Head collars are NOT muzzles
or doggy death traps
or doggy death traps
Have you ever seen those little face contraptions that some people use while walking their dogs that look like these?

Head collars have been around for a few years now so they are a fairly new concept that is still not widely accepted or known about. Head collars are used to ease your dog from pulling on a walk. A dogs face is very sensitive so when you lead your dog by his face he will be less likely to pull since dogs
do not like the pressure. This way of walking a dog works in a similar way as leading a horse and is indeed very safe for dogs. As opposed to muzzles your dog will still have full use of his mouth when wearing one.
However, when first putting on these collars your dogs may not like it so you will have to get them use to the head collar by letting them wear it around the house during the day and giving them treats for not pawing it off their face! They will also need the same training while out on walks although some dogs have instantaneous results and will stop pulling as soon as you put it on, others will spend a relentless amount of time trying to get it off their face and that is why it is very important to get them use to it before hand.
If your dog pulls I would highly recommend trying these out! They are a far better option (safer) than choke or prong collars and they come in all different sizes. There are a few different brands of head collars also, some have different padding for extra comfort for your pooch. Choose one you or your dog likes and make sure it is the right fit!
Click Here for a good back up article to read about how safe head collars are for dogs and how they work
However, when first putting on these collars your dogs may not like it so you will have to get them use to the head collar by letting them wear it around the house during the day and giving them treats for not pawing it off their face! They will also need the same training while out on walks although some dogs have instantaneous results and will stop pulling as soon as you put it on, others will spend a relentless amount of time trying to get it off their face and that is why it is very important to get them use to it before hand.
If your dog pulls I would highly recommend trying these out! They are a far better option (safer) than choke or prong collars and they come in all different sizes. There are a few different brands of head collars also, some have different padding for extra comfort for your pooch. Choose one you or your dog likes and make sure it is the right fit!
Click Here for a good back up article to read about how safe head collars are for dogs and how they work
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