Sabtu, 18 Juni 2016

A Dachshund Six Hours Fifteen Minutes

The fact that you are reading this sentence implies, highlights, the fact that the title of every story should be captivating, forcing the reader to read further.

The Dachshund

This is a story ... story of a dachshund... Now, where there is a dog (as dachshund) involved, it cant be stray; there has to be an owner.

The Owner

The owner of this dachshund is a dynamic personality; very outgoing, friendly, and an air of cheerfulness and enthusiasm pervades his aura. This guy is such that anyone who comes in contact with him will come to know what life is all about; what he has been missing out on in life... This guy is one who can be called reincarnation of God.. this is not a fantasy, that is just how his nature is. So it is, that the dachshund and the owner are living happily. One fine day, the owner decides to go for a swim, and leaves the dog behind, untied. Hey! Dont call it a dog, it is a dachshund, dammit, and the names Ruby... Alright, no offence taken! So while the owner was blissfully swimming, the dachshund decides to go for a stroll...

The owner returns from the swim, and to his horror, finds the house empty.. the writing was on the wall - a missing dachshund. There was a friend of the owner ... Hes dead now, but was alive when this event took place.. the owner called up this friend of his.. the friend tried to console but the frantic owner did not listen. All he could think was that the dachshund has gone for ever; never to return. But even in this mayhem he cared for his friend and hung up.

The Friend

The friend.. this friend is a recluse; does not like to be among many people, would rather stay with select friends than being in a crowd. This is the sort of person who is very quiet, does not open up easily. He can be termed rude and crass by people who do not know him. His friends would know that he sounds rude, but in effect, he isnt. Thats the way he speaks. He doesnt drink (except water, tea, coffee, soft drinks, milk), he doesnt smoke (except air.. he smokes in and smokes out air).... This person has a friend.. the friend who lost the dachshund...

The Connection

Now how did these diametrically opposite natures come into contact, and become good friends? Ah.. that event is a mix of Gods intentions and the other persons nature... For our guy here does not like to chat without purpose; nobody will know why he was on Yahoo Chat that afternoon of January, and what made him initiate a conversation he would otherwise have avoided - this is divine intervention. It was Gods wish that they meet and be friends.

So they began their journey of friendship that afternoon of January. The dog owner thought that this guy was very nice, that this new friend of his was different from others. As months passed, each began to know each other better, and the dog owner came to know what a devil he had made friends with. He started disliking him, despising the friend.. not for unknown reasons, however.

Through these months, the friend had been very cruel to the dog owner, he just wasnt a friend! He would always hurt him with his words, he never cared for him; just kept hurting and hurting! And the dog owner, although felt bad everytime, forgave him everytime. He cried and forgave, cried and forgave. The friend, howsoever heartless that he was, was not dumb. He knew this friend considered him his true friend, and that it was only his good luck that this guy was still talking to him.


Now, this friend of the dog owner always believed that God does not listen to him. Although God had listened to his sub-conscious prayers, and made him meet this friend, but he still felt that God was not kind with him. When he came to know that the dog owner was now just the owner, the dog had gone, he decided to give it a try once more.

The Karma Connection

This friend was into spirituality; the thoughtful side of things. He believed that all that happened was nothing but a manifestation of the persons own doings, whether in this life or the past one. And that balance must be maintained. Do wrong deeds, your account goes into negative. Do good deeds, the balance goes into positive. One negative, one positive, balance is zero.

He felt that the dachshund went missing for either of the two reasons:

1. The dachshund had done something wrong either in this life or in the past one that he is separated from his owner 2. The owner did something wrong in this life or the previous one, that now he is paying for it by losing the dog

So he asked God to settle the balance from his account, good or bad. Just let the dachshund be with the owner, and take the payment of deeds from his account.

When someone from the family goes missing, everybody prays, and their combined prayers are heard. God listened to this guy as well, may be He thought that it is time our friend payed for all that he did wrong to his friend. So the dog returned home, six hours and fifteen minutes after he went for a walk, and our friend landed up in the hospital.

Never was our friend happier. First, he got a love(ly) message from the owner thanking him, then, he felt that finally God listened to him. He thought that now God might forgive him for all the wrong he did to his friend. From then on, his faith in God has become unshakeable, he prays daily.

This friend died last night in a car accident. His last wish was to see his friend, the dachshund owner, once in his life. His wish remains unfulfilled.

The Moral

We may be able to derive two morals from the story:

1. Have full faith in your dog. In some things, the dog is smarter than you are. He does not get lost. He will return home, always, no matter the amount of time he takes to return home. The only way you can really lose your dog is when it has been kidnapped.

2. Be good, right from the start. Respect your friends, love them, you never know what life might do to you when, and how God might want you to pay for your bad deeds. Our friend, in his course of friendship with the dog owner, won and lost a few things.

He won the love of the owner, he won the trust of the owner, he won the respect of the owner. And then, through his actions, he lost all. He lost the owners love, real love; he lost the owners trust, now there can be no way the dachshund owner may trust him; and he lost respect. Not of the owner, but his own.

The End.

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