Come On, Shake That Booty!
Youve seen them on dog programs on TV, dog & owner teams that put on a fabulous show filled with musically choreographed tricks & flashy moves. Known as Canine Freestyle, this modern day dog sport is a mixture of obedience, tricks & dance that allows for creative interpretation. A true team sport! But how do you get started?
Toledo Dog Training is excited to have Linda Blanchard for one day to put on a wonderful Canine Freestyle workshop. This one day workshop will introduce you & your dog to the Canine Freestyle world.
Topics Covered: Learn to teach your dog to spin, back up, sidepass, weave, curtsy, flip back, zoom and more. Learn about costuming, props, choreography and music selection. See videos of other freestylers, pick music, learn about proficiency (required moves) tests and much more!!
Date: September 24, 2011 9-4pm Pre-registration Required
This workshop will be limited so sign up early! $25-50
Linda Blanchard Bio: Certified Freestyle Competition and Proficiency Test Judge for WCFO. She and "Robbie" competed in the first WCFO Freestyle Competition in 2000; they were the 2002 WCFO North American Freestyle Champions, the first WCFO Heelwork To Music Champions and they have earned the highest title offered - Perfect Dance Partners in Heelwork To Music!!
Linda and "Krysta" have earned their Perfect Dance Partners in Heelwork To Music and also in Musical Freestyle, as well as Pairs and Team titles!! Robbie and Krysta are among the highest titled freestyle dogs in WCFO. Every summer Linda teaches Freestyle at Camp Gone To The Dogs in Vermont.
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