Rabu, 22 Juni 2016

I signed Spike up for a study at the Duke Canine Cognition Center on inhibitory control.  I was not real sure what we were getting ourselves in to, but I thought it would be fun none the less.  Once our application was accepted, we coordinated a time and off we went. 

When we arrived, I of course getting a little turned around, had to call them for help.  They met me in the parking lot and Spike was a cordial gentleman.  We made our way inside where his behavior continued to amaze me.  He was nice and friendly and curious about the new place.  I didnt even need his ball to help!

The girls were all amazing and very welcoming.  They explained the whole thing to me and of I went to the waiting room to watch on the video monitor.  I was very skeptical of Spike conforming, but once the food started he was more than happy to do whatever was asked.  He went through the first part with flying colors.  they said he was the first dog to get all 10 out of 10 correct.  What a proud Mommy moment!

OK, so the second half, Proud Mommy moment past,  was a little more challenging.  the temper tantrum started.  He had a choice to go to the nice lady who would let him have the food and the grumpy lady who wouldnt let him have the food.  Yes you guessed it, Spike wanted to win over the grumpy lady ( at least he was trying to make friends).  When cuteness didnt work he stayed back at the start line and complained, hoping she would give in.  Finally when he decided it was a lost cause he begrudgingly went to the nice lady and ate her treat.  This was repeated 7 more times.  some less complaining than others.  In the end he won over the grumpy lady (or so he thought) and all was a joyous moment!

After that they played some ball with him and he was soooooo happy!!!

A few days later Spike was invited back for the second half of the study.  We were very happy to go!  I did not get lost this time and Spike knew where he was and was just so excited to be reunited with his friends. These 2 tests were much easier and Spike got A+ across the board.  Yes, Proud mommy moment!

Spikes Freshman year was a success!

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