods have ingredients that would shock you.

Your Dog’s Food Could Contain:


Rancid Animal Fats

Diseased or cancerous meat


Sodium Pentobarbital used to euthanize animals!

Yes, I’m sorry to tell you but dead animals could be in your dog’s dinner bowl. According to author Ann Martin, author of “Protect Your Pet” and “Food Pets Die For” it is a common practice that euthanized animals are routinely rounded up from veterinary clinics and sent to processing plants to become your dog’s food.

Now tell me—would you knowingly feed your beloved pet this type of food? Of course not! But commercial dog food health concerns stem from the fact that the manufacturers don’t have to tell you what happens to the meat before they get their hands on it.

Discover How To Feed Your Dog a Healthy, Life Enhancing Diet

The key to providing dog food health benefits is to feed your beloved pet the nutrients and vitamins they need—without the preservatives, fillers and tainted meat. Just as you take care to cook healthy meals for you and the rest of your family, you can easily create healthy recipes for your dog. Making homemade meals for your dog isn’t expensive, it isn’t difficult and it will dramatically improve the health and well being of your dog.

On the days that you may not be able to “cook” for your pet you can substitute a safe brand of kibble. You will have to study up on your pet food labels but there are a precious few commercial dog foods on the market that are designed with your pet’s health in mind…but you need to read those labels to be sure you’re giving them the correct brands.

Feed your dog a healthier, chemical free diet and they will:

Have stronger immune systems

Suffer less skin conditions

Better all over health including less chance of heart conditions and kidney failure

Live much longer

If you have a dog you know what a cherished member of the family they become. What you may not know is that you may be putting them at risk for disease and a significantly shorter life span every time you serve them their dog food. Health and happiness for your dog can be as simple as taking the time to learn the truth about commercial dog foods and learning how you can better feed your four legged friend

Cindy McKie is a freelance writer and owner of a 15 year old Bichon Frise named Molly. Learn how to start feeding your dog a healthier diet today with the 5 Free Tips to a Better Dogs Diet mini-course.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Cindy_McKie
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House Training Tips

House training a new puppy can be a treacherous chore. These house training tips will make things a lot easier than you may think.

When you first bring the new puppy home...and I mean immediately upon arrival...you must take her outside to the area you have designated as her toilet area. Gently set her down in the grass and watch as she circles and sniffs the area. Your doing this immediately for a couple of reasons. The ride home in the car was probably her first ride ever, and Im pretty sure the kids have met you at the door, all excited about the new family member. The ride, coupled with new sights and sounds will excite the puppy beyond control. She will want to, or have to, eliminate at once. Puppies have very small bladders and bowels, so her control wont be very good. By taking her to the new toilet area she can do her job in the right area the first time, and hopefully, every time!

Now, just placing her in the right area is not enough. When she actually begins to pee, you need to say things like, "go pee", or "outside", or "go potty", whatever phrase youre comfortable with. Use it each time she goes potty outside. When she is finished, make a big deal out of it. Pet her and say something like, "good girl...outside", over and over and maybe even give her a small treat. All dogs, regardless of age, want to please us. Giving her lavish praise and a treat lets her know you are happy with her.

Once you go into the house the training process begins in full! The easiest house training will take place if you use a crate as your main tool. Whats a crate? Just as it sounds, a crate is a small kennel that your new puppy will learn to call home. It should be just big enough for her to sleep in and stand and stretch a bit, but not big enough to run around in. Heres why. Dogs have a distinct dislike for eliminating where they sleep. If the crate is too big your new puppy will sleep at one end and pee and poop at the other. That will defeat the whole purpose of "crate training". If you want to get a crate large enough for her to "grow" into you will need to section it off so as to keep her on one end.

You will need to keep her in the crate at all times when she is not totally supervised. If she is allowed free roam of the house she will no doubt find a quiet, unoccupied part of the house to pee in. Once she has started to "go" inside it will be doubly difficult to teach her to do her business outside.

She may not take to the crate at first. To help matters, keep it in a family friendly part of the house. The kitchen, den or family room are great locations. Just because she is kenneled doesnt mean she cant be with the rest of the family. Being in the crate should not be considered punishment. Keep it comfy with an old blanket or two and you may want to toss in a chew toy or two. When she is not in the crate she must be constantly supervised. Watch for circling and sniffing the carpet. That is a sure sign she is about to go. Take her outside and repeat the "go pee" and "go potty" routine like you did when you first brought her home. Dont forget to praise her when she is finished.

The main thing to remember in crate training is that, as stated earlier, puppies have small bladders and bowels. They cant hold it in for long periods of "crate time". Take her out to her designated potty area frequently. How frequently? A good rule of thumb is the pups age in months plus one. For example, if she is 2 months old she needs to be taken outside for a potty break every 3 hours.( 2 months plus 1). When she is out of her crate for play time, especially while the excitement is new to her, more frequent trips may be necessary.

By using a crate, and following these few tips your new puppy will be house trained in no time at all.

Steve Kettle is a freelance writer and publisher of a pet website. You can visit it at http://www.pawspawspaws.com

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Steve_Kettle
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Teaching Dog Tricks The Easy Way

By Andrew Strachan

If you were to ask what the quickest and easiest method was for teaching your dog a new trick, the answer would be - work with the nature of your dog, not against it. What we mean here is that you should look at what tricks your dog naturally does, or look for a dog trick in the making, like naturally putting a paw on your knee or rolling over etc.

If you choose a dog trick that naturally occurs, half your work is already done. Your dog will probably be eager to please as most dogs are and should therefore respond well to rewards. You can build on this to reinforce your dogs’ natural ability rather than starting an entirely new dog trick.

Which Dog Trick Do You Choose?

Observe your dog and watch out for a potential dog trick. This may be something as simple as crawling along on its belly to, catching a Frisbee or a ball. As soon as your dog performs one of its natural tricks, associate it with a hand gesture or verbal command and then reward your dog with its favorite treat. It wont be long before your dog learns the procedure.

Eventually over time, you will be able to cut back on the rewards until your dog will perform the dog trick with just the hand gesture or verbal command such as fetch or go get. Now that the new trick is firmly lodged in your dogs head, you will be able to build on it.

For example, if you have taught your dog to catch a Frisbee, how about increasing the distance that he will catch it from, or throw two Frisbee’s one after the other. Get your dog to catch one, drop it and then run for the other!

Popular Dog Tricks

Some of the most popular dog tricks are sit and come etc. These are pretty simple to teach. To teach your dog to sit, with your dog standing firmly press on its hind quarters directly above its back legs whilst at the same time saying the word Sit quite assertively but NOT shouting. Most dogs will naturally sit. At this point, heap lots of praise on your dog and then give them a treat. After several repetitions of this, your dog will soon learn what Sit means. Do not try this on older dogs that may have arthritis in their hind legs or hips.

If your dog does not sit when told, NEVER scold it. Just ignore it and try again another time. Otherwise your dog will associate Sit with being scolded. If your dog persistently fails to sit, try another trick.

Each dog has different talents.

To teach your dog to come is simple. When your dog is at a distance, say loudly but not shouting Come here or Come. This will usually get your dogs attention. Repeat the statement Come on, Come here. Most untrained dogs at this point will probably look away and carry on with whatever it was doing.

At this point walk up to your dog but keep within around 5 feet away. Say Come here. Your dog will probably now come to you. When he does, its time for a lot of praise and a treat. Repeat this but increase the distance that your dog has to walk towards you more each time. Eventually, your dog will instinctively come to you whenever it hears you shout Come here, from any distance.

Again, if your dog fails to come to you, DO NOT scold it. I once got asked "Why wont my dog come to me?” On further investigation I found out that every time the dog ran away and then failed to come back, the owners would scold the dog when they got hold of it again. WRONG! The dog started to associate the command Come here with a scolding. Totally the opposite. No wonder the dog failed to come to command.

Another dog trick you can try is Paw. This involves saying Paw then gently lifting the dogs paw with your hand followed by lots of praisetreats. After a while saying Paw will cause your dog to raise its paw. You can extend this to two paws where your dog Sits pretty on its haunches.

Another trick is Speak. This usually works best with a naturally vocal dog. Every time your dog howls or makes a funny noise, praise the dog whilst saying the command Speak. Eventually your dog will speak on command.

Teaching your dog a new dog trick should be a fun experience for both of you, and will give you lots of quality time together. Enjoy!

Article by Andrew Strachan. Find out more about dog behavior training and types of dogs at http://www.types-of-dogs.com

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Andrew_Strachan
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Minggu, 21 Agustus 2016

Help The animal Rescue


Hi, all you animal lovers. This is pretty simple... The Animal Rescue Site is having trouble getting enough people to click on it daily to meet their quota of getting free food donated every day to abused and neglected animals. It takes less than a minute (How about 20 seconds) to go to their site and click on the purple box fund food for animals for free. This doesnt cost you a thing. Their corporate sponsors/advertisers use the number of daily visits to donate food to abandoned/neglected animals in exchange for advertising.Heres the web site! Pass it along to people you know.


Please tell everyone you know to do this, it will really help the animals and it is free. It costs you nothing!!

Click on the envelope with the arrow at the bottom of this post and you can forward this post to your friends. Thanks for yur help.
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By Jill Taylor

With better veterinary care and more knowledge in dietary and exercise needs, our pet dogs are living longer lives. In most cases this is an excellent upward trend. But we must also remember, that like us humans, the older the body, the less control over certain aspects.

Bladder control in older or ill dogs can become a serious issue for your carpets and flooring. There are a few solutions to keep your home neat, but first the cause must be determined. If your dog is suddenly urinating in the house, the problem may not be old age. First: establish whether there have been any major changes or upsets in the dogs life. Anything from a new pet, to new baby, to a nasty next door dog may cause your dog to "forget" that he is not outside. Second: take your dog to the vet for a check up. Your vet can determine whether or not there is a medical issue causing the problem. Third: try to watch your dog. Is he signalling to go out and youre not catching it? Does he/she seem anxious before or after an "accident". You know your dog better than anyone else. Look for behaviour changes in food and water intake.

Once you have determined that there are probably no other reasons for your dogs incontinence other than old age, you could be faced with a dilemma. How do you keep your older dog happy and healthy and your house clean at the same time? Confinement in one specific area is one way. Constant watching is another, but not very effect. The easiest and least aggravating to you and your dog is probably with the use of doggy diapers and doggy belly bands. Your dog will get used to wearing these very quickly, and if you dont want them as visible as most, then look for colours that will blend into your dog as much as possible. For the elderly or ill dog, I would suggest a washable, reusable diaper over the disposable kinds for cost savings.

Doggy diapers and belly bands may seem like a fad to most, but for the owners of elderly dogs, ill dogs, rescue dogs and female dogs in heat, they can mean the difference between living happily with your dog and keeping your home clean.

Jill Taylor - http://www.dogsuppliessite.com

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Jill_Taylor
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At Lifestyle Dog Training is it my goal to create and provide training courses that address a variety of canine disciplines, from attention, to recall training, to basic obedience, to sports.
The following programs/courses are offered by Lifestyle Dog Training:

The Real Life Skills Series: These 6wk courses (levels white belt through black belt) teach obedience skills for everyday life, but also lay the foundation for future dog sport activities should you choose to persue them. Each level builds on the previous level so that by the time your dog earns his Black Belt in Obedience, he will have a well rounded education.
Real Life Skills 101 .... beginner obedience training for "real life"
Real Life Skills 201 ..... level 2 adds more challenges & begins to introduce sports foundation exercises
Real Life Skills 301 .... advanced training

Shelter & Rescue Dog Program
Focusing on ... Relationship Building, Social Skills, Attention, and Trust

This unique dog training program is designed to help owners of newly adopted dogs to:

  • Develop a bond and relationship with their new dogs
  • Learn about basic learning theory
  • Learn about calming signals & canine body language
  • Teach their new dogs basic obedience skills & manners

    This course is designed to help newly adopted shelter/rescue dogs to:
  • Bond with their new owners
  • Develop Trust
  • Eliminate problem behaviours acquired through being kenneled (such as movement fixation and barrier frustration)
  • How to be handled for grooming, vet visits etc.
  • Impulse control
  • Attention
  • Basic obedience skills

    This course was designed as a result of working with many dog owners with newly adopted shelter & rescue dogs, and seeing a need for a program developed specifically to meet their needs. This program focuses on teaching dogs basic life skills & social skills through relationship building and positive reinforcement. Special attention is given to behaviours such as barrier frustration and it’s related behaviours. Many owners of newly adopted shelter/rescue dogs are not prepared for some of the ‘baggage’ that these dogs bring with them, and they expect too much from these dogs too soon. This program is designed to help these dogs and owners form a bond that will last a lifetime.
Focus! On Attention: Are you having trouble keeping your dogs attention in obedience? Or with a dog exibiting the canine version of ADHD? (attention deficit hyperactive dog)* This 4wk attention training course is designed to teach you how to GET and MAINTAIN your dogs attention and focus. The single biggest obstacle in many dogs training is their inability to focus and maintain attention to their owners. This causes frustration to both dogs and their owners. But its not hopeless. You CAN conquer ADHD. And this course will teach you how to do it. Who should attend? Everyone!! All ages of dogs are welcome and puppies are encouraged to attend.

*the reference to ADHD is not intended as a light-hearted joke or marketing ploy. It is a serious reference to a real condition ....... attention deficit ...... with or without hyperactivity. Some dogs display behaviour that owners describe as hyperactive & lacking in focus .... adopting term ADHD & using this reference has helped many dog owners to better understand their dogs and help them.

The Reliable Recall: Does Fido do a perfect recall in obedience class, only to totally forget the meaning of the word "come" when out in real life? Learn WHY dogs dont come when called. Learn HOW to change that. Positively and without force. This 4wk program is designed to teach you and your dog the skills you need to build a reliable recall. Coming when called is one of the most important skills a dog needs to learn, and is often one of the weakest skills they master. WHY? The answer is simple and this course will answer that question and show you HOW to help your dog get the answer right.

Fetch! Building A Reliable Retrieve: Is your dog dropping the ball in flyball? Failing to retrieve the frisbee in disc sport? Dropping the dumbbell in obedience? Or making you hike across the dog park to get the ball you just threw?? The problem is most likely that the retrieve behaviour was never actually "taught". It happened on the fly or was just a natural behaviour for your dog. Then when the behaviour starts to fall apart, you have no foundation to fall back on to help your dog through the rough patches. Would you like your dog to be able to bring you the newspaper, or your slippers, or other household items? This 4wk course is designed to teach your dog a formal retrieve cue in easy to learn steps from delivery, to acquisition of the object to be retrieved. All in a positive, no force tutorial.

Hup! Jump Training: Jumping forms the foundation of many dog sports and is a skill required in many other dog activities. There are many kinds of jumps presented to dogs > straight line jumps; run by jumping; bar jumps; solid jumps; wide jumps; narrow jumps; off angle jumping; directed jumping; jumps with wide wing stanchions, low stanchions, tall stanchions; broad jumps; high jumps ..... and the list goes on. The key to having a reliable jumping dog is having a dog that fully understands the jump cue. This 4wk course is designed to teach the dog the jump cue and to teach him how to find and take any obstacle that is indicated. The dog will learn what jump means and also learn a variety of jump presentations.

Reel Dog Training: this course teaches popular skills required by dogs working in the film and advertising industries. If youve ever thought that you might like your dog to be in the biz, this course will give you insight about the business and teach your dog the skills he needs to be a good audition candidate. Dogs coming into Reel Dog Training should already have basic obedience skills.

Canine Musical Freestyle: Canine Musical Freestyle is an extention of obedience training. It combines traditional obedience exercises such as heeling, with equine dressage like moves such as half passes & marching, and fancy trick moves. Freestyle is performed to music and routines give the impression of dog and handler as dance partners, each sharing an equal role in the presentation of moves. Freestyle classes are divided into three categories: (1) The Parallel Moves; (2) The Circular Moves; and (3) The Trick Moves. In order to be fluent in musical freestyle it is necessary to learn the moves in all three categories. The sessions are broken into categories in order to make it easier to learn the various standard freestyle moves. Each of these sessions is 6wks

Heelwork To Music: This 4wk course is related to Canine Musical Freestyle, but focuses on heeling and heeling variations. Heeling is an important discipline for both traditional obedience training and musical freestyle. This course will teach you how to get focused precision with an animated attitude from the dog. You will learn pattern heeling on both sides of the handler, left and right turns, about turns, pivots, and more. You will learn techniques for keeping the dog at a nice trot rather than fall into pacing. This course is valualbe for both the musical freestyle enthusiast and the obedience competitor.

Puppy Einstein > Awaken the Genius In Your Puppy!: This 6wk course teaches puppies basic life skills obedience. Puppies will learn the obedience basics of attention, sits, downs, polite leash walking, come when called, go to your mat, leave it, targeting, stays, and a few tricks.

Puppy Gym & Games > Senior Kindergarten: This 6wk course uses fun games to reinforce the basic obedience skills your puppy learned in Puppy Einstein. Puppy Games include Seek & Find; Musical Mats; Rubber Duckie Retrieval; Recall Races; Simon Says; Disc-0-mania; Barrell Racing; Puppy Rally-O Racing, and more.

They will also be introduced to jumping (2" hurdles), walking the plank, going through tunnels, the wobble board, and going over the hill. These are all baby sized versions of agility equipment and will give puppies a safe environment to gain confidence around new and novel obstacles.

Puppy Gym uses baby sized safe obstacles for the puppies to go over, through, and around. This lays the foundation for future agility training should you decide to persue that, & gives puppies confidence around new and novel things in their environment.

Trick n Treat! (Clicker Tricks): In this 6wk trick training course you will learn the theory of clicker training, and will combine lure/reward and operant conditioning techniques to teach your dog a variety of fun parlour tricks.

Steeplechase/Fun-gility: This 4wk course is non-competitive agility. It does not teach competition handling skills. This course is pure fun. You will have the opportunity to learn various obstacles and put together steeplechase courses with your dog. Dogs should be at least ONE YEAR of age before taking this course. It is a great way to learn and practice obstacle courses for dogs sport demos should you wish to participate in such events.

Beginner Disc Dog Training: Aka ...... frisbee dog training. This 6wk course will introduce you to the sport of canine disc. Learn proper throwing techniques, and how to teach your dog to safely track and catch a disc. You will learn a basic toss/fetch game, as well as a variety of throws/catches, and some basic canine freestyle disc moves. For more information about the sport of canine disc go to http://southernontariodischoundz.blogspot.com/

Freestyle Disc Training: In this course you will learn the standard freestyle disc moves used in competition > zig/zags; unders/overs; back flips; catapults; back stalls; vaults; and more.

Flyball Training: Occassionally we offer flyball training. In order to participate in flyball classes dogs should have a thorough understanding of the retrieve and should have good off leash control. Flyball courses are 6wks in duration.

Fiesty Fidos! Dealing With On Leash Aggression: Does your dog lunge and bark at other dogs (or people) when out on his daily walks. Are you a member of the "Midnight Walkers" club? Learn the skills to help your dog manage his behaviour and gain the confidence he needs to be a polite leash walker. Help your Fiesty Fido to become a model citizen

Fiesty Fidos! No Chase/Boundary Training: Do you have a door dasher; cat chaser; car chaser; dog chaser?? Dogs have a natural instinct to chase things that move, but this natural tendency can get them into trouble in our human world. Dogs generally also have poor impulse control which also gets them into trouble. Teach your dog the skills he needs to develop self imposed self control, and refrain from chasing everything that moves.

Difficult Dogs Workshops: Is your dog lunging and barking at other dogs? Fearful or shy? Or over stimulated by his environment? These 4wk sessions are designed to teach you the skills you need to help your difficult dog become a well mannered canine citizen. We will discuss safety, management, and training tools to give you confidence (eg: head halters). You will learn about your dogs comfort zone, triggers, how to reward alternatives, handling techniques, and about perception modification. Is your dog choosing his responses or reacting to his environment. These workshops will not CURE your dog in 4wks, but will teach you the skills you need in order to affect a positive change. Dogs that are highly aggressive or who need training attention beyond the scope of these sessions, will be referred to a behaviourist. Our main concern is for the welfare of you and your dog, and if we feel that your dog needs more than this course can offer, we will refer you out.

Difficult Dogs Support Group: Often when dealing with a difficult dog, you will be told to get people or other dogs to help you. For example, you have a fearful dog around people & you will be told to "have people toss food to him" etc. Well thats all very well and fine if you "have people" to do that :-)) But its not always possible to get people to help and this is why many rehabilitation programs fail. In order to become confident and happy around people or other dogs, your dog needs to be exposed to them ....... at a level &/or distance that is appropriate for his current comfort zone. And everyday life just doesnt offer that opportunity. And each inappropriate confrontation is a set back that sabotages your efforts. The Difficult Dogs Support Group is a place to meet up with other owners of difficult dogs and help eachother (under trainer supervision) to set up training exercises to help your dogs.

The Country Canine Sunday Afternoon Social: Do you live in a rural area and find it difficult to get your dog out for regular socialization? If the answer is yes, then the Country Canine Sunday Afternoon Social is for you! One of the downfalls to living in a rural area, or having a very busy work schedule, is that your dogs dont get out enough around new people and dogs, to become adequately socialized. As long as they are at home you dont notice that there is a problem, but one day you take them for a visit somewhere and WHOA! the dog is terrified or shy. What happened to your perfect puppy?? He didnt get socialized. Lack of socialization is probably the single biggest factor leading to canine aggression issues. The Country Canine Sunday Afternoon Social is a place to get together with other dog owners and dogs in an environment away from home. Its not a training course per se. In other words, there is no "instruction" being given. But it is a place to train your dog in an unfamiliar environment and have your dog meet other people and dogs ....... to become socialized.

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