Kamis, 30 Juni 2016

Breeding Part ONE

I breed JRTs , Dekka is from my first litter 5 years ago next Thursday. I have only had 3 litters in that time. I work with rescue (the JRTRO) fostering and helping out when I can. Breeding and rescuing are very important. We need the good breeders, I hate it when people say breeding should stop till every pet has a home. Whilst its a nice sentiment it would devastate the species as a whole.. but that is a post for another time.

Here is a GOOD blog post on why its important never to buy from a back yard breeder, broker or mill. I was going to make a post like this.. but this one is more articulate than I would likely be.

How to kill a shelter dog

I think breeders need to have a better understanding of genetics than most due. Oh sure most have at least a passing acquaintance with Mendel and punnett squares, but while that will get you out of high school biology successfully its not enough, in my opinion, to breed dogs. Many good breeder I know could be doing it better. They breed nice dogs together in hopes of getting more nice dogs. They do, but they also produce a lot of pet quality puppies. Now there is nothing wrong with pet quality puppies.. but shouldnt your goal to produce great puppies every time? Many of the breeders I am thinking of breed a few litters a year to get the one they want to keep.

My breeding goals, in no particular order:
-I want to produce JRTs that are correct in type (this does not mean they have to win conformation classes.. it does mean they need to fit the standard)
-I want to produce JRTs that are 12 inches or under (12.5 being an under jrt.. but in the agility world its 12 and under for the smallest height catagory)
-I want to produce JRTs with sound structure and great health.
-I want to produce JRTs that will work like they are meant too and excel at play hunting or earth dog trials.
I want to produce JRTs that are drivey but also have fantastic off switches.
I want to produce JRTs that have what it take to be top end agility, rally, obed etc dogs.
I want to produce JRTs that are hard, or tend to be more hard than soft temperament wise.

In short I want to produce JRTs that I would want to own.

Taking stock so far...

I started with Jocko Hunt Twist. She was a proven mom from another breeder who got out of breeding. I had always LOVED this dogs temperament. Happiest dog alive. She loved EVERYONE. You could have beat this dog with a stick and she would still love you and be happy. Nothign got her down and she was as hard as nails. She did ok in conformation back in the day (even with those straight straight legs!!)

So what did I need to improve? Yes the legs, needs more angulation for sure! Shorter back would be good too. She has a fantastic coat! Nice face, great feet. She could also use a rounder chest and less height.

Twist was bred to my boy.. Kaiden HIT CD RNMCL ADC SGDC (and a whole pile of more titles waiting for single legs)

This is NOT a good pic of him. But he finds stacking to be the most horrible thing ever. He has much better angulation (really if he wasnt standing on his back toes you could see the back end angulation) He has a great off switch, great temperament and is very trainable. Bad things are fluffy coat, keel chest, soft temperament and larger than I wanted.
they produced:

GreyRun Trix (not sure what alphabet soup needs to go here these days)

GreyRun Short Cut (Also known as Snip.. and all his accomplishments dont give you letters. The JRTCC doesnt give titles for racing, GTG, etc. He is a very successful dog in both GTG and racing with many championships and reserves)


All three of these pups have great coats, and better angulation than mom. They are a better size, both Dekka and Trix are under 12 and Snip is just 12 1/4. Trix is a bit soft, Dekka is hard. Over all pretty happy with them. Dekka is very close to the ideal JRT for me temperament wise. She is a bit more dog reactive than I would like. But she is incredibly devoted, drivey, and has an amazing off switch. She is also extremely tolerant of kids.

When Dekka was 4 I bred her to Natural Instinct R

R is an astounding dog. He has his bronze medallion and is a multi champion conformation dog (in the JRT world champion means you were a champion.. its not based on points) His movement is amazing, conformation excellent. His coat is not the best but thats about the only bad thing. He is heavily line bred (more about that on another blog) Crossing to Dekka was a complete outcross.

They produced:

GreyRun Katarra (this pic at 6 months)
Kat is better than I could have hoped. Her conformation and movement is lovely. Her chest is a bit keel shaped. She is smart as a whip, hard as nails, and very focused. I am very very excited about this little monster.

GreyRun Wash

Wash is a tiny little boy. He has very nice angulation, great chest. The best head ever. Not a great coat though. He is also a bit soft, but not extremely so.

GreyRun Solo

Solo has a wonky ear due to a crazy infection and needing to have his ear surgically reconstructed. He is a nice boy. But not fantastic. He will not be bred, but we will likely keep him as a pet.

Part two coming later!
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Treating a Sick Newborn Puppy

By Ed Frawley
Copyright 1999


I have been breeding dogs for over 25 years and I still never get used to a puppy that gets sick and starts to die. This article deals with what I have learned about trying to save very young pups (under 2 weeks of age) when they get sick. As I write this article I have a 2 week old puppy in a box at my feet. Three days ago he weighed 264 grams. This evening he weighs 485 grams and is on his way back from the dead. This article is about what I did to save this pup. Maybe my experience will help you save some of your puppies in the future.

Before I begin I have to make the point that healthy puppies begin with prevention. I have written an article titled Save a Puppies Life which deals with a lot of things a breeder can do to keep dogs healthy. This article will talk about what to do when things go bad, and a puppy starts to go down hill.

Before I begin I also want to say that this program is not going to work on all pups. There are so many things that can make a puppy sick I could never begin to cover the entire scope of problems that come up. But I have proven through this protocol that some of these sick puppies can be saved with a little luck and attention to detail.

The first issue a breeder needs to deal with is to determine when a puppy is in distress and getting sick. I have to say that after 25 years and over 200 litters I can often look at a litter of puppies in a whelping box and spot a pup thats in distress or not doing well. New employees and breeders who dont have the luxury of this experience can accomplish the same thing with the use of a "gram scale." The fact is its impossible to know when a pup does not have a daily weight gain. No one (not even myself) can spot a pup who has not gained 10 or 20 grams a day. By using a gram scale and weighing pups you will be alerted to the first sign of a developing problem.

Heating Pad
Heating Pad

Here at my kennel if a pup is born small (around 300 grams) we automatically start a weight gain chart. Its weighed at least once a day and if there is any question on its energy and sucking ability it will be weighed twice a day. I begin a weight chart before I even begin to treat a pup.

Simply picking puppies up and handling them will also help point out a pup in distress Puppies will normally scream when they are picked up, but sick puppies have a different tone. Their scream is often louder and more forlorn. In addition, they will often begin to dehydrate. By becoming familiar with the feel of the skin of healthy pup, you will develop a feel for recognizing a dehydrated pup. You can easily feel the ribs and their skin feels like cardboard. It loses its elasticity and becomes stiff.

Dehydration kills pups in a hurry. They can do downhill and die in 24 hours. Dehydration is often caused from loose stools. If the mother is cleaning her pups, this can be hard to spot. What I look for is a puppy whose back end looks wet (or slick) even though it may be dry. The hair will look slicked down, and stuck together to give a wet look. If you see this you need to step in and help this pup.

The first thing to do is to begin to tube feed the pup. I initially tube with puppy milk replacer. Get it from your vet. Never use cows milk. Cows milk will give puppies diarrhea and make matters worse. I add a couple of "ccs" of Pepto Bismol or liquid Imodium AD. ( I prefer Imodium added to a tubing.) We need to settle the puppys stomach and bowls before dehydration take its toll. The Imodium or Pepto seems to do this most of the time. Depending on the circumstances I may administer an antibiotic. This is something to discuss with your vet. Amoxicillin or Clavomox are two very popular antibiotics that can be stored for a long time and easily administered with a normal tubing. These little bottles of antibiotic are cheap (under $10.00). They have a long shelf life because they come as a powder and are not active until water is added. Once water is added they must be kept in the fridge and are only good for 14 days.

Add antibiotics to the tube feeding. (They should not be used
unless you consult your vet.)

Determining how often to tube and how much to tube needs to be properly calculated. A 300 gram puppy needs 15 ccs 4 times a day. Use the directions on the box and advice from your vet to determine how much to feed. It should be noted that once a pup is taken from the mother and tubed for a day or so they seem to lose the sucking instinct. This means you are in it for the long haul. It will have to be tube fed until its old enough to lap from a bowl (about 3 1/2 weeks of age).

Tubing is done with a catheter and a 30 cc syringe tube (no needle). You determine how far to insert the tube by holding the catheter next to the puppys side. Feel for the back of the rib cage to the tip of the nose. This is the length to insert the tube. Less than that will not get the liquid into the stomach, more than that may damage the stomach wall. You will often feel a slight resistance when the tube enters the stomach - this comes with practice. When you open the pups mouth, insert the tube on top of the middle of the tongue. People ask about getting it into the lungs. If there is any question, pull the tube out and reinsert it. But if you have marked your catheter length at the rib cage with a marker and inserted it all the way (without force) it can not be in the lungs; they are much closer to the dogs nose than his stomach.

I feel that when the puppy is really dehydrated and sick, one needs to be careful not to feed too much. When an adult dog has diarrhea your vet will often tell you to not feed them anything other than water for 24 hours. With pups I think we need to be careful. If its really not feeling good it needs nutrition, but we should not constantly pump food down its throat every 4 hours. I make a judgment call and will tube 10 to 15 cc of Lactated Ringers 2 to 3 hours after a formula feeding, especially if I feel I still have a dehydration problem. I think this helps flush the system. Water (or Lactated Ringers) will move through the pup much quicker than milk replacer. It will not cause the pup to back up with food. On the contrary, I think that it helps the digestion process. If any vets read this and disagree I certainly have an open mind on this issue. Maybe there is something better to use that has more electrolytes than Ringers.

While on the subject of medical attention from a vet, in regard to these very young puppies, my experience is that most vets are not going to be able to say "this is whats wrong." Pups that are sucking mothers milk and begin to fade are often a mystery to everyone involved. I spend between $500 and $800 a month on normal vet bills in my kennel and respect the heck out of my local vets. But when it comes to these small pups I no longer get a vet involved. I follow the protocol in this article. It works as many times as it fails and I am of the opinion that when it fails my vet could not have saved the pup, either.

Whelping Puppies and Their First 8 Weeks

Whelping Puppies and Their First 8 Weekds DVD

If you get behind the 8 ball and a pup really gets dehydrated, you are going to have to deal with this. Simply tubing is often times not enough to bring the pup around. Fluids injected under the skin do more to improve hydration than simply giving oral fluids (thats why people get I Vs when they are dehydrated).

Go to your vet and get a bag of Lactated Ringers. (They are cheap only about $5.00). You will also need to get a 30 ccs syringe. A small pup (300 grams) will need to have 10 to 15ccs of Lactated Ringers injected under the skin (not in the muscle), twice a day, usually for a couple of days. Sticking small puppies with big needles is not easy. Its in the same category as sky diving or bungee jumping. Some people can simply not do it. They will have to go to the vet to get it done.

I have found that when a pup is really dehydrated this is a "do or die" situation. Under these circumstances I will do it but I dont like it. I accomplish this unpleasant task by picking the pup up with 2 fingers by the skin at the shoulders. This creates a pocket of skin. I insert the needle just below my fingers, making sure I dont hit a muscle and being careful not to push it all the way through both folds of skin. If you push it through both folds you have created a broken balloon effect. Pulling the needle back through the second fold of skin has created a hole and that area will not hold fluid. You will now have to try a different spot (which makes it even harder on your mind).

I only do this a few times until I see an improvement in the hydration. If he improves you will see an increase in the elasticity of the skin.

measuring a catheter for tube feeding a pup
Measuring a catheter for tube feeding a pup. Insert from the nose to the back edge of the ribs (feel for the rib line and mark the catheter).

During this entire process I take the pup away from the mother and keep it in a small 2 foot by 2 foot cardboard box. I find it easier to monitor the health when its in this box rather than when its left in with the litter. I lug the box around with me. I will keep it in my office or my secretaries office. I take it home at night and keep it next to the bed. That way I can get up in the middle of the night and give it a light tubing of either puppy milk replacer or Ringers (whichever I feel is more appropriate). When it comes to night feedings I usually let the puppy tell me when it is hungry. It will cry just like a baby. So rather than wake up every 4 or 4 1/2 hours and tube the pup at night I let it tell me what it needs.

Puppy Milk Replacer
The puppy milk replacer I like, (DO NOT USE COWS MILK.)

Its important to keep the pup warm without over heating it. Too warm only adds to your problems. Take an outside wall thermometer and lay it on the box to monitor the temperature. Some people use hot water bottles but I have found that a combination of a heating pad (set to LOW) under a 2 gallon zip lock bag filled with dry uncooked rice and beans works better. I make sure the box is big enough that the pup can get away from the heat source if it gets too warm. If it is healthy enough it will crawl off. If it is are too sick you will need to watch for them panting (or laying with their mouth open) and move it off.

There have been times when I have come into the kennel in the morning and found a pup moved off to the side of the litter. Its cold, flattened out and almost gasping for breath. This is a pup that is very close to dying. The first thing I try to do is warm the pup up. I do this by filling the sink with warm water and immersing the pup up to its neck in the water. I hold it in my hands until I feel that it is getting warm. This has worked for me in the past, but when a pup is that far gone it usually is going to die.

For normal heating, bags of rice are much better than hot water bottles. Uncooked rice and beans hold the heat longer than water. You can put the bag, with a couple of pounds of rice and beans in a microwave for 3 minutes, then shake the bag around to redistribute the heat and you have a very nice heat source for the pup. These bags also work wonders for your own stiff neck and shoulders (those cloth bags that are heated with microwaves that wrap around your neck are just bags of rice.)

Bag of Uncooked Rice
Use a Zip Lock bag of uncooked rice and beans heated in a
microwave to keep the pup warm.

Puppies must be kept at 85 degrees or greater for their digestive system to work properly

There are 2 important things that need to be done with sick puppies:

1. You need to constantly turn the pup over from one side to the other, kind of like a bird thats constantly turning the eggs in its nest. If you have ever seen a really sick pup in a whelping box (just before it dies), it flattens out. Turning and moving the pup will stop it from flattening out. I dont know that this is so important, but it does make a difference.

2. I also feel an important thing in the recovery of a sick puppy is to handle it a lot. Pet it, stroke it move it around. This helps the natural body functions of the puppy. I also think it helps its spirit. I believe that puppies need to have their spirit treated in addition to their health. Taking it away from it mother makes this process all the more important. Dont underestimate how important this aspect of the healing is. Hold it and cuddle it as much as possible. As I type this my puppy was crying. He had just been fed so it was not a hunger issue. Petting him did not stop the crying, but the very instant I picked him up and laid him on my chest he got quiet and went to sleep. Things like this never cease to amaze me.

Disposable Puppy Tube Feeding Kit

Tube Feeding Kit

Bringing a puppy back from the edge is a great feeling. Unfortunately too often a great deal of work does not work and the pup dies. Its hard to loose one of these little guys after days of close contact. We often think that the pup was just a little weak and needed our help to jump start it, but this is not always the case. When a pup dies I look at it like there was something seriously wrong that I didnt know about. When pups starts to fail, you never know if there is an internal abnormality or an unknown injury that has caused it to fail. I have learned to look at it like "I did my best but it was not in the cards for the pup to make it. Luck was not on its side." Thats the hard part about being a dog breeder.

One final point on this issue is that there is always the possibility that after days of treatment (which includes getting up a couple of times per night) the pup lives but ends up having some type of abnormality that forces you as a responsible breeder to make the difficult decision about its future. I have had this happen twice.

I am open to other ideas from both vets and breeders on this issue. If you have an opinion let me know. I will post the good ones at the end of this article.

With luck and the proper care and treatment a pup has a chance of making it.

Here is an outstanding web page on how to administer subcutaneous fluids to dogs. It was written by the Washington State University College of Veterinary Medicine.

EMAILS from other breeders of sick puppies:

When I get a puppy doing the death cries I have had very little luck tube feeding normal amounts of 10-15 ccm. Recently I discovered that if I propped the puppy upright with a heating pad folded around it and braced with towels I was able to administer small frequent feedings until the puppy was a little stronger. Also began giving them a drop of Karo syrup on their tongues for a quick energy boost.

Another trick I recently stumbled across....
When attempting to get a bitch to take on a foster puppy or litter I smear the new puppy with milk replacer mixed very thick. I use Esbilac and have successfully gotten three bitches to take on a litter that wasnt theirs.

You have been so gracious to share your experience with the rest of the world, so I wanted to give back to you just a little.

Best Wishes,
Tony Keiser

Try inserting a lubricated red catheter feeding tube several inches into the rectum of a puppy with severe diarrhea until watery/thin diarrhea siphons out of the catheter (Be prepared, it really stinks and can flow quite suddenly at times. I cut the catheter as long as possible and siphon into a plastic bowl ½ filled with cat litter, puppy should be laying with rump at edge of table or raised surface and bowl positioned below to catch flow.). When diarrhea quits draining from tube, withdraw tube and flush with air filled syringe, once flushed draw up 5-20 cc kaolin pectin or similar anti-diarrheal into catheter and syringe and reinsert catheter into rectum several inches and depress syringe plunger to allow kaolin to coat and soothe intestines.

This can be done 2-3 times a day as needed. I have had many very ill and crying pups fall into a restful, sound sleep for the first time in days within minutes of receiving this treatment.

As with tube feeding practice makes this technique a simple, quick way to aid a sick, perhaps dying puppy with, at times, miraculous results. Make sure this equipment is kept separate from feeding equipment. Rinse with bleach water to sterilize.

You have a great web site with helpful advice,

Thank you, Diane Briggs

Bottle Feeding Puppies
Bottle Feeding Puppies eBook



Dear Ed and Cindy,

I called you earlier to get some feedback from you, but I was asked to contact you by email instead. I am writing you from Istanbul Turkey. I have been referring to your web site quite often these days.

Three and a half days ago I had a litter of twelve puppies. After first night I lost a puppy. The second day I lost another one, which was completely still for couple of hours and had no suckling reflex. He seemed to be pretty healthy and one of the bigger ones in the litter. A few hours ago, I lost the third one, which was chilled lying away from the rest of the litter. I tried warming him up, but unfortunately could not save him. The situation is tremendously worrying me. I am thinking that I got bacteria in the puppies.

I read an article online that recommended giving antibiotics( amoxicillin) to the mother and the puppies(if I can) for treating against bacteria. But I was not sure about it. The vets in the country seem to lack knowledge about suckling puppies as well. Given your vast experience I wanted to check if giving antibiotics can have any drawbacks on the rest of the litter that seem to be quite healthy(currently looking healthy..). There is one puppy which seem to be very weak and small compared to the others and he has been worrying me since he does not seem to be as healthy as he appeared yesterday and he is constantly whining even if he is nursing.

What would be your recommendation in such a situation like this? Should I give antibiotics to the mother? Any other thoughts?

Thanks very much for your help.



Whelping Puppies


On three day old pups it is not an antibiotic issue. The pups should have colostrum from their mother to handle any bacteria.

When we have small pups like you have we identify each pup with a separate colored ribbon around each pups neck. Then we can look at a large litter and instantly identify each pup.

We also weigh the litter and write down weight – with a gram scale. This is done twice a day.

With small pup we put them on the bitch 10 times a day and make sure they are not pushed off a nipple. We will actually sit and watch the pup nurse for at least 15 minutes. We also may give them a few drops of karo syrup under their tongue – this is like sweet syrup-- I don’t know what you have in your country for this.

If they are small and have a strong sucking instinct I will bottle feed them.

Also, I noticed from your picture that the whelping box that you have your dog in is WAY too small for that sized dog. It also should have rails or shelves on the sides to prevent the female from laying on the pups and killing them. Please see the whelping box on the web page for a well equipped whelping room.
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1 1 DE Lower

Safety Bar Speed Squats + average bands, week 2 (55%) (beltless)
  295 x 2 x 10

Rack pulls vs. quadded super mini bands
  315 x 3 x 8

Backward sled drag, 200 feet
  4 plates x 3 trips

  80 x 15 x 3

Spread-eagle sit-ups x 15 x 3

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Rabu, 29 Juni 2016

By Kelly Marshall

The first kind of ticks that you would hate!

Generally, we love ticks, especially, as a child. What a feeling we had, when we got them on our Math papers! But beware! These are some fatal ones!

Are you enjoying a walk with your dog, especially, in a shrubby area, full of grass and bushes? If yes, better take care. Ticks will lie in the grass and bushes sometimes climbing higher for a better chance of making contact. They can detect vibrations of an animal walking through and are also able to use their modified scent to detect the carbon dioxide and odors of a mammals breath. Once detected, they will just jump on you.

Ticks on dogs and puppies are unsightly, painful, and sometimes very dangerous. These blood sucking insects feed on all vertebrates but are particularly kin to dogs and cats as they tend to enjoy the same places your pets do. And they can expand 20 to 100 times its size as it feeds. And the scariest thing about them is the fact that ticks can go unnoticed. Tiny as they are, they can attach themselves to you or your dog without being seen or felt. If your dog has a light coat, then you are just as lucky, for you will notice the ticks quickly. But, if your dog has a dark coat, ticks will often continue to go unnoticed until theyre well engorged with blood.

Then how do you check for them? Youll certainly feel them by running your fingers or a fine toothed comb or a flea comb through your dogs coat. Check your dog all over, but especially around the head and neck, ears and paws. In most ticks, it can take 12 - 24 hours from the time it attaches itself to regurgitate the bacteria back into the host.

What can ticks do your pet? They can spread Lyme disease and Rocky Mountain spotted fever, making them potentially lethal. Also, too many ticks feeding on a single dog can cause severe anemia or a condition called tick paralysis.

Alright, then how do you control and prevent ticks? This is especially important in avoiding diseases associated with them. To prevent tick exposure, use a flea and tick spray before taking your dog into thick, shrubby area. Also keep your grass and plants well trimmed. This decreases the amount of ticks you and your dog may run into. If you are living in a tick-populated area, then your vet may suggest your dog be vaccinated against ticks. Always make sure ticks you find and remove are dead before you dispose of them. A good way to kill them is to stomp the life out of them. Most importantly, keep a close eye on your dog for the next few days to make sure he or she doesnt get sick!

To remove ticks off your dog, use tweezers, not your fingers, petroleum jelly or a match. Simply place the tweezers level with the skin, squeeze, and then rock it with a firm grip while pulling straight up. Be sure not to compress the belly of the tick as you could facilitate a regurgitation of its contents which could spell a disease. After all, your diligence in finding and removing ticks before they attach is the best preventive measure of all.

So, do enjoy a walk with your dog. But avoid wooded areas, tall grass, and damp areas!

Provided by Kelly Marshall from Oh My Dog Supplies - the largest choice of dog feeders online, visit http://www.ohmydogsupplies.com/dog-supplies/elevated-dog-feeders/

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Kelly_Marshall
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People Training for a Dog

People training for dog is important if you want your dog to behave good around people.
People training for dog:One of the most difficult things to do is punish a cute cuddly dog, especially when it is a puppy. Think of youself when the little dog looks at you. People training for dog without physically or verbally abusing them is very important too.

What does that mean? Dog psychology, people training for dog problems.
You have to understand your dog before you can train him. How does he react when people come around and why is he reacting like this. So, train yourself.

People training for dog, here some tips and other stuff.

Training them when they are young will give them the time to learn right from wrong. Poeople training for dog must make sense to you and be easy to apply within your lifestyle. Training, with a focus on the special needs of your dog especially when you do people traing for dog. They will also pick up on the training much quicker since their brains are still developing. When you talk about people training a dog, there are a number of areas that come to mind. People training your dog at a young age will help your puppy grow into a mature and friendly dog. Dog training tips: using a whistle to train a dog .
Is very helpful and the dog will better understand what you want.

However, people training for dog is to do when it is a little puppy.It is one of the most important things you can do.The best way to solve this is to people train your dog for everyone to begin with. After extensive training to get your puppy to stop barking and growling, then you can look further into training them to protect the house. With this said, all of these training methods can be done while avoiding hitting the puppy or giving the puppy harsh reprimands. Jumping on people, biting people or growling at unfamiliar people are just a few of the things that you can train your dog to avoid. So start to train your dog and it will be your best friend. People training for dog is essential.

So keep in mind, people training for dog without physically or verbally abusing them. People training for dog is important if you want your dog to behave good around people.
But think about to train yourself at first, before you try to train your dog. So have fun for your: People training for dog! If you want more Informations about Dog Training, then vist this guy here. He knows what he does klick here
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12 4 DE Lower

Quick workout due to heading to Allentown to support other team members at RPS Christmas Carnage.

Speed Squat, bow bar + average bands week 2 (55%)
  295 x 2 x 10

Speed pulls + 200 lbs band tension
  225 x 1 x 8

  bw x 15 x 3

Upright cable row
  60 x 15 x 3

Reverse Hyper
  270 x 25 x 2

Spread eagle sit-up
  bw x 25 x 2
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10 29 DE Lower

Speed squat, cambered bar + 120 lbs chain, parallel box, week 2 (55%)
  305 x 2 x 12

  bw x 12 x 5

Backward sled drag 200 ft
  135 x 5 trips

Pullover machine
  120 x 20 x 5

Band Good morning
  strong band x 20 x 5

Spread-eagle sit-up
  bw x 20 x 5
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Selasa, 28 Juni 2016

6 28 DE Upper

Got an adjustment and ART work on my right lat/rib area. Feels much better, but I have a follow up scheduled and I will be taking a short break from back squatting to hopefully heal this thing up before the meet. I plan on replacing my speed squats w/ box jumps for the next 2 weeks, and replacing my speed pulls w/ Dimmell deadlifts. Im going to skip ME squat tomorrow night, replacing it with heavy sled drags. The following Monday (7/6) was supposed to be a heavy pull vs. bands...I will put that off a week and do ME raw front squats (if able).

Dumbbell bench
  100s x 6 x 8

Bench Press
  235 x 20 close grip
  235 x 20 ultra wide grip

Skull Crusher
  95 x 15 x 3

Band pushdown
  mini x 100

Pull ups
  6 x 5

Dumbbell shrugs
  110 x 15 x 3

Rear Delt Raise
  20 x 15 x 3

Med ball twist
  10 x 20 x 3
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Senin, 27 Juni 2016

12 1 GPP

20 min stationary cycle

Stiff-leg deadlift
  135 x 15 x 3

Hanging leg raise
  20 x 3

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1 11 ME Lower

Safety Squat Bar, Concentric Box Squat off Pins (Sit on box, good-morning off pins then stand up)
  65 x 5
  155 x 3
  245 x 1
  335 x 1
  385 x 1
  425 x 1

Leg Press
  450 x 10 x 6

Low Pulley Row
  200 x 10 x 6

Reverse Hyper
  450 x 12 x 4

Standing band crunch x 20 x 4
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Whether your Labrador Retriever is out in the field working or just right beside you enjoying the dog show, chances of contracting parvovirus exist. Parvovirus is a contagious virus affecting dogs, more frequently puppies. Canine Parvovirus or CPV is a highly infectious disease and is spread from dog to dog with physical contact and contact with infected feces. The virus is not capable of reproducing on its own because of the fact that they contain only DNA or RNA. They invade the cell, reproduce inside it and kills the cells causing dogs and puppies not to be able to absorb nutrients or liquids.

CPV has two forms: intestinal and cardiac. The less common is the cardiac form in which the virus attacks the heart muscle and the dog dies suddenly because of heart failure. Some infected dogs will show no symptoms. But some infected dogs show symptoms such as lethargy, vomiting, high fever, diarrhea, depression and lack of appetite. In severe cases, stool can be very watery, foul smelling, yellow in color and usually bloody. Abdominal pain is also present as well as pain when eating. The possibility of dehydration exist because of severe dehydration and vomiting and the fact that he is not able to replace the nutrients and fluids lost.

To diagnose the presence of parvovirus, positive diagnostic test is done. Canine parvovirus disease requires aggressive or intense treatment. There is no specific cure for this disease. Your vet can only treat the symptoms to keep the pet alive. Measures should be taken to prevent diarrhea, loss of proteins and to replace fluids lost through vomiting and diarrhea. These measures include giving of fluids, regulating electrolyte levels, controlling body temperature and giving blood transfusions when needed. Antibiotic therapy may be needed to control secondary bacterial infections.

To ensure that youre beloved Labrador Retriever will not suffer this kind of health problem, you should adhere to the required or recommended vaccination. Vaccine against parvovirus is usually administered to puppies six to eight weeks of age and should only be allowed to mingle with other dogs two weeks after their last vaccination. There is no use vaccinating new born puppies since they are still protected by maternal antibodies. However, these antibodies wear off before the puppys system became mature enough to fight parvovirus.

CPV cannot be treated at home so consult your vet immediately if you see signs of the existence of this disease.

Richard Cussons writes information articles on different breed of dog such as Labrador Retriever. For more tips on training Labradors, check out labradorsavvy.com

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Richard_Cussons
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Quiet on set! in praise of verbal cues

I was perusing some other animal wranglers sites on the interwebs. One successful group was going on and on about how all their animals are trained using visual cues. This is a useful thing, but it got me thinking. If your dog (or what have you) is having to stare at you the whole time in case you cue a behaviour, they cant look natural in their environment.

Its a big pet peeve of mine. MOST dogs in TV and movies dont look like they belong with the people. They rarely interact with their owners and when they do you can tell its done as fast as they can so they can then watch their real owner out of frame.

I dont see the big deal with verbal cues. With todays technology its not a big deal for a voice cue to be edited out providing you arent giving it over top of the actors lines. A dog who is waiting for a verbal cue is then free to make eye contact and interact with the actors and in short look FAR more natural and believable. Also verbal cues allow you to be out of your dogs eyeline. This is handy when you are working on a very tight set, when the dog is positioned where its impossible for you to have eye contact and be out of frame, or if your dog needs to be sick and dying and have their eyes closed (see pic)

Dekka has only done 2 movies at this point. BUT it was a major role both times. She was the leading lady in Off Season and one of the central characters in Road Kill. Both times she was in scenes where she couldnt see me. She was excellent and interacting with the actor in both cases making it very believable that she was his dog.

One scene where I dont know how it could be done without verbal was the no eat scene. Dekka had to lie with her head on the actors thigh whilst he ate dinner. He reaches forward grabs his plate and settles it on his lap right in front of Dekkas nose. He then proceeds to eat for a bit, the offers a piece of pork to Dekka. She cant take it. She cant even look happy about the prospect of food. (and let me tell you the little dog is vvvverrry food driven) He then proceeds to try to tempt her with the food in different ways. She has to maintain a sick facade and remain uninterested. On the other hand you want her to look at the actor, the food and not off set. A real dog in that situation would still be engaging with her owner, not staring fixedly at the wall. Right before he would offer her the food the first time I simply said "mine" which is the cue that you are not to take the food offered. A simple one word cue that is easily edited out allowed Dekka to interact with the scene and pull off a believable performance.

So horray for verbal cues. (this is not to say that Dekka does not have hand signals too, she does. Simply that if you go with all hand your dog will not look natural in most scenes)
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Hip Dysplasia A Quick Intro

By Hans Lynch

As the name implies, hip dysplasia is an ailment affecting the hip joints in dogs. It is commonly found among large breed dogs and sometimes in smaller breeds. It is readily seen in breeds that are pure more than in mixed breeds. Breeds such as the Great Dane, Labrador and Golden Retrievers seem to have a noticeable occurrence while the incidence is negligible in the Borzois and Greyhounds. Please note that there are other breeds not mentioned here that also suffer from it.

Up till now, not much is known about the ailment. One of the most important keys to understanding hip dysplasia is the hip joint. Hip dysplasia is caused by the malformation of the hip in dogs. This usually occurs at a young age when they are still growing and the bones are just getting formed. The hip joint which is a ball and socket joint thus grows crookedly causing the right and left hind legs to become affected. This usually happens as a result of the muscles, ligaments and connective tissues surrounding and supporting the hip joint becoming lax.

This is not to say that affected dogs are born that way. No; most times, they are normal when given birth to. But as they grow, the muscles and supporting tissues form abnormally. The major cause has been attributed to genetic factors mostly. The thing with hip dysplasia is that instead of the bones growing towards each other, they grow apart as the ligament and capsule holding the bones together become strained and stretched. This goes on to add more problems to the joint as the two bones -pelvis and femur- get separated from each other. Thus, creating a subluxation, the bones are no longer in alignment and put pressure on or otherwise irritate nerves, which is actually what is responsible for the symptoms and evident signs associated with the ailment.

So what are the signs and symptoms evident in dogs when they are suffering from hip dysplasia?

Dogs suffering from hip dysplasia are usually labeled as osteoathritic, or a joint disease that affects the cartilage. They feel pain after exercise and during the usual days activities. They tend to stop walking. Their hind legs tend to be stiff during and after exercising. They also find it hard to stand on their hind feet in the morning. When they run, it is evident that they try to avoid putting any pressure at all on their rear legs. If it gets too painful -like it would with time- most dogs just reduce the activity rate and they will find it hard to stand up without any form of help.

What can be done to prevent it?

In most genetically influenced cases, nothing can be done. But it can be managed and discouraged if the dog isnt allowed to become overweight. This coupled with reduced high protein and calorie meals should help out significantly. There are a few products on the market today that are specifically designed to help dogs with hip issues, including hip dysplasia. At the high end there are dog wheelchairs, and somewhere in the middle of the price range is the Helping Hands from Mikki. It allows you to hold up your dogs hind legs giving taking some or even most of the weight off of the hind legs, while still giving them the exercise that they need.

Hans is the owner of http://www.lucysdoghouse.net and is a life long dog owner. Lucys Dog House offers has dog shoes and much more to make your dogs life happier and healthier. At Lucys Dog House, a percentage of all sales goes to support Great Dane Rescues.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Hans_Lynch
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Minggu, 26 Juni 2016

6 3 ME Upper

Cambered-bar bench to 1-board, vs. doubled monster minis (+120)
  135 x 5
  225 x 3
  275 x 1
  315 x 1
  345 miss

Close grip bench vs. double minis
  265 x 6 x 4

Incline cable tricep extension overhead
  75 x 12 x 5

Dumbbell pull-over
  70 x 12 x 4

Lateral dumbbell raise (heavy)
  45 x 6 x 4

Face Pulls
  100 x 12 x 4

Hammer Curls
  60s x 12 x 3
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See More Puppies At http://www.19breeders.com area, city, state, tiny, teacup, toy, standard, miniature, Big, Stocky, Large, county, North, West, South, East, metro, near, by, local dog breeders,...

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Tips understand dog mindset

Dogs are dogs, no matter the size or temperament. If a pet owner understands the way that his or her pet thinks, it may be easier to train the animal. If someone doesnt understand this mindset, he or she can gain some knowledge by reading this article.

There are a lot of tricks you can teach your dog to do; a common one is training him to hold a toy in his mouth without chewing it. Use a clicker to give the dog a treat whenever the dogs uses his mouth to hold a toy. After a few tries you should allow the dog to pick up the toy on his own. As soon as the dog does this, use the clicker and give a reward. If he holds it in his mouth, you can give him a reward.

 Do your best to keep your dog active through the day. Dogs can easily become bored. Dogs with no enthusiasm will be harder to train than active dogs. It is easier for your dog to focus if he is happy and well exercised. Bring your dog along when you walk or jog.

 As with most things, and this goes with dog training as well, dont ever give up. Your dog will not remember his training if you are not there to constantly remind him of what you expect. In the same way that nourishing your dog with food and a safe place to live is a daily commitment, so is teaching and encouraging good behavior.

 Everyone in the family should use the exact same commands when training your dog. If you mix up commands, like one family member saying "up" when another says "jump," the dog will have a more difficult time figuring out what you want. As long as you use consistency, then your dog has a great chance of learning all of the tricks and behaviors that you wish.

 Stop your puppy immediately if he is chewing on something he shouldnt. This will help your puppy to learn what things he is allowed to chew and what he is not. He will then be less likely to chew on your belongings and instead will turn to his toys when he wants to chew.

 Use treats your dog really loves to achieve maximum training efficiency. This might be an extra-special treat that your dog does not ordinarily have the opportunity to enjoy.

 Train your dog on a regular basis to make sure he understands the rules of the house. Too many owners tend to be under the impression that once they have trained their dog, thats the end of it. But pets and humans actually share the same types of habit learning systems; if they dont practice they will forget! Therefore, it is vital that your dog follows an established rule system at all times.

 If your dog suddenly starts misbehaving out of the blue, it is best to bring him to the vet so any health problems can be ruled out. Your dog might be acting out because he is suffering. Since they cannot tell us what is wrong, this is their way of letting us know that they need extra attention.

 Communication is one of the essential aspects of training your dog. During your dogs training sessions, keep your signals and commands clear and consistent. The signals you send to your dog include not only rewards and corrections but also your tone of voice and your body language. Remember to always pay attention to the communication signals from your dog. Your dog can let you know how hes feeling, like if hes having a bad day or is worn out.

 Take small steps when crate training your dog. Once your dog seems to have acclimated to the crate itself, close the gate and feeding him through it. Begin with small intervals, and work your way up to longer times. If the dog becomes upset, then you need to take a step back and slow down the training.

 Not everyone has what it takes to train their dog, sometimes a professional is needed. You may hit a snag in your training and a professional can help get you back on track. Professional trainers can instruct you on how to improve your training methods, and get both you and your pet back on track.

 Get your dog ready early for his trips to the veterinarian. Move your hands across his head, back, stomach and legs, and give him reinforcement when he responds appropriately. Work with him so he is tolerant of having his paws touched and teeth examined. You could ask the assistance of your friends, too.

 If hiring an animal behavior professional is something you are considering, make sure to learn as much about them as you can. Animal behavior professionals have differing opinions on what correctly training a dog entails, so you should make sure that your trainer is in line with your own ideology before using their techniques with your dog!

 Stay consistent when training your dog. Write down the commands that you use and then make sure each person who needs to know them does. Behavior should be rewarded or not depending on the affect that is being sought. When the people around the dog use different commands and responses, he may become confused and training could suffer.

 Be sure to have your dog spayed or neutered at six months. You should do this at the same time you first take the dog to obedience training. A dog that has been spayed or neutered will be a more obedient dog. By spaying or neutering a dog he will have a longer happier life.

 If your puppy is caught chewing on something unacceptable, stop him immediately. This helps teach them that they cannot chew on some things and can help them leave your belongs alone when youre not watching.

 You do not want to use wee-wee pads when potty training your dog. The problem with the wee-wee pads is that they leak and leave enzymes from urine and feces behind. Potty pads can also mislead your dog into thinking that similarly shaped items throughout your home, like rugs, are appropriate places to go. Teaching your dog the appropriate place to go from the start is always the more practical idea.

 If you catch your puppy chewing on something that he shouldnt be, stop him as soon as you catch him. Redirecting your puppy towards a chew toy teaches him what is appropriate to chew on. This can prevent further damage to your possessions.

 A clicker works well when training most dogs. Using a clicker is as simple as showing your dog that good things happen when the clicking noise is heard. Try using this technique right away, doing it frequently over a span of a few days. Your dog will soon know that the clicking noise means that they are doing a good job.

 Now that the people who are interested in training their new pet dog have, hopefully, learned some new tricks, they can proceed to pass them along to their pets. Once a dog is on its way to learning, the owner will begin to appreciate the dedication that he or she has shown for doing the right thing for mans best friend..
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Sabtu, 25 Juni 2016

Need to keep training your dog

It is very common in households around the world to incorporate dogs and other domestic animals into the family home. Puppies, like most baby animals, have mischievous streaks. Read on for some ideas on training your dog.

Introduce new animals to one another very slowly. Weighs the pros and the cons before adopting another pet. For optimal bonding, select a new pet whose personality is similar to that of your current pet.

 Training is a great way to help your dog with separation anxiety. It is quite possible that if your dog frequently barks unceasingly or damages your belongings when you leave, he or she is actually suffering from separation anxiety. You need to take the time to train your dog to not engage in these undesirable behaviors while youre not home. A great way to ease your dogs anxiety is through love and compassion.

 Do not let the pressures of your day or life influence how you speak to your dog when you are training. Start the training session with good feelings and expectations. Only correct your dog after he has done something you dont want him to.

 Communication is one of the essential aspects of training your dog. Clear commands and consistency are necessary when you work with your dog. Your verbal commands and body language, along with the rewards you give out, should all be consistent. Pay attention to any cues that your dog gives you, as well. By watching and understanding the way your dog communicates, you can discover if your dog is getting fatigued, restless, or is happy.

 Keep your dog outside while you are away from home to prevent it from chewing on your items. When this is not possible due to weather or living in an urban area, close your doors to all of your rooms. This keeps your dog out of your things. Be sure to leave chew toys out for them.

 Playing tug-of-war with your puppy when you are working on training him is a bad idea. In addition to tug-of-war, games that involve wresting something away from your puppy or chasing each other in any respect, can entice the animal to bite or nip at your hands. You want to avoid having your puppy become accustomed to this behavior, so it is better to postpone these games until the dog is more mature and fully trained.

 Depending on the personalities of your dogs, it may not be possible to train them at the same time. Dogs have the tendency to distract each other. If you find this happening it is likely best to separate them.

 Once you decide to train your dog, it is very important that you continue with the training no matter what. Without reinforcement, your dog will revert to his old behaviors. You always need to keep training your dog, just like you need to continue feeding it and providing it shelter.

 A trick you could teach your dog is to hold something in his mouth, such as a toy. Get your dogs attention with a clicker and reward him with a snack when he tastes or mouths the toy. When this has happened several times, hold off until the dog grabs the toy with his or her mouth. As this happens, press the clicker and then offer the reward. Also, rewards should only be given if the toy remains in the dogs mouth.

 Use good treats that are irresistible to your dog. This is one time you can use something you would not usually give them, like meat.

 Tell your house guests how to interact with your pooch. These things can lead to your dog trying to establish dominance, or he may jump on a guest.

 Training should be done when the dog is young. This is not concrete, but it is known that puppies respond easier to training. If you start training your dog when he is young, he will be almost as well-behaved as a child.

 When your dog reaches six months, make sure that your dog is spayed or neutered. This should coincide with the beginning of obedience classes. A dog that has been spayed or neutered will be a more obedient dog. You and your pet will enjoy a longer and happier life together.

 It is vitally important that your dog is treated in the same manner, given the same commands and rewarded similarly by every member of your family. This is the only way to ensure the training sticks. Consistency is the best method for training a dog. If you train your dog in a certain way while another family member encourages a different behavior, your dog will not know what to do.

 Remember to enjoy the time spent with your dog during training. Taking time to play creates a strong bond between the two of you, and your dog will be more likely to respond well to training. Training can be a fun experience, however, getting some enjoyment for yourself and the dog through play is a good thing.

 Providing your dog with food that it likes while training him or her will help give them incentive to do good. Offering your dog a truly special reward is an easy way to encourage them. Really pay attention to his reaction when he is given the treat and adjust your reward foods accordingly.

 Crate training is an effective way to house train a dog. Always take your dog out consistently if you want to be effective at crate training. If youre patient you will find a dog who has been crate trained will make less messes inside.

 Just as a human likes to stretch out and lay on their backs, so do dogs. Therefore, it is essential to have a dog bed big enough for your furry friend. There are big, long dog beds around for larger dogs, or you could look for a mattress taken from a crib. This is a convenient and fun alternative because you have the opportunity to change the appearance of the bed and keep it clean by simply putting a new crib sheet on it every few days. The crib mattresses are also waterproof which means they are highly durable.

 You can prevent your dog from destroying your home by keeping it outdoors when you are away from the house. When this isnt possible, you want to provide things that both appeal to your dog and that are okay for the dog to chew on. Establishing acceptable chews toys is also about keeping those things you do not want your dog to chew up behind closed doors or well out out of reach.

 As this article has demonstrated, dog training is a very wise use of your time and energy. A badly behaved dog can destroy your house and stress everyone in the family; soon no one will want him around. By applying the information found in this article, youll be making a wise choice and helping your dog to be an enjoyable member of your family..
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Nutrition For Your Puppy

By Jim McKiel

This article focuses on some of the nutritional foundations needed to insure your puppy grows into a healthy adult.

The mothers milk provides the puppy with all the nutrients and antibodies he needs for the first four weeks of life. You can introduce moistened puppy kibble around the age of four weeks. This will be introduced to the puppy as he continues to nurse. You may feed the puppy his kibble twice a day as long as he is still getting enough of his mothers milk. Whenever he gives up his nursing, which will be around the age of seven to eight weeks, his dry food feeding will increase. It is still advisable to moisten his dry food with warm water for a few weeks until he has adjusted. Unless your breeder or vet advises, it is not necessary to add canned puppy food to your puppys dry kibble. The dry puppy kibble is sufficient as long as you use a high quality puppy food.

Giving your puppy the right nutrition will provide him a healthy beginning for a healthy life. During a puppys first six months, he will need a highly digestible diet consisting of more protein and fat. A puppy is usually fed three to four small meals a day until he is about four months old. The amount at each feeding will be determined by the brand of food and the advice of the breeder and your vet. It is very important not to over feed the puppy as this may lead to problems later in their life. Along with the vet, your breeder will be able to guide you on the proper feeding plan of your new puppy.

When the puppy is four months old, you may start feeding him three times a day. Once again, the amount of each feeding will be determined by many factors including brand of food, breeder and vet advice. Around nine months of age a puppy is fed twice a day. Some vets recommend feeding a puppy once a day when they reach a year in age. There are some who think you should continue feeding a dog twice a day; just feed them smaller amounts in the morning and evening. This will help avoid gastro-intestinal problems, especially in larger breed dogs. This varies of course and should be discussed with the vet and breeder.

There are many commercial pet foods available for puppies and the quality of these foods vary. Normally the higher quality foods cost more as they use higher quality ingredients and less fillers. This means your puppy will be able to get more nutrients while consuming less food. During a puppys growing stage is not the time to try to save money on cheaper pet food or to feed your puppy table scraps. A quality puppy food will have all the necessary vitamins, proteins and nutrients the animal needs. Also, it is not necessary to give your puppy extra vitamins or supplements if the animal is on a quality pet food unless your vet advises you to do so. Along with quality puppy food make sure your puppy has fresh water at all times.

Large breed puppies actually need less calories and calcium in their diets. A puppy who consumes too many calories and too much calcium may develop joint problems. Large breed dogs have a slower metabolic rate and actually reach their adult weight later then smaller breed dogs. It is essential that large breed puppies dont grow too fast or put on too much weight as puppies as this could cause developmental skeletal problems in later life. Large breeds are usually kept on puppy food longer then smaller breeds; sometimes from one year to eighteen months. Ask your vet or breeder when the large breed puppy should be switched to adult dog food.

As discussed before, table scraps are not recommended for dogs. Any human food that contains salt, sugar or other addictives may upset the puppies or dogs gastro system. Animals dont need salt or sugar in their diet and human food is loaded in these ingredients.

Good nutrition for your puppy is the stepping stone to a healthy, happy dog. A well cared for puppy is easier to train and will make an obedient and trusted member of the family.

Jim McKiel lives in the Chicago suburbs with his wife Doris and their pet family members Buddy and Buster. They have devoted their lives to the betterment of pet ownership. For more information, visit Large Breed Family Dogs

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Jim_McKiel
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See more puppies at http://www.19breeders.com area, city, state, tiny, teacup, toy, standard, miniature, Big, Stocky, Large, county, North, West, South, East, metro, near, by, local dog breeders,...

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DOG POO ..........AGAIN !!!!!!

We have always requested that you pick up after your dog and take your poo home, however it seems that if the poo is quite sloppy to pick up then its being left and stones are being put over it and left.

This is simply not good enough as some of the other dogs using the field are finding this attractive and rolling in it. It is also not fair to the other users of the field that bring children up there. We have therefore left a box of sand by the entrance along with   disinfectant, so there is no excuse if your dog is a bit sloppy, simply swill and cover with sand.

We operate a clean field so anyone caught not conforming with this will simply lose their slot.

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Jumat, 24 Juni 2016

Wonderful Snow

Ok, Ok no laughing I am a little late with this post, but things have been a little crazy. Now as I sit here with Hershey at my feet and Spike curled up under my elbow I am able to think clearly. Lets rewind a bit to last Tuesday when the beautiful snow came falling from the sky, schools were closed and the sound of childrens laughter could be heard all around. The excitement of sledding and building snowmen was in the air.

As the snowballs were flying around my back yard and the girls and dogs were running around, (yes even Hershey gave into some running, maybe his foot was a little frozen) a smile crossed my face. How good it is to see Al and the girls and the dogs all running around in the pure clean snow. It always seems that the world is so at peace when it snows and that people have the chance to stay home and enjoy time with their families.

Hershey is familiar with the powdery white stuff growing up in PA and loves it. He especially likes to eat it, go figure, a Lab wanting to eat! Spike on the other hand has only seen a very light dusting of snow, so this was a wonderful new experience for him. He loved chasing his ball and then throwing it and watching it get buried. It was like a new game of find it every time he threw the ball. Snowballs were another fascination because they just disappeared. The sled was not so much fun for him, but he did love chasing the girls on it.

I hope you all had as much fun as we did and enjoyed the beautiful snow!!

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http://thebetterinfo.com/free-dog-training.html (free dog training guide link... it will be sent to your email, but its good) - Hey everybody! If you want to...

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Canine Language dog training tips

www.dogtraininginlondon.co.uk presents a video demonstration to why a dogs space must be respected. Dog Training Tips - Respect the dogs space There are many...

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Kamis, 23 Juni 2016

Vlog 392 UPSET PUPPY TUMMY! May 19 2014

WATCH IN HD FOR BEST QUALITY* WANT TO SEE WHAT HAPPENED LAST YEAR ON THIS DAY? Click This- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wBFngZTWKGc Brandi Bears Channel! -https://www.youtube.com/user/bra...

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12 7 ME Lower

First heavy deadlift since bicep surgery 11 weeks ago

Raw Sumo Deadlift
  245 x 5
  335 x 3
  445 x 2
  535 x 1
  585 x 1
  625 x 1
  675 miss, pulled to knees but couldnt lock it out

Plate loaded front squat/hack squat
  180 x 12 x 2
  270 x 10
  360 x 8
  450 x 6

Sled drags
  3 plates, 5 trips forward
  3 plates, 5 trips backwards

Pendlay row
  155 x 10 x 5

Reverse hyper
  270 x 15
  360 x 12
  450 x 10 x 3

Leg extension (rehab)
  45 x 25 x 4

Standing band crunch
  small band x 25 x 4
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http://bit.ly/1mRNcHN - More awesome tips and tools for raising a happy and healthy puppy! Puppy Training Tips: How to be Leader of Your Pack Professional Do...

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french bulldog bulldog english bulldog bulldog puppies american bulldog english bulldog puppies hey bulldog french bulldog puppies hey bulldog beatles bulldog puppy bulldog skateboarding bulldog...

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peanut butter related recalls

So far this is a list of recalls that are related to the PCA peanut butter situation. These are the Pet product recalls that I can find at this point. I will update this list as more information becomes available. Click on the links below for complete information. Be careful what you buy for your pets and yourself!!!

Pet Food Product Recalls
Carolina Prime
Carolina Prime Pet
Grreat Choice
Happy Tails
Healthy-hide Deli-wrap
Shoppers Valu
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This 4 months old Chihuahua was severely abused by humans. Now hes being rehabilitated by the pack, just like Cesar Milan, the Dog Whisperer, teaches. For m...

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Obedience class

An Obedience class will begin Thurs Oct 2 from 7:30 - 8:30. The classes will be held at Brier Creek Pet Hotel ( www.briercreekpethotel.com) please see web site for directions. the address is 2616 Triole Oak Dr, Morrisville, NC 27560.

All pups 5 months and older are welcome to join. The cost of the class is $90.00 for 6 weeks.

Space is limited so please let me know if you are interested. suzie@privatedogtraining.com
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Make certain dog has good leash manners

Properly training your dog will allow you to coexist with ease and become best pals. When your dog is well-trained, then both you and your dog will know exactly what is expected from each other. You will not have to worry about leaving him home along or taking him to public places. Though it might seem like a difficult task, you and your dog will have many rewarding times together, sharing the tricks and companionship that youve come to know through the dog training sessions.

Give challenges to your dog on a regular basis. Test what he knows by giving commands, even if you are sure that he has the skill mastered.

 To be the most successful in dog training, make sure your dogs need for exercise is being met before starting a new training project. Canines were meant to exercise regularly. They need to run and work in order to be healthy and happy. Register for agility classes, run with your dog, and teach him or her to play Frisbee to increase activity levels. Make the activity consistent and stimulating for your dog.

 If you are welcoming a guest into your home, give them clear instructions about how to interact with your dog. These reactions may actually encourage dogs to jump up on your guests or attempt to dominate them.

 You always want to make certain your dog has good leash manners. This helps keep both you and your dog safe when going on walks.

 Keep dog training techniques positive and upbeat. Remain motivated, even when training gets tough. If your dog performs a task you ask him to, reward him. Punishing your dog will not achieve the desired results and does more harm than good.

 Most cases associated to dog bites result from fear. This occurs whenever dogs feel trapped, threatened, and frightened. Dogs cannot be trained through force. This makes your dog more likely to bite. Your dog will be ready and willing to regard you as the dominant one.

 Training a new puppy can be much easier if everyone in the the family participates in the training. While they may have a single person working with them regularly, getting everyone involved can enforce that they must always follow the rules and it will make it more consistent.

 To teach or reinforce good behavior, you might try to introduce them to clicker training. In order to begin, simply create a happy mental link between the clickers sound and something the dog enjoys. Try clicking and treating immediately, and doing this several times over a few days. Soon, your dog will associate the click with reward or other positive actions, which can be very helpful in shaping the desirable behaviors you hope to achieve.

 Learning how to show authority is the foundation of all dog training. He needs to know that you are the authority before he will let you train him. Never allow your dog pull on the leash while you are on a walk.

 Use good treats that are irresistible to your dog. This is one time you can use something you would not usually give them, like meat.

 Tell your house guests how to interact with your pooch. These things can lead to your dog trying to establish dominance, or he may jump on a guest.

 Do not give your dog any punishments when you are in the process of training. If your dog does not follow the correct behavior, instead of punishing him, gently teach him what to do instead. Training your dog is a great way to develop a positive relationship with him.

 Creating good behavior in your dog can be achieved by consistent treatment from all the people who interact with him on a daily basis. Your dog needs consistent lessons everyday. Make sure that everyone who trains your dog does it in the same manner as you in order to avoid confusion.

 If you prepare your dog for veterinary exams, it will help both you and your dog. Gently place your hands over its body, acknowledging your dog when he responds positively. Prepare your dog to accept someone handling his paws or looking at his teeth. Ask your friends to help out, as well.

 Remember to enjoy the time spent with your dog during training. Taking time to play creates a strong bond between the two of you, and your dog will be more likely to respond well to training. Training can be a fun experience, however, getting some enjoyment for yourself and the dog through play is a good thing.

 If you want to train your dog, avoid playing any sort of control games like tug of war. Aggressive games promote aggressive behaviors, such as biting. Tug-of-war can be played once you have trained your puppy; however, it should not be played before the dog is completely trained.

 To help you train your dog you should know what kinds of foods your dog likes to eat. Since these will be the rewards for good behavior when you are training the dog, it should be something that really motivates him. Make note of your dogs reaction when the reward is offered.

 Communication is one of the essential aspects of training your dog. Make sure you are clear and consistent when you are working with your dog. This means to be consistent not only with words, but with corrections and rewards. Be well aware that your dog is telling you something too. They will inform you of whether or not they are overworked, anxious, or having a great day.

 You can prevent your dog from destroying your home by keeping it outdoors when you are away from the house. When this isnt possible, you want to provide things that both appeal to your dog and that are okay for the dog to chew on. Establishing acceptable chews toys is also about keeping those things you do not want your dog to chew up behind closed doors or well out out of reach.

 Now that the people who are interested in training their new pet dog have, hopefully, learned some new tricks, they can proceed to pass them along to their pets. Once a dog is on its way to learning, the owner will begin to appreciate the dedication that he or she has shown for doing the right thing for mans best friend..

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Rabu, 22 Juni 2016

I signed Spike up for a study at the Duke Canine Cognition Center on inhibitory control.  I was not real sure what we were getting ourselves in to, but I thought it would be fun none the less.  Once our application was accepted, we coordinated a time and off we went. 

When we arrived, I of course getting a little turned around, had to call them for help.  They met me in the parking lot and Spike was a cordial gentleman.  We made our way inside where his behavior continued to amaze me.  He was nice and friendly and curious about the new place.  I didnt even need his ball to help!

The girls were all amazing and very welcoming.  They explained the whole thing to me and of I went to the waiting room to watch on the video monitor.  I was very skeptical of Spike conforming, but once the food started he was more than happy to do whatever was asked.  He went through the first part with flying colors.  they said he was the first dog to get all 10 out of 10 correct.  What a proud Mommy moment!

OK, so the second half, Proud Mommy moment past,  was a little more challenging.  the temper tantrum started.  He had a choice to go to the nice lady who would let him have the food and the grumpy lady who wouldnt let him have the food.  Yes you guessed it, Spike wanted to win over the grumpy lady ( at least he was trying to make friends).  When cuteness didnt work he stayed back at the start line and complained, hoping she would give in.  Finally when he decided it was a lost cause he begrudgingly went to the nice lady and ate her treat.  This was repeated 7 more times.  some less complaining than others.  In the end he won over the grumpy lady (or so he thought) and all was a joyous moment!

After that they played some ball with him and he was soooooo happy!!!

A few days later Spike was invited back for the second half of the study.  We were very happy to go!  I did not get lost this time and Spike knew where he was and was just so excited to be reunited with his friends. These 2 tests were much easier and Spike got A+ across the board.  Yes, Proud mommy moment!

Spikes Freshman year was a success!

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cat test in doctor in hospital

A dog trainer works to teach a dog commands used by its owner Training Tips Most dog training jobs require a training hopeful to have a high school diploma, or a general educational development...

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Canine Crime Scene Investigation

Come out and join John Rogerson for 4 days of Canine Crime Scene Investigation!
Date: Oct 14-17
Time 9:30am-4:00pm Daily
Cost: $495
Place: Paws Forever. Mebane, NC
For more information contact. Sue Miller 919-384-2878 e-mail millman@gci.net

World Renowned Dog Trainer and Behaviorist, John Rogerson, will be conducting this 4 day course. Check out Johns web site at www.johnrogerson.com

Have fun finding clues with your dog to solve a mysterious crime.
This course will include tracking, scent detection, team and relationship building exercises and so much more. Please contact Sue Miller (see above for contact info) for more information or to register.
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Selasa, 21 Juni 2016

Pomeranian Puppy Care And Grooming

The Pomeranian dog breed is a member of both the toy and Spitz groups. This dog breed is considered toy because adult Pomeranians grow to a size of only three to seven pounds and eight to eleven inches tall. (A Pomeranian pup weighs mere ounces!) The breed is classified as part of the Spitz group because of its lineage. Pomeranians are close relatives of many other breeds like the Chow Chow and Samoyed which all descended from large sledding dogs found around the Baltic Sea, particularly in Iceland and Lapland. In the 1700s and 1800s, it became fashionable to breed specific types of Spitz dogs to be smaller. The Pomeranian, for example, was bred down to its toy size from the much larger German Spitz breed.

Knowing the history of the Pomeranian is a good start when researching whether to buy a purebred Pomeranian pup. This breed has specific characteristics, health issues and grooming needs that a potential buyer should be educated about. This will help the future dog owner in raising a healthy, happy Pomeranian puppy.

Training should capture the Pomeranian pups attention. Pomeranians are very intelligent and trainable once owners engage them. Pomeranian puppies have a tendency to bark and get underfoot. These are the first behavioral traits that they should be trained against for the well being of both the owner and puppy.

The grooming needs of Pomeranians are also moderate to high maintenance. These tiny dogs appear to be more fur than body due to the fact that they have two layers of fur, a soft undercoat and a longer overcoat. The coat requires daily brushing to prevent mats and tangles and to maintain the overall beauty of the Pomeranian pup. Pomeranians resemble baby foxes. They have doll-like faces, dark noses and eyes, and small teeth. The breed suffers from dental problems so daily brushing of teeth is also a grooming requirement. Attention should be paid closely to the Pomeranian pup when around small children as it will snap if its tail is pulled or it is held too tightly. Adult Pomeranians grow to be only three to seven pounds and eight to eleven inches tall and they can be hurt easily if tripped over or dropped.

A good Pomeranian breeder can provide tips on Pomeranian puppy care. Breeders have already established a relationship with the Pomeranian pup and have begun to socialize and train the puppy. It is up to the dog buyer to continue providing adequate puppy care to ensure his or her Pomeranian grows up to be both physically and emotionally healthy.

Buyers should be well versed on the breed they have chosen to buy from. Pomeranians have specific needs that are different from other breeds. Buyers should also have researched the breeder they are buying from to make sure they are reputable and that their Pomeranian puppies are healthy and happy. Buyers should have read up on Pomeranian puppy care tips and be ready to exercise them. Good breeders will always be available to answer questions because they are invested in each Pomeranian pup and also desire to see puppies go to appropriate homes.

Rosie Allan is an expert on British royal dogs and lives in the countryside of London with two Pomeranians. The Pomeranian, a favorite of royalty, is a descendant of the Spitz sled dogs. Queen Victoria of England, who once had 35 Pomeranians, made the dog popular in England in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. Helpful Pomeranian information such as that found here is also available at libraries and through the American Kennel Club.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Rosie_Allan
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Senin, 20 Juni 2016

Dog Vaccinations

Kate, my grandpuppy went to see the Veterinarian today. This was her regular checkup and time for her vaccinations. Both her human parents went with her and she was a trooper. She hardly even notices when the doctor takes blood or gives her the vaccination. The Veterinarian is really very kind and professional. He has a good relationship with his clients. I went with them the last time she needed to go and I was surprised how well she behaved. In fact she was excited to see the doctor and his staff. That says a lot about the Veterinarian and his staff. Kate is a very friendly puppy and she just loves the attention and so does not mind it when the doctor handles her.

When I went with her, they drew blood in front of me and I did not really notice it and Kate did not whimper at all. The vaccinations helps her build up immunity so that she will not catch any of the serious illnesses that a dog may catch. When she was a tiny puppy and feeding from her mom, she would have gotten some immunity from her, but after they are separated and human parents step in, it is important for your pet to:

1. Have their regular vaccinations

2. Have regular checkups with the Veterinarian

3. Treat for heart worms

4. Treat for allergies

Kate actually has allergies, and her tears stain her face. It is important to clean her tears before it gets too dry. I use wet wipes and she does not mind that at all. However, there are products on the market to clear the stains from the tears. Kate has a dark body (Yorkie coloration) and so it does not show up too bad. But her brothers are pure white Maltese, and I am sure that the tear stains are much more visible than Kates, but it still needs to be cleaned and her allergy medications have to be administered regularly.

Evangeline Samuel PhD. is a retired nurse who enjoys her daughters dog, Kates company, and loves dressing her up in designer dog clothes, unique dog collars and designer dog beds.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Evangeline_Samuel
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My dog the anti study aid

I have a mid term coming up in biochem. Its worth 25% of my final grade. And this is how my dog helps me..
She seems to be getting more enjoyment out of that text book than I am.
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Off Season

The official site for Off Season is up! http://www.offseasonfilm.com/ I am dying to see how it turned out. And to see the little dog on the big screen.

Reviews have been excellent so heres hoping the little dogs performance is seen by those who hire small dogs:)
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Basics of Bergamasco Training

Basics of Bergamasco Training

Its essential for Bergamasco parents like you to know certain basic factors that determine your relationship with your Bergamasco and can go a long way in training him effectively.

Before you begin training your Bergamasco, it is absolutely essential that you build a loving bond with him. This is important as it helps you to understand his needs and instincts and also allows your Bergamasco to have complete trust in you.

Know more about Bergamasco care from this free mini course

Let us see how.......

How To Bond With Your Bergamasco

Building a bond with your Bergamasco is the first and the most crucial step involved in training him successfully. As soon as you bring your Bergamasco home, you must first try to develop a caring and loving relationship with him in order to win his trust and confidence.

When Bergamascos are secure in the knowledge that they belong to the family, they are more likely to respond better to their owners training commands. Just like with any relationship, there must be mutual trust and respect between you and your Bergamasco.

Trust takes time to develop and respect comes from defining boundaries and treating any breach of those boundaries with firmness and fairness.

Without enforceable limitations, respect can’t be developed. And when there is no respect, building a bond with your Bergamasco is almost impossible.

4 Golden Rules To Building A Relationship With Your Bergamasco :
  • Spend quality time together;
  • Take him out in the world and experience life together;
  • Establish and promote a level of mutual respect; and
  • Develop a way of communicating to understand each others needs.
Building a bond with your Bergamasco will not only help you manage him better but will also make your Bergamasco calm, quiet and an extremely well-adjusted pet.

Love Your Bergamasco and He Will Love You back

Once youre succesful in building a bond with your Bergamasco, you can rest assured that training him and teaching him new and clever tricks will be a cakewalk.

Learn how to bond with your Bergamasco with this free mini course.

How Your Bergamasco Learns...

Your Bergamascos learning period can be divided into five phases:

The Teaching Phase - This is the phase where you must physically demonstrate to your Bergamasco exactly what you want him to do.

The Practicing Phase - Practice makes Perfect. Once a lesson is learnt, practice with your Bergamasco what you have just taught him.

The Generalizing Phase - Here you must continue practicing with your Bergamasco in different locations and in an environment with a few distractions. You can take your Bergamasco out for a walk, or to a nearby park and command him to practice whatever youve taught him.

Practicing the learned lessons in multiple locations and in the presence of small distractions will help him learn and retain lessons better .

The Testing Phase - Once youre sure that your Bergamasco has achieved almost 90% success....he responds correctly almost every time you give a command, you must start testing his accuracy in newer locations with a lot of distractions.

Example: Take him to the local shopping mall and ask him to obey your command. He may not come up with the correct response the very first time you do this, but you must not lose hope.

The idea is to test your Bergamasco to see how he responds in an environment which is new to him. Set-up a situation where you are in control of the environment and your Bergamasco.
There are only 2 possibilities:
  • Your Bergamasco succeeds!!! (Trumpets please!)
  • In case your Bergamasco fails, re-examine the situation. Review and/or change your training. Then try testing again.
Keep on testing until he succeeds. Follow the rule of the 3 Ps – patience, persistence, praise.
Internalizing Phase - Finally, comes the extremely rewarding phase where your Bergamasco does everything he is taught to do even without your commands.
  • Never scold your Bergamasco if he fails. Its not his fault. You have failed as a trainer!
  • You must be patient and persistent for your efforts to show rewards.
  • Appreciate and love your Bergamasco when he does it right! A little encouragement will work wonders for your Bergamasco.
  • Bergamasco Training is easy when you do it right.
Learn how to train your Bergamasco better with this free mini course.

Copyright (c) 2009 TrainPetDog.com
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Dogs Are Aggressive If They Are Trained Badly
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7 12 DE Upper

Speed Bench off Pins + doubled mini bands
  205 x 3 x 9

Bench Press
  235 x 20 x 1 close grip
  235 x 20 x 1 ultra wide grip

EZ Bar Skull Crushers
  145 x 8 x 3

Single-arm rope press-down
  30 x 15 x 3 each arm

Supra Bar Lat Pulldown, underhand grip
  200 x 12 x 3

Dumbbell shrugs
  120 x 15 x 3

Dumbbell rear delt raise
  20 x 15 x 3
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Minggu, 19 Juni 2016

5 3 DE Upper deload week 2

Incline dumbbell press
  80 x 25 x 2

Rope press down
  70 x 25 x 2

Lat pulldown (wide, palms in)
  130 x 25 x 2

Front barbell raise overhead
  30 x 25 x 2

Reverse grip EZ bar curl
  45 x 25 x 2
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Electric Dog Fences The Facts

By Andrew Strachan

Electronic dog fences are intended to be used as a control device for your dog. They are designed to keep your dog within a specified area, either by means of an electric shock, unpleasant noise or offensive smell. Electronic dog fences can be a mixed blessing though. Not only for humans but for your dog also.

The electronic dog fence will consist of a wire that is buried in the ground around the perimeter of where you want to allow your dog freedom. When the dog strays too close to this wire, a signal is sent to the dogs collar that will in response, administer the deterrent to your dog. This has the effect of discouraging your dog from straying over the boundary.

Although electronic dog fences can be quite expensive, they have the big advantage that they are invisible to the eye. This means that they can be used in areas where front or back fences are prohibited. So for somebody without a yard or area where their dog can be kept, they can be very advantageous.

Unfortunately, they have their disadvantages too.

The first problem is that most dog owners will use the electronic dog fence as a substitute for proper dog training. It is a quick fix and can be very frightening for a dog that is not used to the collar. Most dogs will not immediately associate the shock, or noise from the collar with the fact that it has strayed outside of its boundaries. For nervous dogs especially, or dogs that have been adopted from rescue homes and may have history of abuse, this type of punishment control can be very disturbing for the dog.

Also, if your dog is not correctly trained to understand where its boundaries are, what happens if the system fails? Electronic dog fences can be shorted (by lightening or careless digging). Your dog is then free to go wherever it pleases. Additionally, a very active dog (or an un-neutered dog finding a female) may stray over the border and then have trouble returning home due to the repeated shocks he might be getting.

Above all of these problems, it should be considered whether giving your dog electric shocks as a method of training is an acceptable method of dog training in the first place.

With all that said, your decision whether to get an electric dog fence should be weighed up against the pros and cons of other types of fence. Small fences can be jumped by larger dogs. Chain link fences can be unsightly and are not allowed in some areas. In some cases, an electronic fence may work out to be your best option.

When it comes to dog fences, there is no one size fits all solution. Consider all of the facts like breed, personality, size, your living circumstances, health of your dog etc. and you can decide if an electronic dog fence is for you (and your dog.)

Article by Andrew Strachan. Find out more about dog behavior training and types of dogs at http://www.types-of-dogs.com

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Andrew_Strachan
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