As some of you probably already know, I am a big advocate for keeping your dog on leash when out in public, or even in your own yard unless it is securely fenced. Some people may think Im a bit nuts, or too cautious, but I feel I am only being safe & most importantly ensuring the safety of my own dog. I do not appreciate or tolerate unleashed dogs coming up to my dog or me when not invited. I even wrote a blog post on how to keep your dog safe in this situation. You can read that article here. Just because my dog Dexteris friendly, social, appropriate & under verbal control does not give me the right to break the leash law. Its that simple. Ok, time to get off this rant.
This post was prompted by some Facebook friends who asked me what kinds of things they could do with their dogs outside if they do not have a fenced in yard for exercise, are avoiding dog parks & doggie day cares. These ideas may not be suitable for all dogs depending on their health & behavior. So choose which options work for you and your dog & edit as needed.
1. Take your dog to the park as often as you can. Taking your dog to various parks on his harness& 6 leash is great exercise both physically & mentally. Dont forget to bring the high value organic dog treats for keeping his attention on you & for training along the way. I love to mix it up by visiting different parks and taking different trails. The goal is to not be boring & predictable.
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Hugo is just starting to bike with his Mom. Thanks Tar for submitting your photo! Please let us know how the new dog boots go |
2. Take your dog for a bike ride! There are a few options in this selection. The first is to use a bike attachment made exclusively for dogs that hooks to the core of your bike & has a metal arm that goes out with a leash that you attach to your dogs BACK clipping harness. Of course you will need to slowly build your dogs confidence & conditioning before going out for a full run.

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30 Leash |
4. Swimming is great exercise for dogs and a nice way to cool down. Again, you have a few options. First, you can get a childs swimming pool and allow your dog to wade in it, or for some even swim! They now even have portable dog pools that can fold up for the winter!
· The second way would be in a regular size pool, lake, or pond. But just keep in mind that a lot of dogs need help in learning how to swim, even our retrievers & water dogs! You can purchase a dog life jacket to help your dog learn & to give you a little security as well. Dexter always wears his when we are boating.
· Keep in mind, if you are still not in a fenced in area, you will want to keep your dog leashed. Dexter his own long leash that floats that I made out of boat line & a lobster claw clip. Unlike the 30 cotton dog leash which gets bogged down with water & sinks, the boat line keeps afloat!
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Boat Line |
· Always keep weather in mind. Dogs can get overheated or too cold very quickly. Have lots of fresh water for both you and your dog. I prefer to use a stainless steel water bottle for Dexter.
· I am a fan of cooling jackets for dogs too! I made Dexters but there are some nice ones out there on the market.
· Build your dogs tolerance for exercise slowly. Just like we need to slowly start an exercise program, so does your dog. Dogs under 2 years of age are still developing & growing their bones and muscles. Talk with your veterinarian prior to starting an exercise program.
· Bring organic dog treats for attention.
· Have a dog first aid kit in your car or in your backpack.
Need some extra help? I offer both in person & online, web, video instruction!
Please feel free to contact me for details.
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