Minggu, 31 Juli 2016

Behavioral Training For Your New Puppy

By Jim McKiel

In this article we will discuss behavioral training for the newest member of your family.

Obedience training was discussed in an earlier article titled "Obedience Training for Your New Puppy". It has been shown that obedience training is very important for a puppy and behavioral training is just as important. In some puppy/dog training camps, behavioral training is considered to be training a puppy/dog to be "good" or "well behaved". In other training camps, behavioral training is considered to be "correcting a puppy/dogs bad behavior". For the sake of arguments, we will describe behavioral training in this article as training a puppy or dog to be well behaved as in house training and good manners when around people and other animals.

One of the very first training sessions will be house training. You want your puppy to do his business outside. If you are committed to this training, you can have a puppy housebroken in as little as three weeks. There may be a mistake now and again but the main process will be complete and the puppy will be going outside to do his business in the yard. A crate for the puppy to sleep in will aid in his house training and also protect him/her when you are unable to closely observe the puppy. Put your puppy on a feeding schedule and make sure you take them outside as soon as they are finished eating. Talk to them and praise them when they relieve themselves outside. If they do have an accident inside, tell them "no" sternly and take them outside immediately. Do not punish them for any accidents inside but praise them abundantly when they relieve themselves outside. Make sure you regulate their food and water before bedtime and take them outside before putting them in the crate for the night. Be consistent and determined in your training and it will pay off.

Training your dog not to jump up on people is a must. Teach them the correct way to greet people when they are small so you dont have a 90 pound dog jumping up on grandmother or anyone else who visits your home. Many people are frightened of large dogs because a large dog can cause injury if they jump up on people. One way to train a puppy not to jump up on people is to keep the puppy on a leash when someone comes to your house. Step on the leash so the puppy cant jump up as you open the door or greet the visitors. Command the puppy to sit (they cant do much else with you standing on the leash) and when he/she does reward them with a treat or pat on the head. Have a friend or relative practice with you and the puppy until they realize that if they sit when someone arrives, they will be rewarded. If he/she does try to jump up on the visitor, reprimand in a stern loud voice and start over. Never hit the puppy or yell at him/her.

Do not let your puppy or dog on the couch or bed unless you plan to let them on the furniture at all times. An animal doesnt understand that they can sleep on the bed or couch only on certain days or certain times. It is very unfair to them to let them do something on one day but refuse them the same privilege on another day. Make up your mind what the rules are before enforcing them with your puppy or dog. It is much easier to train a little bundle of fur not to get on the furniture then a big 120 pound Rottweiler who happens to like sleeping on your bed or couch. Consistency is the key.

Behavioral training will be an on going process just like obedience training. Yes, your puppy will learn the basics and yes they will still remember these as adult dogs but there may be new situations which the animal faces and new rules for the animal to learn. Also, the obedience training the puppy/dog receives will cross over to behavioral training. Sometimes the difference in the training is miniscule. You can not have a well behaved dog that is not obedient and an obedient dog will be well behaved.

Jim McKiel lives in the Chicago suburbs with his wife Doris and their pet family members Buddy and Buster. They have devoted their lives to the betterment of pet ownership. For more information, visit LargeBreedFamilyDogs

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Jim_McKiel
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See more puppies at http://www.19breeders.com area, city, state, tiny, teacup, toy, standard, miniature, Big, Stocky, Large, county, North, West, South, East, metro, near, by, local dog breeders,...

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Finally got to watch Off Season

And it was awesome! Wow freezing my toes off every day for a week was so worth it. Bill was very believable as the thief, as was Dekka as his faithful companion. Here are a few screen grabs from the movie. Dekkas performance was adorable, not that I am at all biased of course.

A friend who watched it with me said "it was strange to see Dekka with some Man as her owner". Which is such a great compliment for Dekka and Bill as well as for Jay, the director.

After watching it and waiting for the credits, I was thinking what an interestingly creepy movie.. and then my heart skipped a beat. The little dog got star billing.

Just the icing on the cake for such an awesome experience. (yes making the movie was hell when it came to location and temperature, but it was also absolutely amazing, the crew were fantastic to work with, my dog rocked, Bill was great and Jay and Jacob (film makers) were wonderful to work with... )

It really is a great short, if any of you get a chance to see it I reccomend it highly. Not just cause the best dog on earth is in it, but because its easy to see why it been garnering praise where ever it shows and got a BAFTA nomination.
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See more puppies at http://www.19breeders.com area, city, state, tiny, teacup, toy, standard, miniature, Big, Stocky, Large, county, North, West, South, East, metro, near, by, local dog breeders,...

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Want to win a 25 gift card

Would you like to win a $25 gift card to Petsmart? Then take a moment to follow this blog as well as our facebook page: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Pawsitive-Pup-Dog-Training/221790827674

Let me know on facebook with a like and a note that you are following this blog make sure you comment this post as well! Then tell your friends, for each person that begins to follow our blog and says that you sent them on Pawsitive Pups facebook page, not only will they get an entry, you get an extra entry for every person you send!

Once we have 100 followers one lucky winner will get a $25 gift card from Petsmart!! How fun is that??

We will be doing alot of giveaways here so stay tuned and lets get this one underway!!!
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Good News for Clover

It is wonderful news for Clover. She found a new home with lots of room to run and a wonderful family to take care of her. Reports from the new family are great and they say Clover is settling in very comfortably.

This picture says it all!!!

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15 Cesar Millan Harry Brooks

Sur le site : http://tgrandin.canalblog.com/ les vidéos complètes de César Millan et son livre. Découvrez aussi,-Temple Grandin, née autiste elle comprend le...

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Sabtu, 30 Juli 2016

Shell Shocked

Gavin is a decorated explosive-sniffing agent but returned from Afghanistan with PTSD, can Cesar help this hero?

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Breeding Pitbulls

By Bill Gunning

The fashion of trying to breed pitbulls was extremely famous back in the days when the pitbull was bred for the sole purpose of being tossed into a hole in the earth with another pitbull while hundreds of savage onlookers watched the dogs rip each other to shreds. It was the one who actually took the care to breed pitbulls that won all the praise and became a leader in the breeding industry. Many people whom did breed pitbulls in those days were in a constant position to always be battling for supreme breeder of the pitbull and especially the champion pitbull fighter.

Understanding Breeding Pitbulls

There are many contributing factors that play a role in a pitbulls personality and general disposition. Despite the belief that people breed pitbulls for the purpose of being mean and extremely aggressive is a gross misunderstanding because they are not bred to fight and they havent been for a considerable amount of years. It is the people who own the dogs, not those that breed pitbulls generally that turn the dogs aggressive and mean and as a result the dogs become quite untrustworthy because they have been taught aggression. Again it is important to repeat that those who breed pitbulls are typically not to blame for a pitbull turning on a neighbor or an owner. These people are generally very irresponsible and the people that breed pitbulls didnt pick up on it.

Breeders that breed pitbulls typically watch for those potential owners that may be abusive because they dont want their dogs going out and later coming back that they have viciously attacked a young child or worse. Those who breed pitbulls are extremely responsible people and take the pitbulls reputation to heart due to the very nature of their livelihoods. While it cant and shouldnt be ignored that these poor dogs were subject to breeding for merely fighting purposes, it also shouldnt be something that intimidates you as your raising and treatment of the dog plays a very large role.

Those who breed pitbulls and raise them always insist that pitbulls are loving dogs and they adore human interaction and human affection. The pitbull actually believes that it is a lap dog and will often try to crawl into the owners lap to smother him or her with kisses however there are also many pitbulls that can develop very severe behavior problems if they are poorly bred, abused and not socialized. Like every animal care must be taken to ensure it is comfortable and at ease with other humans as well as dogs.

If you want to learn more about Brindle Pitbulls please visit our site which is free to the public. Youll find the best tips on everything to do with Pitbulls

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Bill_Gunning
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Jumat, 29 Juli 2016

girl play at black bull dog in hall

A dog trainer works to teach a dog commands used by its owner Training Tips Most dog training jobs require a training hopeful to have a high school diploma, or a general educational development...

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Arent computers wonderful!! 

 Here I am sitting in the house of a wonderful friend in Heldleberg, Gremany, Overlooking the river, with the Caste in the distance and sipping a glass of wine.  We arrived Sunday morning, and spent the day with our wonderful friends, The Walkers!!  We will be spending the week here with them (thanks Michelle for putting up with us)

We walked into Heidleberg and had a nice lunch.  The weather is nice, a little overcast today, but warm.

Tonight I will get my first good sleep since leaving NC on Sat.  There is a 6 hour time difference, so our body clocks are a little mixed up.

Hershey and Spike are vacationing at Mom-Mom and Pop-Pops house ( my mom and dad) and I am sure being spoiled.  Hopefully Spike is behaving himself!!  I am sure Sadie is keeping him in line. 
Hopefully  my mom will not be tripping over Hershey to much because as most of you know when food is concerned Hershey is all over it!!

I know the weather this weekend is supposed to be beautiful so get out ther and enjoy an active day with your dogs.  Remember the Easter egg hunt Next Sat.

Signing off for now, AUF wiedersehn
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Kamis, 28 Juli 2016

TV star Cesar Milan, who grew up in Mexico, crossed the border illegally and within years seemed to have it all, including a hit TV show. The "Dog Whisperer"...

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Most people are completely aware of what commercially prepared dog food is actually comprised of, and you would be shocked to know the truth about some of the foods that are commercially available today. Your dogs health can suffer if you are feeding them the wrong food, and many commercially prepared dog food brands are simply not designed to keep a dog healthy, happy and active.

Dogs are in fact carnivores. There are situations where they will eat other foods, but that does not mean that their stable diet should not be as carnivorous as possible. The first ingredient in the dog food that you purchase should absolutely be a source of meat based protein. If the first ingredient in your commercially available dog food is a grain or a vegetable then our advise to you is to switch brands. The first five or six ingredients should be primarily meat based protein sources, like chicken, beef and turkey. Fish or rice are moderately okay choices, but primarily you want to go for natural, meaty dog food when possible.

Your dog should be eating kibble primarily. Many pet owners will opt for canned wet food, mainly due to the convenience of it, and the fact that many dogs seem to prefer it. However, there is a reason why kibble is so important: It helps keep teeth clean, and healthy, and it aids in digestion. Wet food is a nice snack, but should not be the primary source of nutrients for the dog.

Some diets are better than others. Many people are beginning to get into the concept of raw diets, and the BARF diet which stands for Bones and Raw Food. While this is an ideal diet for a lot of breeds, it is not your only option. There are kibble brands out there that provide balanced nutrition, as they are created by dog food companies that are consistently updating their recipes and formulas in order to deliver the most efficient diets available based on scientific research and studies.

Are you ready to find a balanced nutritional diet for your dog? Check the label. Anything you buy for your dog to eat, you should check the label first. Just because theres vegetables and chunks of meat on the cover of the bag, that does not mean you are getting real, natural ingredients.

The ingredients should be primarily meat sources, and the grain sources should be adequately processed for maximum absorption by the dogs digestive system. The more artificial products and chemicals you find; the less healthy and nutritious the food should be considered to be. There are a lot of excellent dog food brands.

Your best bet is to shop around for different brands, flavours and types, compare the labels in order to get to know the ingredients, and find something that you really feel comfortable feeding. Theres no harm in changing your dogs food if you find something better - Just make sure that you are always keeping your pets best interest in mind.

Derek Rogers is a freelance writer who represents a number of UK businesses. For advice on pet food, he recommends Seapets, one of the UKs leading suppliers of pet supplies.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Derek_Rogers
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12 23 ME Upper

Pin press (3-board height)
  135 X 10
  225 X 5
  315 X 3
  365 X 1
  405 X 1
  455 X 1
  475 X 1

Close grip bench, feet elevated, + doubled mini bands
  135 X 12
  185 X 12
  225 X 8 X 3

Tate press
  45s X 12 
  55s X 10
  65s X 8 X 3

Seated hammer row, one arm at a time
  115 X 12 each arm
  160 X 10 each arm
  180 X 8 X 3 each arm

Front plate raise
  45 X 15 X 3

Face pull
  80 X 15 X 3

Dumbbell hammer curl
  40s X 12 X 4
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Check out this article,  very informatative!

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Rabu, 27 Juli 2016

Classes Sat March 14 2009 Cancelled

All Calsses Cancelled for March 14

Unfortunately mother nature is not cooperating with our classes. I am going to have to cancel all classes for today.

I apologize for the inconvenience and will see you all next week. Stay warm and dry and have some fun indoors.

I will give the challenge today see if you can teach your dog a new trick or command!! You can show off these new talents next Sat!

Have a great Day!
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Cesars Worst Bite

Cesar helps a dog with severe aggression and a homeless woman whose dog has become too protective.

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Hispanic Lifestyle spoke with Cesar Milan, the Dog Whisperer at the National Hispanic Media Coalition (NHMC) event. Also featured girlfriend Yahaira and his ...

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Selasa, 26 Juli 2016

How to Take Care of a Black Lab Dog

By Anna Hart

Imagine seeing this entry at an online dating site: “Avid swimmer, EBLD seeking lifetime relationship. Must haves: long runs in the park; exciting games of ball or Frisbee; constant attention. Must not haves: someone who’s too busy for me; someone who’ll put me in the doghouse.”

Who is EBLD? An Energetic Black Lab Dog! If you’re thinking of getting one, you’re going to want to know how to take care of a black Lab dog. And if you think you can take care of a black lab dog with little time, think again. This dog belongs with owners that are willing to spend time with and for it.


The most important factor in the care of a black Lab is attention. A black Lab will do without a lot of things, but it will not do without attention. A black Lab simply will not be ignored.

The Labrador Retriever is one of the most lovable, even-tempered dogs there is. He wants to share his immense supply of love with his owners, and can’t imagine they won’t take time to reciprocate.

Labrador Retrievers are also highly intelligent dogs. They can quickly sense reluctance on their owners’ part to spend time with them. They are eager to please, and use their intelligence to please you. In return, your care of a black Lab must include plenty of energetic play, and intelligent interaction.


It is not essential to the care of a black Lab to have a microchip inserted, but it does provide a level of protection if your retriever strays.


To provide good care of a black Lab, you will need to give it regular, daily exercise in large doses. Plan on 30 to 60 minutes daily as a minimum. Your black Lab will love to have 30 minutes morning and evening if possible.

Exercise should be varied. Include walks, on or off leash. Work in games of fetch (to allow you to breathe while he races!). Incorporate obedience or hunting training into your care of a black Lab and he will be able to exercise his intelligence, too.

Be sure the exercise is regular, as your black Lab’s boundless energy must find an outlet. If the outlet is not exercise, it may be destructive behavior.

Preventative Care

You should not limit your care of a black Lab to its present needs. You can forestall certain medical concerns, such as hip dysphasia, by giving the Labrador preventative care. Begin preventative care of a black Labrador when you first get the dog. First, check with the breeder to be sure the puppy’s parents are free of genetic problems. The puppy should have had its first shots and worming. Take it to a veterinarian for a check-up, and continue to take it for “wellness” visits.

Maintain preventative health care of a black lab by having your vet include, minimally: checks for external and internal parasites, inoculations, and heart worm preventative.


The cook involved in the care of a black Lab must consider several things.

1. Black Labrador Retrievers will eat almost anything – think goat! To take care of a Black Lab, you need to guard against it eating junk.

2. The best food to give when taking care of a black Lab is real food. Give it real meat, raw or cooked: beef, chicken, and turkey. Give it fresh raw fruits and vegetables. Mix in brown rice and oatmeal for fiber, eggs and yogurt. Commercial dog foods, unknown before 1930, seem to exist as an outlet for rejected grains and meats that could not be sold to humans.

3. Watch your Labrador’s intake. If you really want to take proper care of a black Lab, you will not let it become overweight, risking heart disease, arthritis, and other health problems.


You won’t need a professional groomer to take care of a Black Lab’s coat, but you should not assume the dog needs no grooming. Black Labradors shed a lot in spring and autumn, but they need to be groomed year-round.

To take proper care of a black Lab’s coat, you will need a narrow-toothed comb, short-haired rake, toenail clippers, wide-toothed comb, and a wire slicker brush. A bristle brush is nice for distributing oils when your Lab is not shedding.

Proper care of a black Lab will require daily grooming during seasonal blowing of the coat. The job is not nearly as large if done daily, and the sooner you remove dead hair, the sooner new hair can grow. Use the short-haired rake first, to rake out dead hairs. Use the wire slicker brush to get what the rake missed. Use the wide-toothed comb lightly to loosen matted hairs. The next step proves how intent you are on proper care of a black Lab. Go over the entire dog carefully with your narrow-toothed comb! Finish the job with your bristle brush to catch loose hairs.

Aside from spring and autumn’s major shedding periods, your Retriever will need to be brushed twice a week. Cut its toenails once every month to avoid foot problems.

©2007, Anna Hart. Anna Hart invites you to read more of her articles about the care of a Black Labrador Retriever at http://www.lovablelabradors.com Anna has posted additional information on that site about Labrador Retrievers of all colors. If you ever wondered about black and white labs, you’ll enjoy Anna’s perspective on the subject.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Anna_Hart
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To know if your dog is capable of becoming a service dog, you should do the following step:

Find out if your dog has the potential to become a service dog. A large percentage of all puppies are capable of becoming a service dog but ask yourself these questions:
· Is your dog comfortable in every thinkable situation?
· Can your dog cope with all kinds of people and dogs, at best even all kinds of animals?
· Is your dog non-aggressive and non-protective?

Neuter or spay your dog. Do this between four and six months of age. All service dogs are neutered because neutered dogs are less likely to drift to find females in heat, they are also less likely to mark territory and they are less likely to develop more territorial tendencies. Neutered dogs are less aggressive, which is an important factor for a service dog.
· Depending on the weight of your dog, a neutering costs between USD$200 and USD$300 at most vets.

Train basic obedience. A service dog has to be able to sit, stay, lie down and come on cue 90 percent of the time the handler asks him to do so. You can use either verbal cues or hand signals as commands. The dog also needs to walk next to the handler in a controlled manner all the time.
· The best way to teach your dog specific behavioral traits is clicker training.
· If you have no clue how to teach your dog sit, stay, lie down, come and heel, you should not train your own service dog.

Teach the dog to be as well-behaved unleashed as leashed. The dog should do the basic obedience tricks when no leash is on.

Teach your dog not to greet other people. The service dog has to be focused on you, and not on anyone else. This step is vitally important because you may need instant help, and if the dog is running around to other people to greet them, the dog can miss your need for immediate help.

Train a little agility with the dog. It improves courage and stability, and is a good way to see how well your dog listens to commands.

Socialize your dog a lot. Socializing doesnt just mean going to new places – it also includes meeting plenty of new people and animals.
· If you cant talk to people for any particular reason, have a vest on the dog that says: "Please pet me", or "Let me meet your dog", and also "Im training to become a service dog" if you want to add that.
· Since you have taught the dog not to greet other people, say "greet" or whatever word you have taught the dog and ensure that the greet word means that the dog is allowed to greet another person.

Teach your dog to take no note of cats, food on the ground, a stranger talking to the dog or vehicles (especially moving vehicles). The one and only thing that the dog is supposed to care about is you.

Teach the dog at least three tasks that you need help with because of your disability. For example, you may need your dog to pick up your keys if you drop them, to calm you down when youre having a meltdown, or to help you know that there is or is not an intruder in your home.
· Things that a dog can do without being trained, like playing with you to make you happy, are not considered a valid service dog task.
· Search online for the words "service dog" and the names of the disability you would like help training and you will find many suggestions of specific behaviors you can train that may help. Its a good idea to search even if you already know what you need, because groups dedicated to training service dogs have identified many possible tasks that you may not have heard about.

Certify your service dog. You dont have to certify the dog if you live in the United States. But most countries require service dog certification (especially in order to allow your dog entry to places most dogs cannot go). Here is a suggested way to go about getting your dog certified:
· See your doctor and have your doctor write a letter that says that you need a service dog.
· Then see a vet to let them test your dog to see if it is ready to be a certified service dog. Let the vet write a letter too.
· Read the instructions of the certifying body and meet any of their additional requirements.
· Send the letters and other required information to the relevant organisation that has the authority to register a service dog.
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By Sandra Cundy

Bob is the name of our dog. When we went to pick a dog out, we took my granddaughter with us because it was important to us that the granddaughter and the dog be compatible. Bob looked like a perfect fit. She was gentle, obedient, and seemed genuinely to want to go with us. At that time Bob was three years old. After we got through with all the formalities, we took Bob to the car, put her in the back seat with the granddaughter and headed home. About half way home, I turned in my seat and told my granddaughter, “We don’t have to call her Bob anymore. We can give her a girl’s name, like Misty or Bonnie or Sally. My granddaughter looked me right in the eye and said that Bob was a perfectly fine name. So Bob it is.

Once we got Bob home and over the ten years that we’ve had her, she has proven not to be the brightest puppy in the litter. But that’s okay with us because we really don’t expect much from her. My mother-in-law gets upset when we talk about Bob’s intelligence level. She is always asking why we would suggest that Bob is not very smart. We tell her because when the Domino ad comes on the TV, Bob goes to the door. When it rains, she sits out in the rain and gets wet and miserable. After ten years of my going to work at least 8 hours a day, Monday through Friday, Bob still runs all over the house looking for me when my husband gets home from dropping me off at work.

Now that she is 13 years old, she is getting a little deaf and doesn’t hear as well as she use to. So now every time we go out somewhere and come home, Bob gets busted lying on the sofa. The sofa is actually two rocking recliners and we always knew that Bob was laying on it when we left the house, because quite often when we returned from going out and walked into the house, one side of the sofa would still be rocking. Now I can walk right up to the back of the sofa after returning home and there’s Bob, lying there listening intently for some noise. But I really don’t mind, because Bob has been a loving, loyal, gentle companion for us and I am glad that we rescued her.


Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Sandra_Cundy
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Senin, 25 Juli 2016

french bulldog bulldog english bulldog bulldog puppies american bulldog english bulldog puppies hey bulldog french bulldog puppies hey bulldog beatles bulldog puppy bulldog skateboarding bulldog...

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Cesar Calm The Barking Dog In Seconds At A Seminar.

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Tips on Pomeranian Grooming

By Nathan Dormello

The Pomeranian dog is a very small little dog that is largely composed of a very thick and doubled coat of hair. There are actually several layers to the Pomeranian hair, which gives some people the impression that Pomeranian grooming would be extremely difficult due to the amount of hair they have however, Pomeranian grooming is not that, terribly difficult at all. The only notable difference is that some short haired dogs don’t need to be combed every single day however the Pomeranian is one that does require daily brushings due to the thickness and constant shedding.

In order to understand how to properly perform Pomeranian grooming on your puppy, it is really important that you realize that this breed of dog can knot and form tangles very easily. It is also an imperative issue to understand because of the double coat that the Pomeranian dogs have and they tend to shed those undercoats a couple of times a year. The Pomeranian grooming on a regular basis also immensely helps the coat grow and form on these little spunky dogs.

The Pomeranian Touch

There is likely no other dog that is more frequently seen in the dog shows as the Pomeranian. These little things are extremely popular and unlike a lot of breeds that can be disqualified by certain markings, it is widely accepted that most if not all Pomeranians are show dogs. It is for this very reason that there is so much focus and concentration paid to Pomeranian grooming as well as the fact that the Pomeranian coat is very coarse and thick. If it isn’t regularly maintained, groomed, washed and brushed the coat of the Pomeranian will suffer and turn very ratty, matted and full of knots and this doesn’t look very attractive on the little critters.

There are many owners that take part in regular Pomeranian grooming and are highly rewarded by happy little dogs, as they generally adore the attention and doting of being groomed. There are many tips and tricks you can learn to help you with your own Pomeranian grooming needs and can even help you with purchasing products that are necessary to maintain a nice coat for you dog. There are many sprays and products that can remove urine stains and grass stains as well as many other stains that your Pomeranian may have gotten into. Before you begin a Pomeranian grooming regime for you dog, be sure to find out all the helpful useful information from your local Pomeranian breeder.

If you want to learn more about Pomeranian Rescue please visit our site which is free to the public. Youll find the best tips on everything to do with Pomeranian

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Nathan_Dormello
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The voting forHank is at an end. As soon as I hear anything on the outcome I will let you all know. All we can do now is sit and wait. Thanks to all who signed on and voted for Hank it will be a wonderful donation for the NRGRR!
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Spikes trip to Pet Smart

As some of you know Spike, my Jack Russel can be reactive at times, so I like to take him to special places on occasion.

Yesterday we took a trip to Pet Smart for a little training exercise and of course a toy. As I was getting Spike out of the car a group of young children were going into the store. I thought to myself, oh what bad timing :( , but decided I was here lets just do this thing. Thinking this may be the hardest part of our visit, I mustered up the courage and moved forward. After watering the fire hydrant we went through the doors to be confronted with those small children running around the store screaming, one might have thought I was visiting Chucky Cheese.

I stopped in between the doors and regrouped. I took a quick overview of Spikes body language, then had him "look" at me. He responded right away, and away we went in to the store. I had to ask for his attention just 2 more times before we were off in a quieter area of the store. Once there I had Spike do some of his "tricks" for me. This was just to refocus him on me and get rid of the tension. It worked (of course).

Dont you know as soon as he was released there was a large bin of Halloween toys. A pumpkin, ghost and a spider were there. I held each one out to Spike. He smelled the pumpkin, turned away from the ghost and then he took the spider and started squeaking it. It was his favorite. He carried it with us as we looked around the store. He would put it down occasionally to sniff a spot on the floor or another toy, but always picked it up when he was done. People walked past him, a kid was playing with some toys in the isle we walked down, and Spike proudly carried his spider around.

At this point I was feeling pretty good about our visit we had conquered a group of kids, a chocolate lab puppy who was following behind us and smells of other dogs who have visited. I decided to check out. I put the toy on the belt and paid for it. Spike being the polite pup he is sat nicely and waited (of course I thought it was for the toy). When the cashier bent over to give Spike the toy I had no time to give a warning, so i just calmly watched Spikes body posture. He stood up, sniffed the toy and sat back down. What a good boy. The cashier put the spider in the bag and asked if he could have a treat. I said of course, but this time said that he most likely would not let her pet him. He was just the little gentleman and nicely took the treat and I swear smiled at her. I am of course beaming at this point because it couldnt have gone any better.

Then out of no where comes this beautiful, high energy Golden practically pulling its owner off her feet to come say hello. Mr. Manners disappeared and he growled, no barking though, I could not give my undivided attention because of course I was trying to sign the receipt. So I body blocked and he calmed down, but the Golden would not give up. As soon as I was able I moved him away a little and had him look at me. It totally shocked me when those little eyes met mine. He was still growling, but at least he was focused on me now. we moved a little farther away and the owner of the golden managed to get her dog out of the store.

Not so bad I thought after they were gone and Spike turned on the charm again. All in all it was a great trip. Spike enjoyed himself and we were able to leave with our heads held high. We still have lots of work to do, but we are on the right track!

Good job Spike!
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9 14 ME Lower

Sled drag, 5 plates x 200 feet, 6 trips

Leg Press
  270 x 20 x 3

Reverse Hyper
  320 x 20 x 3

GHR bw x 15 x 3

Fat-man row bw x 15 x 3

Spread-eagle sit-ups bw x 15 x 3
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Minggu, 24 Juli 2016

Some Tips When Considering a Puppy

A puppy can grow to be your best friend and a dedicated companion. However, it is important to understand what you are getting into before going out and purchasing a dog from a breeder. I have worked with dogs for some time now and feel qualified to share a few pointers.

First, make sure you think things through carefully and over a long period of time. Adopting or purchasing a dog is not a decision that should be made lightly—it is important to understand that you are brining another creature into your household and to be aware of the needs of that animal. For example, early training is crucial to the long term happiness of both you and your pet. Obedience classes are a must, as are such points as house-breaking, establishing yourself as the ‘pack leader,’ teaching your dog how to greet guests and outsiders, etc. This all takes a substantial dedication of time and resources. A new dog in your household should be thought of in a similar way to having a child—while it may sound silly, the needs of the two are actually in the same ball park.

One very important factor is the breed you choose. There are currently one hundred and fifty seven dog breeds as recognized by the American Kennel Club and each breed has its own unique traits, strengths, needs, and of course, weaknesses and problems. There are a number of websites on the internet with extensive information on the various breeds, and it’s important that you spend as much time researching your options as possible—do not make the all too common mistake of going out and picking a puppy just because you think it looks cute.

Furthermore, as opposed to purchasing a dog from a breeder (which can cost thousands of dollars, depending on the breed and the pedigree), consider adopting a dog in need from a local rescue organization. A quick search online can help you find dogs in your area that are in need of loving homes. Sadly, many of these dogs never find the homes they need, simply because folks purchase bred dogs. It can be tricky to identify the mix of breeds in a dog you find at a shelter, but research, discussion, and naturally the help of the employees at the shelter can help give you an idea of what breed the dog is. Once you have this information you can research online or in a library to learn more about the specific characteristics of the breed.

If you do decide to adopt from a rescue, you have my thanks—you are doing a good deed and potentially saving a life—so pat yourself on the back. If, for some reason, you decide it would be better for you to purchase a dog from a breeder, it is very important that you research not only the dog you are interested in, but also the environment the animal is bred in. It is an unfortunate reality that many breeders you find have little interest in the animals and are far more concerned with earning money—these are the people you want to avoid. Look for someone who truly loves their dogs and cares for them dearly. This is the sort of breeder you want to give your business to—not only to encourage responsible breeding practices, but also because dogs that are bred in a loving environment are more likely to make successful, well behaved pets.

I hope these few tips help to give you an idea of the kind of commitment necessary for adopting or purchasing a puppy, and also the considerations you should make when selecting a breeder. Good luck, and make sure you do your research and make the right choice!

A useful resource for researching the various dog breeds is BreederRetriever.com. You can discuss your decision in the dog forums for further advice.

Source: High Quality Article Database - 365articles.com
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Sports movie shoot debut

Sport is my son Dariens 2 year old border collie. He is a lovely dog but is not known for his ability to settle, though that is getting better as time goes on. He is not what you might think of as an ideal candidate for film work. However I feel in time he will be an amazing all round dog.

How did Sport land this role you may ask. I got an email looking for an animal wrangler and a lab. I said I could perhaps get a lab but that they would need a yellow lab as a black or chocolate lab was not likely going to be film friendly especially against a back drop of snow. I sent them a picture of Sport as an aside. They really liked the look of him. I mentioned he was totally inexperienced when it came to film work. But it was decided that as the role was very simple it would be ok (and I gave them a pretty decent discount).

Sport had to play a boys dog. (never say art does not imitate life)

The role was fairly simple and shooting went pretty smoothly with only one real hitch...

That hitch was ZOMBIE deer!!!
Not only did this thing grin at you in a disturbing way it breathed thanks to the wonders of ingenious people. Sport was fine when its head was in the snow. He was suspicious of it when its head was lifted up and Sport could see its grin in all its creeptastic glory. Sport was beside himself when it started to breathe. Sport wouldnt let James, the actor near ZOMBIE deer. He tried herding him away, when that didnt work Sport tried growling, when James still tried to approach the deer Sport tried air snapping. (this all happened very rapidly).

If there is ever a Zombie apocalypse Sport is the dog you want at your side.

Over all it went well. Sport did better than I had feared. He didnt once stare at the boom mic let alone try to eat it. He didnt like strangers grabbing at his collar so we will work on that. Sport did love all the people on set and was a very very good boy. Hopefully there will be more film work in his future.

Oh and my child decided that he should get something since it was his dog I used. Smart kid. I offered him a day of doing what ever he wanted. He chose a day at the Ontario Science Centre, with his uncle and I. A great time was had by all.
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Dog Treats Should Be Good For Your Dog

Dog owners now a days are more aware of their pets nutritional needs and they increasingly recognize the advantage of providing their pets with natural dog treats. Natural dog treats usually contain no added chemical preservatives or fillers, leaving your dog with correct nutritional value. Natural treats are also known to use the highest grade of edible products and processing techniques to ensure theyre even fit for human consumption.

Pig ears are one of the commercially available natural dog treats. Many dogs love these. They have flavor that dogs love and contain a reasonable amount of fat. Make sure that the pig ears you get are baked, and not chemically processed, and that they have no artificial flavors or colors. Checking the label carefully can tell you this information.

Another type of dog treat is Greenies, which are used to freshen the dogs breath with the help of chlorophyll. Artificial flavors, extra colors or preservatives are not added in Greenies. Most of the pets like them and their owners feel that the pets breath becomes fresh in a safe manner. The dogs teeth are cleaned by chewing these treats.

You might be surprised to know that natural dog treats exist right in your refrigerator, or in your garden. Carrots, apple slices, and celery are all wonderful natural dog treats, providing vitamins without added chemical enhancers. Just give these treats a thorough wash before giving them to your dogs. Whether commercially made or straight from the garden, natural dog treats are a great way to give your dogs a dash of extra nutrition without any artificial ingredients.

Today our pets are having a wide variety of dog food to meet their tastes and needs and we have our choice of what kind of food we choose to feed them. Despite the variety, dog foods usually fall into three major categories. These categories are: Grocery store foods, which are usually found in grocery stores and mass marketed and may contain lower quality, less expensive ingredients.

Though theyre only found in pet stores instead of regular supermarkets, premium dog foods are another option. Some pet doctors stock pet foods of this designation. Unfortunately, sometimes these so-called "premium foods" are hardly any better than the cheaper foods one might find at the supermarket. In fact, some pet foods have cheap and low quality ingredients, though other premium foods are made with better ingredients. The only way to be sure is to check the foods labeling; only ones marked "human grade" should be bought. This holds true regardless of if youre hoping to buy organic, premium, or natural dog foods or whether youre buying dog food online or in a brick and mortar store.

Homemade dog food is what the final category is called. There are growing numbers of people who are now making their pets food at home. Food you make at home does not contain artificial preservatives, colors, or flavors, which can be harmful to you pet. You are also able to purchase dog food online, which can provide you with the prices for various dog foods.

These days, animal owners are more cognizant of their pets dietary requirements and they see the benefit of giving them natural dog treats. They also consist of a very high level of ingredients and are packaged so carefully that they could even be eaten safely by people. Homemade dog food is what the final category is called. There are growing numbers of people who are now making their pets food at home. You are also able to purchase dog food online, which can provide you with the prices for various dog foods.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Brigitte_Smith
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Not much is happening

Reading week has flown by so quickly. I think I need a reading month to rest and catch up. At the start of the week I have so many plans and great intentions. But you know what they say about good intentions. Great ones just get you there faster.

Anway whilst procrastinating on some particularly annoying MNR readouts for an organic chem lab report I found a neat new sub forum of reddit. Now those of you who dont know of reddit.. get out there and check it out. Its the best procrastinating tool on the net, and I am a discerning procrastinator. Now this sub forum of note is r/dogs. Yes a whole area of reddit just about dogs. Sigh, I hope to have intelligent dog conversations on the net with out have to quash the desire to beat people with the stupid stick.


Oh and my friend allie (go visit www.alliepets.com no go now.. finish reading this after you have admired her work.. GO.. ) made this http://www.knittingninja.com/pawsome/greywynd-logopics.jpg for my new logo for the film stuff I do with the beasties. Need a name though. Greywynd critters is just to generic I think.
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See more puppies at http://www.19breeders.com area, city, state, tiny, teacup, toy, standard, miniature, Big, Stocky, Large, county, North, West, South, East, metro, near, by, local dog breeders,...

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Sabtu, 23 Juli 2016

Best to keep your dog active

Properly training your dog will allow you to coexist with ease and become best pals. When your dog is well-trained, then both you and your dog will know exactly what is expected from each other. You will not have to worry about leaving him home along or taking him to public places. Though it might seem like a difficult task, you and your dog will have many rewarding times together, sharing the tricks and companionship that youve come to know through the dog training sessions.

If you have guests over, dont forget to let them know the correct way of approaching your dog. These things can lead to your dog trying to establish dominance, or he may jump on a guest.

 Do your best to keep your dog active through the day. Dogs can easily become bored. Dogs with no enthusiasm will be harder to train than active dogs. It is easier for your dog to focus if he is happy and well exercised. Bring your dog along when you walk or jog.

 When you are house training a dog, you may want to use a crate. Let the dog out on a regular schedule to make the crate training most effective. Once your dog has acclimated to the crate, he will be far less accident-prone indoors.

 You cant stop your dog from being a dog, so make sure to give him proper ways to act like a dog. There should always be good outlets available for your dog to exercise and keep busy, and do not forget the right diet to provide this energy.

 Accidents are bound to happen while housebreaking your puppy. Clean accidents right away to speed up training. Animals are inclined to eliminate repeatedly in spots where they can smell urine or feces, and carpets require special care. There are many products on the market that can help with this, so check with your local pet shop.

 Get your dog used to the things they will encounter when going for a vet visit. Touch your dog gently down the sides of his body and tell him he is being good when he does not react. You will want to get him ready to tolerate the doctor touching his mouth and paws. Your friends may be able to help you out, too.

 Dogs can concentrate on one thing intensely and you will have to learn to break his attention. If you keep up with his training, your dog will look to you more often for direction rather than looking to the environment.

 Get your dog the proper nutrition required for canine health. Too many table scraps can unbalance your dogs diet. A poor diet can affect their behavior as well as their health. Improving your dogs diet can make training him easier.

 Try to get your dog on a regular feeding schedule. This will give you an idea of when the dog is likely to have to go, so you can take it outdoors to take care of this matter before an accident occurs on your rug. Sticking to a schedule will teach your dog how to control himself until his next scheduled potty break.

 Using wee-wee pads is actually counter productive when you are potty training your new puppy. The problem with the wee-wee pads is that they leak and leave enzymes from urine and feces behind. Potty pads can also mislead your dog into thinking that similarly shaped items throughout your home, like rugs, are appropriate places to go. The best option is to toilet train your dog outdoors.

 Dont bog your puppy down with more information than he can process. You need to keep your training sessions short so that your puppy pays attention. If training sessions are too long, the puppy wont remember the specifics of the training session, just that is was grueling and exhausting. This will make it harder to train him next time.

 Your dog should not get to choose when he will and will not listen. If you dont have time to make sure a command is carried out, dont give the command.

 Your dog should know the difference between right and wrong at all times. This means everyone living in the house needs to enforce the boundaries you set. These inconsistencies can cause significant setbacks.

 Challenge your dog frequently. Give him "quizzes" to make sure he still knows his stuff, even if you both know he does.

 If dogs have similar personalities, you may be able to train them simultaneously. If your dogs fight or goof off instead of paying attention, it may be wise to do a bit of one-on-one training before training them together.

 Providing your dog with food that it likes while training him or her will help give them incentive to do good. Offering your dog a truly special reward is an easy way to encourage them. Really pay attention to his reaction when he is given the treat and adjust your reward foods accordingly.

 Crate training is an effective way to house train a dog. Always take your dog out consistently if you want to be effective at crate training. If youre patient you will find a dog who has been crate trained will make less messes inside.

 Communication is one of the essential aspects of training your dog. Make sure you are clear and consistent when you are working with your dog. This means to be consistent not only with words, but with corrections and rewards. Be well aware that your dog is telling you something too. They will inform you of whether or not they are overworked, anxious, or having a great day.

 A clicker works well when training most dogs. Using a clicker is as simple as showing your dog that good things happen when the clicking noise is heard. Try using this technique right away, doing it frequently over a span of a few days. Your dog will soon know that the clicking noise means that they are doing a good job.

 Dog training is mostly about being consistent with your pooch and setting the rules of your relationship. Once those are set, youll find you both enjoy your time together even more! Keep in mind that you must continually reinforce your dogs training lessons. Provide refresher courses when needed and continue to correct bad behavior. Once your dog gets the training basics under his collar, you will not be limited in what you can achieve together..
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"Until one has loved an animal, part of their soul remains unawakened."
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By Andrew Strachan

When thinking about what type of dog training equipment to get, it is important to consider the difference between dog training and dog control. For example, using hand gestures and reward for a given action by your dog, is classed as training. Whereas the use of choke chains and anti-bark collars, would be considered as a form of control.

Controlling your dog should not be considered a bad thing. Your dog will need to be aware that you are the leader (alpha) in the pack. If you do not adopt this role, you will end up with an unruly, destructive noisy dog that has little respect for you. So a certain level of enforced control is essential.

In the same sense, the alpha male in a pack of wild dogs will take control.

Choke Collars

Choke collars are used to assist you in gaining control of your dog. Some dogs, especially the larger ones can be very assertive when on a leash. Pulling the owner is a big problem and can be dangerous. Certain breeds are also known to be slow learners. For dogs that do not respond well to leather or nylon collars, a metal choke collar can provide that extra bit of discouragement.

The big problem with the use of a choke collar as a form of dog training equipment is that they can easily be used the wrong way which can be dangerous for the dog.

A choke collar fits only one way. If fitted the wrong way around, it can cause problems such as pinching and even suffocation.

Also a collar of incorrect length will cause problems. As a general rule, the collar should be two inches longer than the circumference of the dogs’ neck.

Prong Collars

Prong collars can look like a form of medieval torture machine for a dog but thankfully they are a lot less dangerous than they first appear. That said, it is our view that these collars have little to no positive value as a piece of dog training equipment. The only good aspect of these collars is that they can only be closed down so far.

An animal that has got to the stage where a prong collar is needed is in need of more than a bit of poking and choking. They will need a committed dog behavior training regime designed to correct the behavioral problems of the dog.

Halter Collars

A Halter collar is a harness type collar that wraps around the dogs face and neck without interfering with drinking or panting. This type of collar can give extra control but they have a BIG down side. They do not prevent biting or grasping and therefore have limited use.

It may be preferable to go for a good leash and collar or a chest halter. Both of these will provide equivalent forms of control.

No Bark Collars

No bark collars are designed to help with dogs that tend to bark for long periods of time and often for no reason.

They come in two main types. Noise collars and Shock collars.

Noise collars produce an unpleasant sound that distracts the dog from its barking.

Shock collars produce an electric shock that is produced in response to the noise of the barking.

Using some forms of dog training equipment as a quick fix is very tempting to most dog owners. The problem is, they become a fix-all substitute for longer term training which is more beneficial to both dog and owner.

Taking the time to learn more about your dog and how you can both work together will produce a happier dog and a happier owner!

Article by Andrew Strachan. Find out more about dog behavior training and types of dogs at http://www.types-of-dogs.com

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Andrew_Strachan
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A dog can be trained to stop negative behavior such as growling and barking. The information ahead will allow for not only correcting, but hopefully removing these bad habits as well. If you train your dog correctly, he or she will be the ideal pet.

Introduce new animals to one another very slowly. Weighs the pros and the cons before adopting another pet. For optimal bonding, select a new pet whose personality is similar to that of your current pet.

 When you are working on crate training with your dog or puppy small steps is what works best for them to get used to it. When they seem comfortable in it with the door open, try shutting the gate and feed them treats through the wires. At first, leave the dog enclosed in the crate for only short periods of time, such as 10 seconds, and then gradually increase the duration. If the puppy gets too upset then you increased the time too much, too fast.

 Stay with the training, so that he doesnt forget the lessons that he learned. Keep him in practice. A lot of times owners thing training is a one time event. You can encourage your dog to adopt good habits. That is why it is vital to ensure your dog maintains a strict rule system.

 Everyone in the family should use the exact same commands when training your dog. If you mix up commands, like one family member saying "up" when another says "jump," the dog will have a more difficult time figuring out what you want. As long as you use consistency, then your dog has a great chance of learning all of the tricks and behaviors that you wish.

 Dont use doggy treats as your sole positive reinforcement mechanism. Giving treats to dogs in order to teach them new behavior is quite effective. Having said that, carrying treats on you 24/7 is not very likely. Try patting your dog on the back and giving him an "enthusiastic, that a boy."

 If your dog suffers from separation anxiety when youre away, encourage him to bond with other members of the household. This will help it be less focused on the fact that you are not home.

 While you can train different types of dogs with various personalities, it could be near impossible for you to train two dogs. Dogs have the tendency to distract each other. If you find this happening it is likely best to separate them.

 You need a commanding control if you are starting to train your dog. Your dog will neither obey nor respect you if he believes he is the leader of your household. Never allow your dog pull on the leash while you are on a walk.

 Try to get your dog on a regular feeding schedule. This will give you an idea of when the dog is likely to have to go, so you can take it outdoors to take care of this matter before an accident occurs on your rug. Sticking to a schedule will teach your dog how to control himself until his next scheduled potty break.

 Get everyone in your house on the same page regarding dog training. If the dog jumps up and you use "get down" but your husband says "no boy", the dog will get confused. You give your dog a greater chance for success if everyone is on board with using the same words.

 Any introductions to new animals should be made very slowly. Give your own pet great consideration before bringing another animal into the house. You can boost bonding efforts by getting a new pet that has a complimentary personality to your own.

 Never try to train a dog while youre short on patience. If youve had a bad day or are unusually short-tempered for some other reason today, its better to put off training until another day. Your patience is vital for encouraging the focused attention your dog needs to get the full benefits of training.

 It is vital to train your dog when its still a puppy. Younger dogs learn more quickly and easier than older canines. Beginning your dogs training when he is still young will help him to be a well-behaved dog as he ages.

 To house train your dog, you should make sure that your dog follows a regular feeding and elimination schedule. This can train your dog to whine or come get you when he feels the urge, so you can let him out and prevent him from doing his business inside. Having a set schedule will teach your dog how to wait until he can go outside for the next potty break.

 You can rest assured that when you train your puppy, they may have an accident in the house. Immediately clean up every accident for training purposes. Carpets are known to trap the smell of urine and encourage the dog to return to that spot for further marking. Buy a product specially designed to neutralize odors.

 Mentally stimulate your dog if you want it to be healthy and happy. Among some of the best things for your dog are plenty of strolls in the neighborhood, chew toys and rawhide bones. If your dog gets bored, chances are he will find a way to stay busy, and you probably wont like what he chooses.

 When you begin training your puppy, create a bond with him by first teaching him his name. Simply start by calling his name as often as possible. Once he learns his name, you can encourage him to come to you when called. Your dog should learn these items before any others as theyre the most important. Spend plenty of quality time with them, so that they know that they can trust you. In this way, he will be more receptive to advanced training later.

 Behavior problems that suddenly occur with no reason may indicate a medical problem that needs to be evaluated by a veterinarian. Your dog might be acting out because he is suffering. This behavior may be his way of telling you that there is something wrong with him.

 You can prevent your dog from destroying your home by keeping it outdoors when you are away from the house. When this isnt possible, you want to provide things that both appeal to your dog and that are okay for the dog to chew on. Establishing acceptable chews toys is also about keeping those things you do not want your dog to chew up behind closed doors or well out out of reach.

 As this article has demonstrated, dog training is a very wise use of your time and energy. A badly behaved dog can destroy your house and stress everyone in the family; soon no one will want him around. By applying the information found in this article, youll be making a wise choice and helping your dog to be an enjoyable member of your family..
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4 27 15 ME lower

Hack squat
  90 x 25 x 2

45 degree back extension
  bw x 25 x 2

Leg extension
  115 x 25 x 2

Seated leg curl
  120 x 25 x 2

Low pulley upright row
  75 x 25 x 2

  80 x 25 x 2

  80 x 25 x 2

Incline Sit-up
  bw x 25 x 2
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Board and Train Services

We offer Board/Train services at a cost of $1200.00 per month.
Or $300.00 per week .... minimum 2wks*

Your dog will receive two to three daily training sessions,  and attend group classes (if available) during his/her stay with us.   When your dog goes home you will receive a detailed lesson plan covering what your dog learned, and you will be instructed on how to transfer the dogs training from us to you.

**if your dog is just boarding while you are on vacation and youd like to upgrade your boarding to board/train so that your dog can get some training done while you are away, the 2wk minimum stay does not apply**

Private and Semi-Private Lessons

Cant make it out to a class?  No problem.   We offer private and semi-private consultations/lessons & can work around your schedule.

Please contact us for pricing

sh you pay via PayPal, please use the link below:

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Jumat, 22 Juli 2016

Classes for Sat Jan 17

All classes are canceled for this Sat Jan 17th.

Gail Knowlton and Stella along with Colleen Herbst and Charlie will be competing in the Rally trial at the Durham kennel club. I will be going along.

Please wish them luck in their 1st trial.
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Great Dog Breed Gifts

Giving presents is something we usually enjoy doing, especially around the holidays or on special occasions. When you choose a gift for someone who is dear or important to you, you can hardly wait to see the surprise and delight on that person’s face. And when want to really surprise that person and make sure that your gift will be appreciated, you usually think of something you know that person would love. But it has to be more than just that. The gift you choose for a special person has to be special, something unique that he or she will hold dear. What follows is addressed to people who love dogs or to those who want to choose a unique gift for their dog-loving friends.

You can always have a dog picture framed or have an artist paint a painting of your friend’s dog, and that person will certainly be delighted. But I have to say that there is hardly anything creative and original about that. Instead of choosing a present that anyone could think of, your gift can be unique, if you simply do a little thinking out of the box. If imagination is not your strongest point, you can still rest assured that you can find original dog breed gifts, as other dog lovers have already beaten you to creating all sorts of excellent pieces, works of art in the true sense of the words, pieces that bear the image of breed dogs.

The diversity of dog breed gifts that you can choose from is nothing but overwhelming. Go online, and you will have so many woodcarvings with dogs to choose from that you can be certain you’ll find something appropriate. I mean, you can always go to the shop down the street an buy something ordinary for the dog’s owner, but that’s no way to impress and delight the person that you care about. Instead of doing that, you can place your customized order from the privacy of your home, without wasting precious time on going from shop to shop, hoping that you will eventually find something worth spending money on. And you’ll probably be surprised by the extensive list of dog breed gifts that you can order from, as there are hand carved and hand painted pieces for more than one hundred and fifty dog breeds.

Woodcarvings with dogs are fine works of art, but you may not happen to agree with me on that one. If the case is such, you should know that the dog breed gifts you can find online are hardly the only option you have as a gift to a person who loves dogs. You can choose from yet another extensive list of gifts, other than hand carved pieces, such as t-shirts, pillows, handbags, hats, or even mouse pads, all personalized with the image of that trusted companion. Tree ornaments, pieces of jewelry, clocks, and so much more can bear the image of the dog that your friend loves so much.

Undoubtedly the most hard work and dedication is put into creating those fine works of art that I was telling you about earlier, namely the hand carved dog breed gifts. You can only imagine how creating something with your hands is special, but you have to agree that carving wood is unique. Choosing a woodcarving as a gift for a friend who loves dog is not only appropriate, but also unique. Aside from the fact that the person will love the gift for what it is, he or she will also appreciate its high quality and uniqueness, not to mention the fact that you have been so thoughtful as to give an extraordinary gift.

If you are looking for wood carvings gifts for your pet please visit the best only for dog lovers site on the net http://www.onlyfordoglovers.com

Source: High Quality Article Database - 365articles.com
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10 9 DE Lower

Speed squat, SS bar + average bands, parallel box
  275 x 2 x 10

  bw x 12 x 5

Leg extension
  135 x 20 x 6

Pullover machine
  120 x 20 x 5

Band Good morning
  average + super mini bands x 20 x 5

Spread-eagle sit-up
  bw x 20 x 5
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6 21 DE Upper

Fat bar speed bench + doubled mini bands 
  205 x 3 x 9

Fat bar bench press
  235 x 20 close grip
  235 x 20 ultra wide grip

Body weight dips
  15 x 3

Lat pull downs behind head
  140 x 15 x 3

Dumbbell shrugs
  95s x 15 x 3

Dumbbell side raises
  25s x 12 x 3

Leg raises on bench
  15 x 4
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dogs are fighting in home

A dog trainer works to teach a dog commands used by its owner Training Tips Most dog training jobs require a training hopeful to have a high school diploma, or a general educational development...

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See more puppies at http://www.19breeders.com area, city, state, tiny, teacup, toy, standard, miniature, Big, Stocky, Large, county, North, West, South, East, metro, near, by, local dog breeders,...

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Kamis, 21 Juli 2016

Like most dog owners, you are asking what do I do to get my dog to stop barking? There are many techniques on how to make a dog stop barking. As an owner of a pet myself, I tried everything to get my dog to stop barking. The traditional methods seemed to work for a limited time, but after a while the dog just went back to its old habits. Since I really wanted to get my dog to stop barking I went on the search to find how to make a dog stop barking. If you are a concerned dog owner such as myself, you will be asking these questions. There are many solutions, and these will be covered in turn.

Firstly, there are various dog collars and sprays which can be used. Unfortunately, if your dog is older these may not be as effective as training your dog when it is young. The most important part of how to make a dog stop barking is training your dog. Although sprays may work in certain situations it does not avoid the underlying problems such as dog anxiety which causes the barking problems.

Secondly, you can send your dog to obedience training. This can vary in effectiveness and can be costly for many people, I didn’t use this to get my dog to stop barking, but many have. If you have a puppy it is most effective, and most of these obedience classes are designed for young dogs. There are cheaper classes for puppies, sometimes referred to as “puppy preschools” where you and your dog go and learn the basics of obedience training and pet socialization (including how to make a dog stop barking) which often prevents problems such as barking happening later down the track. If you have an older dog sometimes you will need specialized obedience classes for problem dogs; these are likely to cost more money and be a lot more straining on your and your pets time, particularly when you are trying to address how to make a dog stop barking.

Third and finally, you can undertake the obedience training yourself. This is what I did to get my dog to stop barking. This is by far the most effective way as unlike obedience training which often leaves you out of the picture, if you do the obedience training yourself, you will be the one the dog listens to when you are trying to make a dog stop barking. Getting the knowledge to get my dog to stop barking was simple, I used a guide I purchased on the internet, but there are many paths that you can take to train your own dog. In the end, this is the cheapest, most effective and amazingly, the least time consuming of the lot. I have bred dogs for years and used various methods, but now all I do is train my own dogs with a few proven techniques provided by experts.

If you are ever asking how do I get my dog to stop barking, next time consider some simple training steps, it will save you the time, hassle and money; and in my experience is the best method out there.

Want to know how I stopped my dog barking in 10 minutes? Read My Dog Training Tip and learn about my favorite Dog Training Book at http://trainyourdoggie.blogspot.com

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Jane_MacKenzie
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See more puppies at http://www.19breeders.com area, city, state, tiny, teacup, toy, standard, miniature, Big, Stocky, Large, county, North, West, South, East, metro, near, by, local dog breeders,...

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11 17 GPP

Stationary bike 20 mins

Stiff leg deadlift
 135 x 12 x 5

Lat pull down med grip
 130 x 12 x 3

Hanging leg raise
 20 x 3

Iron arms wrist
 20 x 3
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10 Cesar Millan Churchill et maya

Sur le site : http://tgrandin.canalblog.com/ les vidéos complètes de César Millan et son livre. Découvrez aussi,-Temple Grandin, née autiste elle comprend le...

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The Benefits Of Good Dog Training Aids

By Garnett Johnston

Dog training aids involve more than just a simple collar and leash and over the years have seen good improvements in the range and availability of these training tools. If you are taking on the task of training your own dog then there are several advantages you can benefit from by using good dog training aids to assist you in achieving the goals of your training with your dog.

An obvious case of where this is true is whilst teaching your dog to fetch. It simply cant be done without having something to be thrown, collected by the dog and brought back to you. Typically a stick is a good choice, but if you are in a park and there are dozens of similar sticks then your dog may become confused and you wont have the same success.

An alternative to the stick would be something like a training dumb-bell. These can be thrown a good distance without much effort. They are bright and easy to retrieve - even when your dog doesnt and many of these float on water if you are using it on a pond or lake. These are also easy and comfortable for your dog to pick up whereas I have seen sticks cause damage to a dogs mouth and gums over time.

Teaching your dog to heel can be aided by the use of a dog training line. This is essentially a long leash that can be used to indicate, by tugging, that you wish the dog to return to you when you issue the heel command. These training methods do not do away with the need for voice commands but instead make it easier for your dog to understand the desired response you are looking for when you do call to him.

Other training aids can include collars that discourage barking. These collars emit a pungent spray when your dog barks. The smell is not liked by the dog and over time the dog will realise that not barking prevents the release of the spray. The collar can be removed and hopefully the dog will not bark just as often as before.

If you are training your dog for more sporting activities then the use of whistles can be effective. Here you will typically issue a command to the dog like heel or sit and then back this up with a whistle command. The dog will eventually associate the whistle with the desired response. The trainer or owner can now issue the same command to the dog but over a larger distance. This technique is also used extensively by sheep farmers or herding dog owners for the same reason.

Training your own dog can provide lots of rewards and satisfaction, however it does take considerable patience. Good dog training aids can help reduce the amount of time required to reinforce the training and provide positive results. Remember to reward your dog when you see them showing the right response regardless of what training aid is being used.

The author runs a free dog training information site where you can pick up lots of hints and tips on training your dog. There are also some useful free dog training videos that can make the whole process of training your dog much easier to understand. For more advice on dogs please visit http://www.dogtraininghut.com. Training your own dog can be a rewarding and satisfying experience and will help you bond more closely with your dog.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Garnett_Johnston
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Rabu, 20 Juli 2016

CLICK HERE http://bit.ly/DogTrainingtips dog training tips for puppies,pitbulls,labs,aggressive,boxer dog training tips for puppies dog training tips for pit...

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Dogs need to play

You have made a wonderful decision! Training should begin immediately after you have gotten home with your new pet. If your dog has good training, you will find that you have a happier pet, and you will have more fun being a dog owner. These guidelines offer helpful insight into the art and science of training your pet.

Dogs need to play so always give your dog time to be a dog and to engage in normal canine behaviors. Feed your dog a balanced diet, give them space to run, and provide them with activities that will burn energy.

 When you are working on crate training with your dog or puppy small steps is what works best for them to get used to it. When they seem comfortable in it with the door open, try shutting the gate and feed them treats through the wires. At first, leave the dog enclosed in the crate for only short periods of time, such as 10 seconds, and then gradually increase the duration. If the puppy gets too upset then you increased the time too much, too fast.

 When you are house training a dog, you may want to use a crate. Let the dog out on a regular schedule to make the crate training most effective. Once your dog has acclimated to the crate, he will be far less accident-prone indoors.

 A wise tip in canine training is to always call the dog by his rightful name, rather than using any nickname or other deviation. To maintain control of your dog, you must be able to encourage a favorable response. Try this with your dog at least ten to twenty times. Avoid confusion by not calling your dog to you for punishment.

 Here are a few ways to make crate training more positive for your dog. If the dog doesnt want to go inside the crate, put a rawhide bone in there and shut the door. A tempting bone will prove too hard to resist, and the dog will be panting to get into the crate in no time. Upon entering the crate, praise your puppy to make sure it knows it did a good job.

 If your dog suffers from separation anxiety when youre away, encourage him to bond with other members of the household. This will help it be less focused on the fact that you are not home.

 Train your dog on a regular basis to make sure he understands the rules of the house. Too many owners tend to be under the impression that once they have trained their dog, thats the end of it. But pets and humans actually share the same types of habit learning systems; if they dont practice they will forget! Therefore, it is vital that your dog follows an established rule system at all times.

 When considering the possibility of hiring a professional to work with your dog, look into their background, reputation and conduct an in depth interview with them. Many animal behavior specialists have opposing opinions on how to correctly train dogs. Be sure to verify that the trainer you hire has similar ideas as yours, prior to implementing any of their tips.

 Consistency is key during your training sessions. Pick a single word or gesture for each command, action or behavior and use it exclusively. Dogs are able to associate repeated words or actions with the requested response. Consistency is essential to training. Establish a short list of vocabulary associated with communicating with your dog.

 Take small steps when crate training your dog. Once your dog seems to have acclimated to the crate itself, close the gate and feeding him through it. Begin with small intervals, and work your way up to longer times. If the dog becomes upset, then you need to take a step back and slow down the training.

 Effective dog training requires instilling good behaviors from day one. It is far simpler to teach a dog to do something the right way than to break bad habits. For example, if you are adamant about your dog not being a beggar, then never make any exceptions to handing him food from your table.

 Dogs generally focus on one thing while ignoring everything around them, unless something interrupts that intense focus. If you keep up with his training, your dog will look to you more often for direction rather than looking to the environment.

 Make sure that your dog has enough sleeping space, especially when the dog is a big one that likes to sprawl. Think about getting your dog an actual dog bed that fits its larger size; crib mattresses work great, too. There are several advantages to doing this since you are able to change the cover with frequency and ease when using fitted sheets. This is also good because mattresses for cribs are waterproof.

 Challenge your dog frequently. Give him "quizzes" to make sure he still knows his stuff, even if you both know he does.

 There are many different approaches that can be used to crate train a new puppy. Many dogs are intimidated by the crate. To cure this, place something they enjoy in it and shut the door. If a dog sees something in the crate that they want, they will desire to enter it. Praise your dog once he gets into the crate.

 Although there are many benefits to using a harness, you will have less control over your dog than if he is wearing a cinch collar. Keep your dog on his harness, but also use your cinching collar. Tug on his collar when its absolutely necessary, and your dog will soon learn how to obey wearing the harness alone.

 You do not want to use wee-wee pads when potty training your dog. The problem with the wee-wee pads is that they leak and leave enzymes from urine and feces behind. Potty pads can also mislead your dog into thinking that similarly shaped items throughout your home, like rugs, are appropriate places to go. Teaching your dog the appropriate place to go from the start is always the more practical idea.

 Communication is one of the essential aspects of training your dog. Make sure you are clear and consistent when you are working with your dog. This means to be consistent not only with words, but with corrections and rewards. Be well aware that your dog is telling you something too. They will inform you of whether or not they are overworked, anxious, or having a great day.

 You can prevent your dog from destroying your home by keeping it outdoors when you are away from the house. When this isnt possible, you want to provide things that both appeal to your dog and that are okay for the dog to chew on. Establishing acceptable chews toys is also about keeping those things you do not want your dog to chew up behind closed doors or well out out of reach.

 Dogs that have received no training are likely to destroy your possessions and try your patience. If you use the advice in this article, you will be ready to teach your dog that skills will help the owner-pet relationship..
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Selasa, 19 Juli 2016

One of the most effective ways of house breaking any boxer puppy or boxer dog is crate training. Crate training is a very efficient and very effective training method, since it works with the natural instinct of the boxer dog to achieve the desired result of a clean house and a well trained boxer dog.

Basically the concept behind crate training is that a boxer dog naturally strives to avoid soiling the area where it eats and sleeps. By placing the boxer dog in the crate, this instinct is enhanced. The boxer dog will come to see the crate as its den, and it will try to avoid soiling its den.

The key to successful crate training for a boxer puppy or an older boxer dog, as with other forms of boxer dog training, is to establish a good routine. This routine will enhance the ability of the boxer dog to do its business in the right place, and avoid eliminating in the wrong place. It is important to shower the boxer dog with praise each and every time it eliminates in the established toilet area, and not to express frustration or anger when the boxer dog makes a mistake.

It is important to confine your boxer dog or boxer puppy to a small part of the house, generally one puppy proofed room, when you are not at home. The room should contain a soft bed, fresh water and some favorite toys to prevent your boxer dog from becoming bored and frustrated.

Crate training is different from confining your boxer dog to one room, however. With crate training, your boxer puppy or boxer dog is confined to a crate when unsupervised. The idea is that the boxer dog will think of this crate as its home, and not want to soil is home.

When crate training, it is important to remove the boxer dog from the crate as soon as possible after returning home, and to take the boxer dog promptly to the previously established toilet area. When the boxer dog does its business in this toilet area, be sure to provide lots of praise and treats. It is important that the boxer dog learn to associate proper toilet procedures with good things like treats and toys. It is important to never leave the boxer dog in its crate for long periods of time, as this will confuse the dog and force it to soil its sleeping area. The crate is simply a tool, and it should not be abused by leaving the boxer dog in it for extended periods of time. If the boxer dog is left in the crate for too long, it could set back the training program by weeks if not months.

The boxer dog should only be confined to the crate when you are at home. Except for at night the boxer dog should be given the opportunity to relieve itself every 45 minutes or so. Each time the boxer dog is taken out, it should be put on a leash and immediately taken outside. Once outside the house, the boxer dog should be given three to five minutes to do its business. If the dog does not eliminate in this time period, it should be immediately returned to the create.

If the boxer dog does its business during the set time period, it should be rewarded with praise, food, play, affection and either an extended walk or a period of play inside or outside the home. During the crate training period, it is important to keep a daily diary of when the dog does its business each day. If the dog is on a regular feeding schedule, the toilet schedule should be consistent as well. Having a good idea of when the dog needs to eliminate each day will be a big help during the house training process. After the dog has used his established toilet area, you will be able to give the dog free run of the house to play and enjoy himself.

Dealing with accidents during crate training

It is very important to not punish the puppy or boxer dog when it makes a mistake or has an accident during the crate training process. If there has been an accident, simply clean it up. Accidents during house training mean that you have provided the dog with unsupervised access to the house too quickly. The dog should not be allowed unsupervised access to the home until you can trust her bowel and bladder habits. If mistakes do occur, it is best to go back to crate training. Taking a couple of steps back will help move the house training process along, while moving too quickly could set things back.

John Samuels is the proud owner of two beautiful boxers called Napoleon and Buck. If you found this tip useful and would like some more tips on boxer care please visit my Boxer Dog Trainings site at http://boxerdogtraining.evenpick.com

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=John_Samuels
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8 14 Circa Max Week 2

Circa Max, week 2 (work up to 80% of top set from week 1, briefs only)

Box squat + strong & average bands (350 lbs tension)
  65 x 3
  155 x 2
  add briefs
  245 x 2
  335 x 1
  425 x 1
  455 x 1

Reverse Hyper
  360 x 15
  410 x 15 x 4

Sled drags 200 ft
  4 plates x 3 trips forward
  3 plates x 3 trips backwards

One-arm seated row
  60 x 15 x 3

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Sur le site : http://tgrandin.canalblog.com/ les vidéos complètes de César Millan et son livre. Découvrez aussi,-Temple Grandin, née autiste elle comprend le...

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http://dog-think.com (free dog training guide link... it will be sent to your email, but its good) - Hey everybody! If you want to learn how to train your do...

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9 27 DE Upper

Pull-over Machine
  100 x 20 x 5

Lateral Raise Machine
  60 x 20 x 5

Spread-Eagle Sit-ups
  bw x 20 x 5
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9 10 GPP

2000 meter row

45 degree back extension x 15 x 3

hanging knee raise x 15 x 3
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Senin, 18 Juli 2016

How To Train Your Dog

By David Whitby

Every owner wants to give training to his dog. But it is not as simple as it looks like. To train a dog, one should have a great patient and knowledge about how to train a dog.

Normally you can see that puppies are habitual of biting and grabbing each other by their mouths. The very first thing you have to teach your dog is that human skin is more sensitive than a puppies or a doggie skin and his habit of biting hurts you. Although a puppy biting is not so harmful but a adult can cause a severe damage when it bites. For this, what you have to do is that whenever your puppy tries to touch you with its teeth, in harsh tone say “OUCH”. It will show to your puppy that it will hurt you. Also you have to teach your puppy that “OFF” means not to touch. For this every time when you give meals to your puppy, do the following process for at least 5 minutes:

Hold some dry food in your hand, say “Take it” with love and give a piece of food to your puppy. In the mean time hide rest of the food in your hand and say “Off” with a lovely voice. If your puppy has not touched your hand for next 5 seconds then say “Take it” and give him a piece of food again. Do like this daily for 5 to 10 minutes. It will also help to stop your dog from mouthing.

The most important thing you should do to civilize your dog is:

1. Always REWARD your dog whenever it will do something, which you expect from him. By doing this the result is that your dog will continue to do that thing.

2. Never REWARD it for what you don’t want from it to do.

But always remember that a reward for a dog is different from the reward for a person. As a reward, give it something what it likes. For example: Freedom, Food, Ball, which your dog likes most.

Sometimes punishment is also necessary, but it should be very rare. Punishment should be given to it only for “Anti-Social” behavior. As a punishment you can hit your dog or do something what the dog doesn’t like. For example: ignore it for some time etc. This will help you to train your dog very much. Dogs like to listen their name in your talks. So use its name when you want to call it. Or if you want to give it snacks or food, use your dog’s name instead of saying “Snacks” etc. It will also help you to call it back.

You should give around one hour to train your dog. It should be five to ten minutes at a time and two to three times per day. So that it will be habitual of those things which you want to teach your dog

Mydogspics provides information on different types of dog breeds, pictures of dogs, blogs, latest dog news, discussion forums, classifieds etc. For more information, write back to us at articles@mydogspics.com

URL: http://www.mydogspics.com

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=David_Whitby
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